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Spy vault map markers problem


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Objective markers often have problems, this particular one I can reproduce quite persistently, and it's probably related to many other occasions of markers being no help at all.

I've been running spy missions on Kappa, Sedna, and almost every time one of the 3 vault markers doesn't point to the exit of the current tile that I should head to, but to the general position of the vault itself. Given all the randomly generated turns and twists of the mission, this marker is usually confusing and doesn't point to where one needs to go at all.

Here I ran through the mission to open most of the map, and then returned to the beginning. Marker A was behaving crazy, while B and C did what they should.


At another tile in the same mission. B and C keep pointing to the correct doors, while A suggests I jump out the window.



And here's an example from the beginning of another mission. A and C correctly point to the exit from that first tile while B points somewhere else (directly to the vault).


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