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Synthesis & Codex Scanner (bug)


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Hey guys, dont know why but suddenly after the last couple of hotfixes the Synthesis and Codex Scanners keep disappearing from my inventory. I mean completely, I have to rebuy them again, I had 70+ 1 minute, then the next they are all gone lol. Not only that but I noticed switching to my Synthese Scanner during missions is now bugging out, one minute im in the UI of taking the scan and the next im back on my weapon. Like I said, this has only been since the past coupld of hotfixes in the last 2 days. It was fine before then.


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3 hours ago, [DE]Tweep said:

We are looking into this issue. In the meantime please create a support ticket here - support.warframe.com

Ahh okay, was going to make a support ticket but I didnt see about (game bugs) more like tecnical issues etc... Thanks 🙂

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@[DE]Tweep according to this: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203729140-How-can-I-report-a-bug- I have posted in the right place. So now I am confused as you are pointing me to the wrong place 😛

This isnt a game breaking problem, just a BUG in the game itself, I have just been in game and its happened again, the scanners (both) are keep disappearing from my inventory after buying them, if you check my game account you will have noticed I have spent a lot the past few days buying them for them to just disappear again. 😞 

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