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Anyone Else Would Have Prefered New Clan Weapons To Get Buffed Instead Of Made Cheaper?


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I would have preferred them re-tuned to be worth the original cost and mastery rank requirement, doesn't making them cheaper and keeping them in their current state undermine the planned/proposed tiered system of weapons? ie the clan tech weapons should be the most expensive, but also the best (or as good as primes, or close to, not sure on that one).

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Imo I shouldn't feel obligated to join a clan because they have access to the "best" weapons. They should have team-oriented weapons, this decision to segregate these weapons to clans is stupid period.


You guys shouldn't also be the most powerful just because you wear a badge representing some fellowship.

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Imo I shouldn't feel obligated to join a clan because they have access to the "best" weapons. They should have team-oriented weapons, this decision to segregate these weapons to clans is stupid period.


You guys shouldn't also be the most powerful just because you wear a badge representing some fellowship.

you can always join a zerg clan grab the research stuff and leave, it's not a big deal

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Imo I shouldn't feel obligated to join a clan because they have access to the "best" weapons. They should have team-oriented weapons, this decision to segregate these weapons to clans is stupid period.


You guys shouldn't also be the most powerful just because you wear a badge representing some fellowship.


It's a co-op oriented PvE game, being a complete loner isn't exactly the optimal way to play it.

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Imo I shouldn't feel obligated to join a clan because they have access to the "best" weapons. They should have team-oriented weapons, this decision to segregate these weapons to clans is stupid period.


You guys shouldn't also be the most powerful just because you wear a badge representing some fellowship.


Then make your own clan. I funded latest 4 clan tech researches my self. 10 man clans have quite small costs for those so no biggie. Some people have build whole dojos alone too.

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Imo I shouldn't feel obligated to join a clan because they have access to the "best" weapons. They should have team-oriented weapons, this decision to segregate these weapons to clans is stupid period.


You guys shouldn't also be the most powerful just because you wear a badge representing some fellowship.

I could be wrong: It looks like the 3 Tenno weapons(soma is the first) will be the alternative to the Clan weapon for the high tier weapons.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Then make your own clan. I funded latest 4 clan tech researches my self. 10 man clans have quite small costs for those so no biggie. Some people have build whole dojos alone too.

You still have to be a clan either way to get the clan tech weapons, it doesn't make a difference if you join or create your own, plus many don't have the time to farm for the resources needed to build a dojo on top of whatever weapons they're trying to get outside the dojo and on top whatever resources are needed to research the weapons as well as the resources to craft those weapons afterwards if they wanted to build their own dojo.


Obviously you could just join a clan, get what you want, then leave it, but it's still the same as trying to join or create one solely for the weapons alone.

Edited by __Kanade__
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Please no, or only minorly if they had to be buffed, I have had enough with powercreep rotting this game.

so you mean weapons that require rank 8 should be the same as powerfull as noob weapons? your powercreep doesnt apply here, please retreat from playing warframe and dont come back, you are only lowering everyones IQ with your posts

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Cheap and good? not sure I like that, imo stuff should cost as much materials and effort as they're worth.

They are still not cheap and have the highest mastery requirement in game and some of the highest resource requirements. My comment about useless was directed mainly at Embolist, I have no idea how Synapse will turnout after the armor revamp. I am all for making the cost of the weapon a reflection of how good it is. I am not advocating power creep, I just do not like novelty weapons or expensive boondoggles .

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It's a co-op oriented PvE game, being a complete loner isn't exactly the optimal way to play it.


I play in co-op PvE. I'm not a loner. But I shouldn't be FORCED to join a CLAN because they have better items. I don't want to feel OBLIGATED to socialize with people so I can get a particular item, nor should I have to jump through a bunch of hoops (or potentially exploit a group of people to get what I want) to get this stuff. Farming mats, getting blueprints etc. I'm fine with, but this is an extra layer of nonsense that makes no sense beyond being an arbitrary step.


There is a difference between being a loner and anti-social. I can be a great teammate without ever having to enter a chatroom, and I frequently am.


Then make your own clan. I funded latest 4 clan tech researches my self. 10 man clans have quite small costs for those so no biggie. Some people have build whole dojos alone too.


