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What are the thoughts of having a trading system of some kind in game? Is this feature planning on making its debut in a future update or what? I'm sure this has been spit balled around the office at least once... any leaks?


Personally it'd be great to trade with my buddies who need a few spare mods here and there, and I'm quite sure most of us would agree it'd be friggan awesome~
* of course certain restrictions would apply making it slightly more difficult to do so.

- usage of the mod ( once binded to your frame, you can't trade it )

- each trade costs a certain amount of currency ( platinum/credits ) from both party members, common mods would naturally be cheaper, while rare mods would be more expensive.

- "friends" must have known each other for a certain amount of time ( 24/48hrs , 30days )

- trading blueprints and resources!

- certain amount of trades per hour/day

- some other crazy thing to make trading happen...



- yes or no? why?



- would this break the warframe mechanics?

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If they do implement trading, items that can be obtained with platinum such as catalysts/reactors and forma should not be tradeable, as well as cosmetic items.

It should be restricted to mods,resources and blueprints only, but only blueprints that are otherwise obtainable through the market or in the void.

Clantech blueprints should not be tradable as that would render clan research useless, for the most part.

Edited by Dead_Rabbits_Vspec
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De has been talking about it since 8.0.
The thing they fear is this : Have you ever entered the recruitement chan ? Well, making a trading system will add new stupid beggars that will wait for others players to give them everything. And that would be terrible.
So, maybe a very restricted in clan system could be acceptable, but moon clans exists, and there is often enough space in them for some of those.

I'm sorry, I have farmed and obtained almost everything in this game and I don't feel like I need to exchange anything. You need this Thunderbolt mod you always dreamt of ? Well, there's an awesome wiki that will tell you that your best solution is to farm infested (I'm not sure) defense missions. You need a warframe ? Spending time on the forum to cry, telling that the drop chances of the part you need are too low or asking for a trade system is a loss of time.
You need to deserve what you get. Otherwise, the whole game would loose it's meaning.

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Trading is tricky in this game, it could pretty much kill off the whole game if not done correctly.


I'm on the fence about trading, even thought I have had instances were I could have really benefited. (I had to do about 100+ runs over the course of months on Phorid to get a Nyx helmet, my mate had about 7 of them!)


But at the end of the day, most things really aren't that hard to obtain, the first few days of updated 10, I had Nekro , new clan weapons, Mag Prime and a stack of new mods, and that wasn't with heavy insane grinding.


If anything instead of trading we should have like a shared foundry or access to clan mates foundry, that way if your trying to craft something & lack the components, your clan mates can come in & contribute, similar to how the Dojo is built, that IMO would fit best with the rest of the game but probably still has its risks.

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I see how it might look bad, but i would love trading, people will still need to buy platinum, its not like they will make platinum and trade it, and it will give people like me the option to get plat, im hoping to be able to trade bp's and parts as well, but DE said its going to be very limited

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