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Doing Away With Alternate Stat Helmets


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No doubt I do agree with you that turning alt helmets to plat only is a cheap shot, but really is it any better to depend on the alert system? Sure you might get it for free if you're lucky, but if DE lowers the alt helmet prices to like 20-30 plat, I'd say it be a pretty compelling price without the hassle of RNG.


I'm assuming the rare nodes are tier 3 :P. But a problem arises imo, would you take a 5% energy gain for a 5% stamina loss? I definitely would. xD But putting the nodes into missions aren't a bad idea. I thought putting it into the alert system as a frequent drop (much much more than resources) would make alerts meanwhile.


And the alt helmet situation, I do agree it's unfair to newbies. I thought of like a weekend event were alt helmets were round the clock alerts and DE could test out the node system. But of course, I'm perfectly fine if the helmets weren't plat only.

Yes, T III, sorry for typo :) I also forgot to add that T III  could be Warframe specific (eg. huge hp boost only for tanking frames to empathize their role). Also this whole node concept could work pretty well on weapons as well.

You mean as an alert reward? Or maybe they could simply drop only during alert missions?

Considering that syandanas cost 50 plat, purely cosmetic helmets wouldn't be any cheaper.

Edited by xGryphus
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Yes, T III, sorry for typo :) I also forgot to add that T III  could be Warframe specific (eg. huge hp boost only for tanking frames to empathize their role). Also this whole node concept could work pretty well on weapons as well.

You mean as an alert reward? Or maybe they could simply drop only during alert missions?

Considering that syandanas cost 50 plat, purely cosmetic helmets wouldn't be any cheaper.

 I guess that can be a good way to reinforce the role of the warframe, but I'd be wary to lock those frames into only one build.


And I really like the idea that the nodes can only drop in alert missions. It encourages looting, but then it goes to the question of looters v rushers.


My wish is that purely cosmetic helmets would be cheap, like potato cheap. But these are pipe dreams, who knows if DE is actually considering this option. xD

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