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Gauss Disappeared For Some Reason


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I went through the whole process of earning Gauss, built all of his parts and then waited for the usual annoying, painful three day process only to find out that I cannot play with him because somehow he vanished out of my inventory.  When I checked the first time he was there, but when I tried to clear a warframe slot (AND YES I'M POSITIVE I DIDN'T DELETE HIM!) and tried to select him like usual it showed that I still had to pay plat for him.  Then I went back into my inventory and he wasn't there.  I'm sure you can imagine the frustration I feel right now after waiting all that time to play with him only to run into something like this.  I know for certain the two slots I cleared up came from deleting regular warframes such as Nyx and Limbo because I have their prime versions.  Those were the two that I deleted to clear two spots.  Again when I went to select Gauss, it showed that I had to pay for him, I then checked my inventory again and he wasn't there.  I have done my best to keep this message as positive as possible because I am very upset with this issue and hoped to see it resolved ASAP.   

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I understand your frustration, but the sequence of events is confusing.

You farmed all the components and built them, correct?

You obtained the Gauss main BP from the market and then built that in the foundry using the components, correct?

After that, it gets fuzzy.  After the 3 days, were you able to claim Gauss from the foundry?  Did it pop up a window telling you that you had no open slots to place a new frame?  At that point, did you go and clear out Nyx and Limbo?  Then, you returned to the foundry to claim Gauss and it's still telling you that you need to have open slots for a frame, or is the frame not there?  It shouldn't appear in your inventory until you claim it from the foundry.

How many free warframe slots do you have right now?  Is Gauss built in your foundry and waiting for you to claim?  I'm confused.

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