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Cash Shop - Feedback


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There are to much Cash shop items. It looks like you can only enjoy Warframe if you spend money for everything. I would like to see more equipment for free or a p2p or b2p model. All of my friends quit after few hours because of that. We hope it will be adjusted in the future.

Except the high presence of the cash shop everywhere, Warframe is a nice game. Graphics are good, sound is good, gameplay makes fun, i like it. An adjustment of mission lvls would be nice, and setting sword attacks at mouse buttons as default somehow. Its not accurate with "E" and swords seem to be much more important as guns.

Sometimes i dont know, where i have to go and i feel lost, better mission markers would be nice too.

Edited by linn4you
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the only cash shop items that can't be bought using ingame money is color picker and slots, that's all, everything else you can buy using ingame money (credits). i don't see where it comes to the point that "There are too* much Cash shop items" and "you can only enjoy Warframe if you spend money for everything."

you can set the default melee attack key to mouse buttons at settings option, go to control and click custom key bindings, and scroll down to find melee, click it, and set to the buttons you desire.

happy slashing with your new binded key !

Edited by Adagio
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I did adjustment of my controls, but thats not the point of this topic.

Also i said it looks like there are only cash shop items , i didnt said there are only cash shop items.

guys read before posting

Edit: maybe i should explain it better

Friends and me got beta keys for Warframe and we started playing immeadatly.

After a few hours of playing we wanted to buy new equipment. My friends noticed that they need another currency to buy items, they clicked at the currency and where redirected to the cash shop all of the time. Thats the reason why they think its a cash shop game, they quit playing before they noticed that there are other ways to get that currency and thats the point. It looks like a cash shop game and thats not good. Some tutorials or more "free" weapons for the normal game currency would be nice at the beginning to avoid that. A way to select a starter weapon you like to play with or something like that. A tutorial about currency could help too.

Edit: And about the controls , an option to choose between Sword attacks as primary or guns as primary would be nice.

I mean, if you start the the game, the tutorial for the controls begins. It would be nice to select the control preset you like, better sword control or better gun control, after the control tutorial ends.That would be a nice option and would help to enjoy the game in a better way.

Edited by linn4you
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Um, spending money is certainly faster but you can get just about everything for free. Anything that is plat only always has a blueprint you can buy to craft it.

Mission markers do need fixing but it is beta, give it time.

As for sword attacks, their accuracy needs work but I don't see how you could map it to mouse and i think they are fine mapped where they are. Can't you rebind the keys and put it on the mouse? I don't know, I've never tried.

Anyway, cash shop is fine and hardly has too many items. The prices are pretty good, though some of the warframes are a bit pricey in terms of plat. Maybe you already know, maybe you don't, but you can sell mods and get yourself a nice hefty sum. I sell pretty much all my white mods and you can get a lot of credits that way.

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I changed "E" to "left mouse button" after few days of playing. So yes its possible and it makes the game much easier and its more fun to play.

I only played 6 days either, but guns are useless and very bad against sword attacks in my opinion, I avoid the use of guns as much as possible, low damage, not much ammo i dont like the gameplay with guns and it seems like im not the only one hwo thinks like that, never saw someone shooting yet, everyone ive meet using short range weapons, no guns.

This thread is only about Feedback, i wanted to say, that the controls dont feel optimized and that the game looks like a cash shop game for new players because of the high presence of it.And my friends quitted playing because of that, i think thats a good reason for the devs to take a look at it.

Edited by linn4you
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i have read your post,

that's the 1st thing i need to do to reply to a post,

it is impossible to reply to a post if one did not read the post,

replying to a post without reading it, is a spam, not a reply

and i am giving a feedback for your feedback, that's the point i pointed out, that, i don't see where it's a too much cash items

There are to much Cash shop items. It looks like you can only enjoy Warframe if you spend money for everything. I would like to see more equipment for free or a p2p or b2p model. All of my friends quit after few hours because of that. We hope it will be adjusted in the future.

Except the high presence of the cash shop everywhere, .........

you might want state it like this to avoid confusion:

"we thought that the items in the market was only purchaseable via platinum, this might make other new players to be confused like we did.

so i suggest the developer to makes it more clear

also, i want to suggest that the default key bind for melee is on the mouse instead of using E because it's bla bla bla

the ingame objective marker isn't very user friendly, i oftenly get lost in the way to the point "

this, then i will understand your point for sure, but then again,

here's another feedback for your feedback:

This thread is only about Feedback, i wanted to say, that the controls dont feel optimized and that the game looks like a cash shop game for new players because of the high presence of it.And my friends quitted playing because of that, i think thats a good reason for the devs to take a look at it.

the cash shop you mentioned is the market, and that's where we buy stuffs, and there's both currency, platinums and credits, under each weapons, (some that doesn't have a credits tag will have a blueprint in the 2nd page) so how even you and your friends didn't notice this earlier ?

dude take a look clearly before judging things

no offense or disrespect really, and i know this is your feedback thread, but yet again i want to point those things out to avoid any misconception

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