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BROFRAME is the largest collection of Tenno under a single banner. In our past, we had the fastest growing and largest dojo, we’ve plowed through clan-tech research, and we’ve zerged weekend events, which led to DE creating a new set of rules to create balance for the smaller clans (<4k members). We relied heavily on our strength in numbers to provide easy access to all forms of end-game content around the clock by holding unfiltered open invites into the clan.

That, however, was yesterday..

Today exists BROFRAME INFERNO. We are an alliance composed of four active clans with four more at the ready. Each active clan carries the same set of rules and standards as the main entity while providing access to a fully featured dojo, loads of clan-tech, and the BROFRAME Alliance in-game channel, which allows all of its members to communicate and organize Void runs, farming parties, etc.

BROFRAME’s Code of Conduct:

  • Don’t be a &#036;&amp;*^
That’s it, and as simple as it sounds it’s still misinterpreted by some. Here are a couple examples: If you’re an individual who speaks his mind on the forums without resorting to personal attacks, you aren't being a &#036;&amp;*^. However, if you’re one who throws around disparaging/nonconstructive comments towards other players in chat/during missions, you are being a &#036;&amp;*^.

BROFRAME isn't an entity where childish and unacceptable behavior will be dismissed as “Meh, it’s the internet.”

To apply to BROFRAME you will need to at least be Mastery level 4 and follow these simple steps:

1. Post your IGN

2. Submit a screenshot of your profile/stats page. We want to see everything from General Stats to Average Cipher Time in one shot along with your name and mastery rank at the top

3. Use the word “pancakes” in a sentence.

Any applications not following the above steps will be ignored or considered outdated. Don't forget to leave any clan you are in and/or clear any pending invites before applying. If you meet the above requirements, you're highly likely to get accepted. This will change once the clans have reached capacity.

Upon being accepted into BROFRAME, you will be invited into one of the following clans based on the needs of the alliance:

Inactivity for a period greater than several weeks will lead to dismissal from the clan, but you are free to reapply whenever you return to Warframe.

Thank you for applying and remember..





here are my stats and have a good day :D 


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At this point all applications have been read.  Please by patient while we assign you to a clan and your clans recruiter(s) to send out invite(s).


Also, if you guys could refrain from quoting huge portions of text it would keep this thread a lot cleaner (eg.: the first post by mike). 




Pancakes are made of batter.




Congratulations on reaching mastery rank 4 and meeting the requirements this time. 


IGN : usedtokio


my Cat makes me pancakes!



So far you have the most hours spent ingame of all that have applied.  Congratulations sir.


IGN: Dannyman94146

I used pancakes in a sentence.

Profile/stats/mastery rank https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=523415274400028&set=a.170186956389530.41701.100001946819256&type=1&theater


Sry I couldn't get steam to be competent but it works

I could not access your picture because facebook blocked me from viewing it.  Could you perhaps upload it to another website more tolerant of public view?


Who the hell are you?! Are you a leader, or even a part of Broframe? if not, then where the hell do you get off telling me what is and isn't acceptable?!


I did my pancake sentence, i did my screenshot and I gave them my IGN in the hopes i could join something bigger and better, and therefore make my Warframe gaming ultimately more enjoyable. I did the paint stuff because who knows if ill make rank 4 by the time the recruitment is still open, and with their popularity, it probably wont be for very long.


Stop picking up on people who are trying to have a good time by applying, because you come across as breaking Broframe's one and only code of conduct rule.

I haven't been following the conversation all the way, however, as far as I can tell, everybody on this thread has been simply trying to help you.  I don't care who's at fault, if I hear one more word of argument from this I will personally make sure your stay in the BROFRAME Alliance is short lived.  This is not the place for debate or argument.  If you have a question or problem, contact somebody who you KNOW is staff directly, not escalate the situations.  Two wrongs do not make a right (but three rights make a left!). 


Ok, I remember who you are now.  I had you confused with a previous person who didn't know what "IGN" was.  When you achieve mastery rank 4, re-apply with a proper, un-edited profile picture.  Until then, I don't see why you're arguing over a joke.  Even I giggled at the attempt (denied the application, but still got a little laugh).  Just drop it.  Please. 

Edited by lstalri
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Good evening everyone! I've been playing Warframe since the earliest beta and I think is time to join this community at a full.  Broframe looks like the type of clan I like the most :)


IGN: Elimenech





Did you know Vauban has a pancake helmet?


Edited by Elimenech
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You should seriously calm down and we should seriously stop derailing the thread. I never meant any offense towards anyone. I just wanted people to take this a tad bit more seriously. And now you make a big fuss out of it. Try going for Rank 4, who knows for how long recruitment will be open. We have a fair number of slots open (or had when recruitment was first opened). Even for Mike filling up 1.5k spots isn't as easy when there are actual requirements in place.  


P.S. Yes, I'm a part of Broframe. It's been like that ever since it's inception. 


P.P.S. Unless it wasn't clear - I'm not going after you personally, calm down and wait for recruiters to review your post. 


sure mate.

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