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Elemental Ward timer decreasing faster than listed ability time


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The ability duration of Chroma's Elemental Ward counts down faster in-mission than normal. Instead of decreasing by 1 second per second, it is decreasing by about 1.3 per second.

While playing Arbitrations this evening, I noticed my Ward running out at a faster pace than normal - I run Ward alongside Vex Armour and have internalised the ability clocks (51 seconds for both Elemental Ward and Vex Armour) for both due to using both regularly in tandem. I always cast Ward after Vex Armour. Both have rumble feedback after the ability ends. I keep constant track of Vex Armour's timer, and Ward gets recast whenever I feel the rumble. While playing I noticed the rumble, but wait a minute, it's too early, did I lose Vex Armour? No, Vex Armour is still going, but Ward, cast right after Vex Armour, has ended. Vex Armour still has 20 seconds left. That doesn't seem right.

After recast I watch the timer and notice between the two abilities Elemental Ward's timer slowly goes out of sync with Vex Armour, counting down notably faster.

This is a bug that heavily affects play efficiency, please look into it!


ETA: Watched the counters a few more times. The bug seems to be hit-or-miss. Sometimes the two counters are in-sync as they should be, other times they get out of sync and Ward ends much earlier than it should.

Edited by (PS4)Maunstre
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