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0 Shields And Energy Drain Should Never Be Together In Nm Mode


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Everyone has a different style of play that they prefer or default to. Personally, I'm a veteran of old-school/classic FPS games (the original Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, etc) as well as late 90s-early 2000s tactical shooters, and generally default to an aggressive run-and-gun play style. I normally favor gunplay over special powers, and damage avoidance (circle strafing since 1993!) over damage mitigation. Much of these same tactics and skill sets transferred easily to Warframe.


Nightmare mode is different. There is an element of uncertainty, and some combination of handicaps render my frame so fragile relative to the opposition that I am forced to move outside my comfort zone. This is the key to the mode's fun and appeal for me.


The no shields and energy drain combo is really the only mode that is that much more difficult than normal missions. If you have shields you are not especially fragile; if you survive an encounter, you'll be as good as new in seconds. If you have energy, even without shields, you probably have powers that can either nullify the opposition (high damage or crowd control, certain uses of stealth), replace shields (damage absorption/redirection/mitigation or healing), or simply allow you to bypass foes without confrontation.


The other 'handicaps', like the timer, vampire drain, or low gravity are usually meaningless. I start with five minutes...I complete the mission with fifteen on the clock. I'm losing health, but since I can kill so quickly and easily to restore it, I'm actually able to take on groups of foes I couldn't normally. I fall...slower. Ironically, only the last one, low grav, is remotely dangerous (you are exposed for longer while leaping and have larger gaps in control of your movements).


In the end, the only way I can interpret complaints against the zero shield, energy drain, combo is as a complaint against the very existence of Nightmare Mode itself. Without this combination, Nightmare Mode is little more than a largely normal mission with an extra free mod at the end.



Just letting you know, saenol. People like muccmaster shouldn't be taken seriously. Whatever you do, they will still found a way to mock you. I appreciate your effort in doing the video, but I strongly advise you to back down immediately while you can. Never feed a troll.


Without his bizarre assertions and retorts, I would likely have ignored Nightmare Mode all together; I already played enough of it to get what I thought was good feel of it, then immediately went to grinding out all the mods in the fastest and easiest way possible (Venus exterminates/captures mostly).


However, with the challenge of demonstrating how viable zero shield + energy drain is, I've had more fun in Warframe than I have had in a long time. I've used frames I rarely touch, combinations of mods I rarely use, and tactics I normally avoid. Frankly, it's been a blast.


Neither you furthering your explanation of how NM missions with zero shield and energy drain are possible to complete (you've already established that) nor paying exclusive attention to one person (not a majority on the topic) who is trolling you is in any way useful to the topic.


I don't necessarily agree. What seems to turn off many people from this combination in NM is their assumption that it can't be done, or is not worthwhile to do.


If it takes a troll saying something foolish to rise my ire enough to try something I haven't bothered to do in a long time, and demonstrate it to others, I think there can be relevant utility in that. It's on topic, both as a counter argument to this thread, and as general gameplay feedback on Nightmare.


Now, taking this "troll's" criticisms into consideration and thinking thechallengeisaccepted.jpg, I went out and did Nightmare Exta on Ceres (the highest rank of all standard Grineer missions). No shield, energy drain, and low gravity. I used Ash, Burston, Kraken, and Shuriken ( the later only for opening boxes), plus my rather new rank 18, unpotatoed, flying uniball sentinel, which has no weapon precept equipped, to vacuum up junk.


I certainly used stealth (I put silencer mods on all of my weapons, foul cheeser that I am) and Kril got his dumb &#! stuck in a corner during his final phase (not that he was ever going to touch me with that hammer or firefart anyway), but the change in situation satisfies all reasonable complaints about the ease of the previous mission I recorded; plus I had a blast preparing for, and executing it.


Anyway, the video is ~19 minutes long and has about an hour left of transcoding, then another two hours of uploading, followed by an hour or so of YouTube's processing. I'll either edit this post or put it in a new one when everything is ready.

Edited by Saenol
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I like those NM. They force you to play like an actual pro, seeking cover, looking around, not dropping S#&$ to not alert the whole platoon of mobs in the ship and whatever.



Which is something I kinda miss from normal game, as with shields everyone just runs around like a crazed hamster (or casually walks in the middle of the enemy ranks if he is a Rhino) as that dodges enemy aim and at most his shields will regen a few moments later.

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Lol I love tryhards like yourself who try to look cool on the forums but alt+f4 every time they get this combo. Against Grineer it is broken and cheap due to hitscan and AI aimbot, please post a video of yourself playing this bogus setup so I can laugh as you eat your words. NM is a joke because the mods are a joke aside from these two, how about they fix broken setups like the one discussed and add some more challenging mods to the pile so NM isn't incredibly easy on one end and ridiculously broken on the other.

Aaaaaaah good old days when people were whining about how OP are ROLLERS

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Holy.... o_O

And some people still say we CAN'T stealth!


That was quite literally only the third or fourth time I have ever attempted to stealth a mission...necessity breeds innovation I guess.


But yeah, stealth is proving extremely viable, even with non-stealth frames or sentinels. If I wasn't in a rush I would never have been spotted in the previous video using just Excal.



Aaaaaaah good old days when people were whining about how OP are ROLLERS


Two rollers caught me off guard damaged me almost as much as Kril did. If I didn't have Rage on I probably would have been killed escaping them and the Grineer around them.


Certainly not "OP", but definitely worthy of care and respect.

Edited by Saenol
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That was quite literally only the third or fourth time I have ever attempted to stealth a mission...necessity breeds innovation I guess.


But yeah, stealth is proving extremely viable, even with non-stealth frames or sentinels. If I wasn't in a rush I would never have been spotted in the previous video using just Excal.




Two rollers caught me off guard damaged me almost as much as Kril did. If I didn't have Rage on I probably would have been killed escaping them and the Grineer around them.


Certainly not "OP", but definitely worthy of care and respect.

thats not a "sweet dream" mode its a nightmare mod

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I'm with you on this OP. No shields on its own? Reasonable*. Energy Drain (or even no energy at all) on its own? Reasonable.

Together? Half of the frames just can't stay standing long enough to really do anything.

* Reasonable except that some enemies are one-shot-death dispensers, the Grineer Napalm being a notorious example. I couldn't imagine if you could get hit with a Bombardier (rockets are homing) or Hellion (insane rocket spam everywhere). I've only really done nightmare missions on lower level planets, so I don't know if you could even get them.

After looking through the rest of the thread, I get that stealth is a viable approach to this nightmare mode type. But the whole mission type just feels horribly wrong. You suddenly have all of your energy draining so all of your abilities are rendered useless, why are you also crippled with no shields when you're stuck dealing with firefights the whole way through? Or viewing it the opposite way, I have no shields to bear the grunt of the incoming damage, why is my energy also draining so I don't have any way to use my abilities to damper some of the damage (by reducing it, damaging some of my foes, some form of crowd control, or healing)?

Edited by Centias
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