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Exploiter Orb boss fight - Multiple bugs


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I just did the Exploiter Orb boss fight 4 times with 2 clan mates and we ecountered multiple bugs that I haven't seen before update 26.

  • In Phase1 the ice coat that should cover the vent shafts doesn't appear but the "throw thermia to melt the ice" mechanic is still there. On our third attempt one of my mates said that he started to see the ice coat. It disappeared again on our 4th attempt tho. (NOTE: we didn't restart the boss directly, came back to fortuna every time we finished a fight)
  • At the very end of Phase1, when the exploiter orb comes back to the lift area just before climbing up, she should turn to face you for the last time: that turning animation is now bugged, as she penetrates terrain and even disappears in it for a brief moment.
  • In Phase2 sometimes thermia canisters follow the arcing trajectory they're supposed to follow, sometimes they fly straight into the sky completely ignoring gravity. Something very similar to when Rebb shoot a grineer into the air with Grendel on Devstream 130 (here: https://youtu.be/LGxH9sQ8tVE?t=2732 ). (NOTE: I mostly keep mouse3 pressed to display the trajectory and if you use it that way the bug appears randomly, it seems that if you just press and let go instantly it always go straight that way.)

Bonus bug #1: me and one of my clanmates had our hud disappear mid fight. Abilities, map and reticle were gone but (at least!) we could see the heat meter on phase 2. My friend managed to get them back by using the switch on the option menu but it didn't work for me. Hud reappeared only when I got back to Fortuna. We can't say what we touched or IF we touched something. As for me I don't think i pressed some unusual buttons and my binds are still set to default. We've both never seen this before and never outside the exploiter orb fight, so I suppose it might be related.

Bonus bug #2: mostly a nuisance but I still don't think it should work that way: On our first attempt i had a Fulmin equipped and an empty secondary slot. Since "alt-fire" and "throw canister" are binded on the same key and the game couldn't switch to my secondary I had a very hard time in throwing them. I couldn't aim the canister, because a long press just resulted in my frame dropping it, and sometimes even a short click just dropped the canister and switched my fulmin's fire mode. Maybe restricting the use of primary weapons when you pick up a canister without a secondary weapon could solve this?


Edited by RennyManJr
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