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90% Please name me at least one weapon, except Fang Prime, Scindo, Gram, Fragor, Orthos and Orhos Prime that is usable at high level?

Well, I've found the Cronus suitable for soloing level 100-120 content so I'd say that with the exception of maybe the Skana, everything is usable. Optimal, certainly not, but usable. There's a big difference between not being able to 1-hit enemies and feeling like you're armed with a roll of soggy tissue paper.

That said, I'm gonna wait until I get it, but this seems disgusting just looking at the stats. It would appear to outdo all but a select few melee weapons for DPS and has the uncontested highest burst damage of any melee. That and the only argument I'm seeing in it's favour is that DE has let the enemy level creep up higher than the other weapons could handle so now we need new melee weapons.

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There is a trend developing where newer weapons are completely and utterly superior to any & all previous weapons.


Unjustified overpoweredness.  Especially for this claymore, which can be built with very few materials.


Even if its charge speed is "slow" it most definitely isn't slow enough, considering the amount of charge speed you can get from 2 mods, it completely negates its only drawback.


Take Lord Galahad vs Orthos prime.


Edited by Mutilar
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Thankfully.... or regrettably.... Charge Speed is one of the easiest attributes to increase.



Please note, the increase is a % calculated over its base charging speed. At max mods it is still twice as slow to charge than a similarly modded Gram/Shindo/HeavyWeapon. Math still applies.


Try doing charge attacks with any naked heavy weapon and see how much attacks you can land without being interrupted and/or ping-ponged between Ancients. Especially if you are using it as you should use a heavy weapon, that is to hit multiple targets at the same time and you are thus swarmed by mobs, dramatically increasing the chance of being interrupted.


As I said, only Rhino, Loki and Ash can get away with a so slow weapon on a regular basis. Everyone else has to charge it, run in the middle of mobs hoping they don't get interrupted before release, and then run away again.


The damage calculations don't take interrupts (and time wasted in maneuvering to avoid them) into consideration, so on any other frame its actual DPS is far far lower than the theoretical max.


It has the highest burst damage. It has the highest sustained damage. Its normal attacks have the highest viability against high-leveled enemies.

Anyone who thinks that this weapon is "balanced" and "okay" is kidding themselves. Just going with the usual trends of the forums of lashing out against the majority who have reason to believe that ___ needs changing.


You got it backwards. The Galatine is the first (second, if we count Orthos Prime too) melee weapon that makes some kind of sense, and its slow charge speed makes it still not anywhere near a perfect I WIN button for any frame. Most other melee need a serious buff or a total rework to be viable beyond level 30.


What makes you think that the other weapons are RIGHT and Galatine is WRONG? What is this baseless and mindless conservative thinking?



Anyone with some decent melee experience is asking to buff/fix other melee weapons, not to nerf new ones. Think of the MIRE!


Although I agree that it's a bit friggin cheap for what it delivers. I mean, only 3 gallium of rare materials? Not even one orokin cell?

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I agree to the point that we don't need nerf on this new claymore sword, but a strong buff on the other melee weapons that are still useless atm in high level but to stagger/stun/KD enemies with the leap attack.

Imo, this is the right way to use all these heavy weapons, leap attack then charge attack. It stronly reduces the interruption probability.

The galatine is still a strong winner in this process, faster leap attack then stronger charge attack.

Anyway, atm I don't care about melee which were, are, and will probably remain  alternate sub-damage weapons.

Fixing the primaries balance is more crucial imo.

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