That's beyond the point, but also part of the problem. I COULD create a clan and do this all myself. Why is this arbitrary roadblock in place when it's completely unnecessary?


in all honesty all those solo whiners = they want everything getting stuffed up their asses. if you don't have time to research and don't want to but have it easy join a mass clan,


I think YOU missed the point. The point is that teamwork happens in Warframe on a daily basis. I work together with all sorts of Tenno to complete missions. Why is it that because you fly someone else's banner that you get access to stronger stuff than me? 


You're not working any harder than I am, and I'd argue that I actually work harder because I need to find groups that aren't all ready established to go into the Void or derelict etc.. I oftentimes play with people that don't even speak my native language, or people that aren't using optimal equipment, or are under experienced (personally or equipment-wise) and ninety-percent of the time I get the job done regardless.


When I want something from the market or the Void I set a goal for myself and I work for it; I group up with random people and I (surprise) play as a team to complete a common objective. But because I'm not "aligning" myself with some clan there are items that I will literally never be able to acquire and will always be outperformed when compared to people that do.


Fact is that you're not doing anything differently than I am, yet I'm being punished because DE put up arbitrary roadblocks for no reason other than to convince people to "play as a team" when that's what the ENTIRE game is based around. I do that daily. I don't have "Bibblyboop clan" on my profile though so I'm shut off from better gear. 


Oh well I guess, I'll play with a handicap, but don't kid yourself - I'm as much of a teamplayer as people in clans, and a lot of "solo" players are. Enjoy your toys, I suppose, but don't make us out to be some sort of criminal because we don't play the way you want us to.

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I dont want power creep.

It would be nice to have them due to different mechanics compared to my other clan weapons.

They need to be sidegrades clan weapons! A bit maybe better due to mastery rank 8.

Synapse shouldn't make Flux rifle obsole. Same for embolist <=> acrid.

Btw. Acrid is OP.

Spectra needs a buff.

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I dont want power creep.

It would be nice to have them due to different mechanics compared to my other clan weapons.

They need to be sidegrades clan weapons! A bit maybe better due to mastery rank 8.

Synapse shouldn't make Flux rifle obsole. Same for embolist <=> acrid.

Btw. Acrid is OP.

Spectra needs a buff.

Flux is still the best Continuos Gun in the game and I'm not exactly sure where you're getting Synapse is better... Synapse is an amazing gun... for Corpus. Flux is overall and the Serrated Blade makes it better in most cases also. So yeah, Flux was never made Obsolete, actually so far from what I've seen Dual Ichor and Synapse are the only Research Weps out of the 4 Released to actually recieve some positive reviews, from what I've seen for Djinn it's a mess, and Embolist is... yeah. Only thing I want added on Dual Ichor is a DoT since it has the animation already but strangly no DoT effect along with it which just bothers me tbh, and Synapse shreds anything Corpus.

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Why so hostile to clans? make your own, you can fund stuff in the dojo in a 1-10 clan easily yourself, far more easily than a moon clan can.


I'm not hostile towards clans. I'm hostile towards people that think I'm being entitled, are abusive and/or think I want things to be easy because they don't understand what I'm trying to say.


What I am against is content being restricted behind a needless barrier for no reason. If the weapons were actually team-focused (like say, a gun that you can point at an ally and shoot them to refresh their shields) it would make sense and I wouldn't have a problem with it. DE could've created a library of creative weapons that were essentially tools for Tenno to assist one another but chose to just make weapons but make them outperform other weapons for no reason other than to "reward" teamplay and cooperation.


But as it stands the clan weapons are just better gear; there's no point to it apart from encouraging elitists to wave them in people's faces. People THINK working as a team somehow justifies them being better, but as I said in a previous post I'm doing the same thing to get items but am being punished.

Edited by DavidSPD
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I see where you're coming from, but also consider that clan gear is expensive materials wise and you need to pour a lot of materials into the research as well, and to a degree I believe in you get what you pay for, if a weapon is 10k credits on the market it should be inferior to a weapon that requires mastery 8 and a long list of not easily attainable materials.

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