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(i always prefer Grineer weaponry over fart guns)

*approaches a cell, it's quiet small for the amount of the people staying inside* Psst, you seen this guy recently? *shows a picture of Dutygamer*

Yes, but you better be quick, he just got sent to the execution chambers

Alright, thanks...

*reaches the execution point in time to see the guards shoot Dutygamer* Noooo! *shoots them with Hek, then approaches the body* Don't worry, I'll get you out of here.

Don't bother, I won't make it. *cough* Listen, there's a secret compartment where they keep the nation's gold. Probably got something to do with cross dimensional energies

What do you expect me to do, crack it open and pray? Say no more, I'll get you somewhere safe. *swings Duty onto his back*

Edited by Trailgamer5
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