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I've given some thought to Nyx of late. I analyzed her abilities and where they can be applied and how they're useful. I like the rework sort of. It's definitely an improvement to her 1 & 2. Chaos has always been a decent crowd control ability. The problem has always been the 4th ability. It 'can' nuke. But after about 30 seconds of build up time. The way all of the abilities operate together, it's basically encouraging you to play this frame solo, the mind control ability gives you one converted buddy, the darts strip too little enemy's to benefit anybody but your own proximity, the chaos is an "oh sh*t" button, and absorb is a slightly different "oh sh*t" button. If I see a Rhino, Nova, Banshee, Saryn or Nekros. I'll just throw up a "GG" and go make some food or something. Due to the fact that they all have abilities that do what Nyx can do but better.

I was leveling my Prime variant at Helene - Saturn with some random Tenno brethren, and eventually found myself standing on the cyropod just watching YouTube on my phone or looking up unrelated stuff. All the while, Nova, Saryn, Wukong, Rhino, Excalibur, Hydroid, Oberon and Nidus all nuked each wave. Coming back to the cyropod I was standing on crying, they started laughing in my face and then threw me into a grineer locker, all I could hear from the outside was them calling me names.

Now to get to my point, just giving a player experience perspective and reference to how Nyx has aged. The 4th ability can easily be reworked into the ultimate compliment to Nyx's ideals. While maintaining the absorb aspects. It's going to need a balance to ability strength in some way, I'm thinking that's where you guys (DE) get concerned, keeping the frame balanced. Instead of a full orb around the Nyx impeding movement completely, unless augmented giving memeable movement. If you were to somewhat mimic Volt's shield, except give it a 360° horizontal coverage and have it be statically placed on the Nyx, allow full movement, reduce the effective range and increase the ability drain. For example 30 energy cost to cast base, 6 energy per second drain base, 12m base range. Have the ability function just like absorb, having the enemy attacks soak into the shield and be dispatched upon activation or energy depletion doing the same numbers as absorb. This change would allow for an awesome effect change as well, maybe even showing bullets being stopped on the shield, floating there waiting to be launched back at her foes. These simple changes, to only one ability would be simple to do and make a rework actually seem like a rework. Her first 3 abilities are nice, and got slightly better after the rework.

In conclusion, this change wouldn't even put Nyx way up there in the "overpowered" realm. Given the shield would only be horizontal coverage, making explosives and grineer rollers something to consider. Just being able to zoom around like every other frame and maybe build up something to do damage but placing the damage in a strategic way. It's just depressing seeing one of your favorite frames being swept under the rug all the while watching every frame, even the older ones like Rhino, surpass you and receive updates as necessary to keep them playable and keep up with the newer speed/nuke/cc playstyles.

As for my fellow Tenno, these are all suggestions and perspective coming from me personally, if you don't have anything nice to say, say it anyways IDC lmao

Edited by PopTartZombie
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