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Continuous Fire Weapons Need Some Bugs Fixed


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So we now have quite a few weapons using the continuous fire (Held Trigger) template. Where once only the Flux and Ignis existed we now have the Flux, Ignis, Spectra, Embolist, and Synapse. Furthermore: some of these weapons are very beloved by the community as a whole, and all of them are expensive clan research weapons and thus deserve to be powerful in lieu of the difficulty in their acquisition.

However, there are some nasty bugs holding them back from their true potential:

  • Ammo Drain - No matter what you do, they will always drain 10 ammo per second.  This means even weapons like the Embolist that should drain 1.7 per second base still drain 10.
  • Fire-Rate Mods - No fire-rate mods benefit them at all.  Regardless of this they still allow you to equip them if you don't know any better, and because of this they just waste mod slots for nothing.
  • Physics Impact - All continuous fire weapons have a very large physics impact on items.  They tend to send drops into low orbit.  This, while funny, is extremely detremental if you're attempting to farm a boss for warframe parts or get materials to build other weaopons and/or warframes.

The first two bugs really come down to one thing: continuous fire weapons have a set rate of fire dictated by the weapon template which is unaffected by any external source, even that of the weapon's stats themselves.  This is a major problem.  Because of this weapons like the Spectra, Ignis, and Embolist are denied some of their balancing factors as ammo-efficient guns.  Furthermore: they will never be able to reach their true DPS potential as you cannot enhance their fire-rate what-so-ever.  This needs to be addressed A.S.A.P.  It was ok being a low-priority fix given the fact that only the Flux was really ever used, but now with the buff to the Ignis and the advent of the Spectra, Embolist, and Synapse this bug is holding back quite a few guns.  The UI currently reflects the stats correctly, so it can't be that hard to fix.

The third bug really should be fixed by not allowing weapon physics to affect drop items.  Things like Vortex are fine, but this bug doesn't only affect continuous fire weapons.  I can't tell you how many times an Excalibur has slash-dashed our loot across the room on a boss kill or someone using a Heavy Melee has played baseball with it by accident.  It's frustrating and unnecessary.


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  • Physics Impact - All continuous fire weapons have a very large physics impact on items.  They tend to send drops into low orbit.  This, while funny, is extremely detremental if you're attempting to farm a boss for warframe parts or get materials to build other weaopons and/or warframes.



I basically agree with everything, anyway this point in particular deserves to be fixes as soon as possible!

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You forgot the other major bug with them: they have no semi-auto fire rate cap so that Serrated Blade Flux when used with a macro (or when fire is bound to the mouse wheel) can vaporize most bosses in the game by instantly unloading its entire magazine.

I did indeed forget that one, as I don't use it and thus don't run into it often.

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I agree with everything, I would like my continous weapons buffed, at least a little bit. I would also like the spectra to be HITSCAN like the friggen Fluxrifle instead of just shooting out a weird tongue laser that goes zzzEooooP

I'd like a direct buff to the Spectra as well, but DE should focus on fixing the underlying issues with the weapon archetype first in my opinion.

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The ammo drain bug needs to be fixed as soon as the infected clan tech buff comes around. Although the Embolist is definitely usuable even with its current ammo drain. The bug Volt_Cruelerz mentioned should also become a high priority. The other bugs are annoying, but I don't think of them as being a big issue right now.

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The ammo drain bug needs to be fixed as soon as the infected clan tech buff comes around. Although the Embolist is definitely usuable even with its current ammo drain. The bug Volt_Cruelerz mentioned should also become a high priority. The other bugs are annoying, but I don't think of them as being a big issue right now.

I'm pretty sure the Ammo Drain and Fire Rate bugs are one in the same. I think the feature that Volt_Cruelerz mentioned could very easily be fixed at the same time as the fire rate problems.

I honestly think that all of these bugs need to be addressed as soon as possible.

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