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Dual Brocos


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I really want to like them.  I really do.


But after taking a fresh pair of Dual Vastos for a spin, I just can't.  The damage advantage just doesn't make up for the Vastos' better range, faster reload, and significantly superior clip size.


Is it possible for a buff to the Brocos to happen?  Even if it's just a slightly better reload speed?  Because a 2.3 base reload speed just makes them way to unwieldly for semi-automatic pistols with 4 shots.  Does anyone else agree?  Or do I just suck and the Dual Broncos are amazing and I'm just not seeing it?


...oh christ, and I just saw what the Bronco Prime's stats are, i.e. superior to the Dual Brocos in almost every way.  Seriously?

Edited by Cursor
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I really want to like them.  I really do.


But after taking a fresh pair of Dual Vastos for a spin, I just can't.  The damage advantage just doesn't make up for the Vastos' better range, faster reload, and significantly superior clip size.


Is it possible for a buff to the Brocos to happen?  Even if it's just a slightly better reload speed?  Because a 2.3 base reload speed just makes them way to unwieldly for semi-automatic pistols with 4 shots.  Does anyone else agree?  Or do I just suck and the Dual Broncos are amazing and I'm just not seeing it?


...oh christ, and I just saw what the Bronco Prime's stats are, i.e. superior to the Dual Brocos in almost every way.  Seriously?


Dual Vastos and Dual Broncos have different roles; one's gunslinging, the other's more designed for burst DPS/run and gun. It's a challenge to run out of ammo with the Dual Broncos, especially with the right mods and/or ammo boxes. Just for kicks, you should finally consider that the Dual Broncos have technically better burst/overall DPS than the Bronco Prime thanks to the higher fire rate.

Edited by ChaoticVice777
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To Chaotic, I realize that they're not used in precisely the same way( although I'm not quite sure what the distincting you're trying to make is between "gunslinging" and "running-and-gunning"), but the Dual Broncos can lose so much damage just over a short distance, and most fights don't happen with you butting the barrels against the enemy's face.  And on that subject, the slower reload makes getting into extremely close range so much more awkward and dangerous since you have so much more downtime (yeah, half a second is a lot, especially when reloads happen three times as often).


And Zedoth, the only area I can see the Prime being inferior to the Dual Broncos is in fire rate.  That hardly seems like a playstyle-defining distinction to me.

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To Chaotic, I realize that they're not used in precisely the same way( although I'm not quite sure what the distincting you're trying to make is between "gunslinging" and "running-and-gunning"), but the Dual Broncos can lose so much damage just over a short distance, and most fights don't happen with you butting the barrels against the enemy's face.  And on that subject, the slower reload makes getting into extremely close range so much more awkward and dangerous since you have so much more downtime (yeah, half a second is a lot, especially when reloads happen three times as often).

So you dislike shotguns in general. A fast or tanky Frame should use Dual Broncos. A weaker Frame should use something like the Vastos.


Oh, and every Frame should just use an Acrid. ;)

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I actually really like shotguns, but I will admit that the Hek is my least favorite, followed by the Boar because it's so goddamn bad with ammo.  I adore the Strun and the Sobek is probably one of my favorite weapons in the game.


Seriously, what is up with the Acrid?  I don't have one but it seems like everyone uses it.  Is it really that much better than everything?

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I actually really like shotguns, but I will admit that the Hek is my least favorite, followed by the Boar because it's so goddamn bad with ammo.  I adore the Strun and the Sobek is probably one of my favorite weapons in the game.


Seriously, what is up with the Acrid?  I don't have one but it seems like everyone uses it.  Is it really that much better than everything?

Unfortunately, it is. There are multiple videos showing an Acrid killing every boss in seconds. The Acrid basically kills everything in seconds, actually. It's literally better than every primary. Not even the Soma was able to take the throne, outclassing everything in DPS but the Acrid.


Also, the Bronco series reminds me of the Strun, but in pistol form. Would you rather just bring an actual Strun and something more accurate for your secondary?


EDIT: Actually, I checked my sources for the Soma-Acrid thing, and I'm not sure if that's accurate.

Edited by AlchemistMute
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Dang.  You'd think that DE would want to reign that in real quick.  Or at least bring other weapons up to speed.  Like the waste of space that is the Grakata.


You know looking at the actual stats, I have no idea why I had such a good experience with the Strun while the Dual Brocos frustrated me.  They're pretty similar, all things considered.  Perhaps it's that the slightly increased accuracy and higher pellet count together made it feel more reliable at medium range?  Or the fact that it has a larger magazine size.  6 shots, objectively, isn't that much more than 4, but it does feel extremely different while actually in a firefight, especially when it can bump up to 10 while the Brocos barely make it to 5.

Edited by Cursor
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Dang.  You'd think that DE would want to reign that in real quick.  Or at least bring other weapons up to speed.  Like the waste of space that is the Grakata.


You know looking at the actual stats, I have no idea why I had such a good experience with the Strun while the Dual Brocos frustrated me.  They're pretty similar, all things considered.  Perhaps it's that the slightly increased accuracy and higher pellet count together made it feel more reliable at medium range?  Or the fact that it has a larger magazine size.  6 shots, objectively, isn't that much more than 4, but it does feel extremely different while actually in a firefight, especially when it can bump up to 10 while the Brocos barely make it to 5.

My Dual Broncos hit 6 shots with Ice Storm alone and reload fairly quickly. While they aren't so reliable at longer range, it just feels sooo joyful to see 12 numbers pop and a large portion of the HP bar disappear when I shoot one burst. Especially when I can shoot a ton of bursts in a couple seconds.

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The Dual Broncos are in no need of a buff. They do an extreme amount of damage more, and, if I'm not mistaken, has the highest burst DPS available.
It seems very obvious that it's a matter of personal choice for you.

Are you modding correctly? Do you have them both potaoted? Are they similar (within one or two) ranks?
Those are the top three reasons people mistakenly dislike or disregard a weapon.

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