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I Give Up, Some Does More Ap Dps Than Even Flux


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i don't understand half of the meaning of whats on that chart....whats CH stand for? CD? CD + CH, MULTI CRIT? what does that mean? and thats not all either...ugh!



also what is average damage based on? is it an entire clip? or what >.>


Critical Hit = Point Strike

Critical Damage = Vital Sense

Hammer Shot


And average damage means per shot with crit change and multiplier calculated to it.


Feel free to download sheet from here: http://turpasauna.tontut.fi/book1.xlsx

Edited by Patzer
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i don't understand half of the meaning of whats on that chart....whats CH stand for? CD? CD + CH, MULTI CRIT? what does that mean? and thats not all either...ugh!



also what is average damage based on? is it an entire clip? or what >.>


Critical Hit (CH; Point Strike), Critical Damage (CD; Vital Sense), and Hammer Shot (HS; Hammer Shot).

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Last time I checked the Soma doesnt shoot lasers, fire, electricity, plasma bolts, saw blades, exploding arrows, nails, spikes, poison darts, poison spray, HE rockets, poison rockets, or something awesome.


I have a soma, and have formaed it IIRC.


I dont use it as it makes the game dull, I play to be a magical space ninja, not to be the most effective, or the most damaging.

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Last time I checked the Soma doesnt shoot lasers, fire, electricity, plasma bolts, saw blades, exploding arrows, nails, spikes, poison darts, poison spray, HE rockets, poison rockets, or something awesome.


I have a soma, and have formaed it IIRC.


I dont use it as it makes the game dull, I play to be a magical space ninja, not to be the most effective, or the most damaging.


Well, good for you then. Like I said play as you like, use what you like.

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It really is power creep. It's like newer is almost always better and the old is left behind.


I really want to see if there is ever going to be a weapon rework/tweak. It really is a shame that some of the neat weapons (e.g. Burston, Latron) will never make it to the late game. To make matter worse, older prime weapons like the Braton Prime and Latron Prime are really over its "prime" time. They look fantastic, is hard to acquire, takes 10 cells to build, but good luck using them in Void T3.


I do agree that we should play what we like. But sometimes, a weapon is so good its tough to hate. Older weapons have distinct advantages and disadvantages. Braton prime is full auto but lacks firepower and polarity. Latron prime is strong but has long reload time coupled with a rather small magazine size. Boltor is AP and full auto but your rounds have a travel time and low base damage. Yes, those are lower tier weapons. But I think its time we should expand sideways then to always move upwards.


P.S: I love my Paris Prime and Hikou. The only consolation in this game is, you don't exactly need high powered weapon till situations like T3 or high level defense.

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Last time I checked the Soma doesnt shoot lasers, fire, electricity, plasma bolts, saw blades, exploding arrows, nails, spikes, poison darts, poison spray, HE rockets, poison rockets, or something awesome.


I have a soma, and have formaed it IIRC.


I dont use it as it makes the game dull, I play to be a magical space ninja, not to be the most effective, or the most damaging.


interesting, i play to be just that, an unstoppable killing machine! :D

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