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A Quick Fix For ? Alerts....


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Make them last twelve hours.

Boom. Done.

Since you can't get the print twice on a single account anyway, it doesn't really matter how long it's up after you complete it. Hell, I suppose this COULD be a 'perma fix' if enough people were happy with the rate they acquired rare parts.

I know, I know... "But then we'll have a list of like 10 alerts to sort through!"

1. Sort them by time remaining.

2. Players can get over the fact they have to look through an agonizing 10 lines of words.

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Well how about this. They put in a Daily alert that give s random drop for everyone and keep in the static ones as well. They can even make it as random that it only gives you a daily log in bonus again, so that the rares still feel rare.

Edited by Abercius
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than even more.. there is alot of think what u can only get from this alerts but i never saw them because there is so many of them but not enought alerts show per day... from 2am to 1pm we get 2 alert.. 1. 2:35am 2. 12:14pm.. 10 hour gap.. now after another 5hour we get nothing.. but like i said in difrent topic we get:

21 Artifacts - but drop around 10 all the time - and u can only get them from alerts

Mele weapons sword BP - another 8 items

Warframes parts BP - its 8x3=24 items

and something what we can get only for plat

Orokins - 2 items

Helmets - 8 items

So we have:

51 items what drop from bosses or only from alerts and 10 item for cash.

Every day we get few .. just few alerts with "?" and i dont care how many and how offen we get orokins or helmets.. its lucky.. and if i need it NOW i go and buy it..but its about all this thinks what we can get only from Alerts - Artifacs.. from 21 drop only around 10, in difrent topic i told you what artifacts i nevers ever saw in game on drop list. Just go and cheeck Alert Notification forum section and you will see how many difrent artifacts droped from alerts from 15 Jan till present day.

We have alot mission points on planets.. on ever this points alert is possible or should be possible but... every single alert have long time -20-50min and only 2 show at one time if most of them will be "?" there will be no problem.. but this not happen if we assumption than all mission are 30 min long.. and all the time we have 2 mission o deck so we should have 48 alerts per day.. but noon sit frot of pc whole day.. work/hom/familly/school.. simple LIVE, more.. there never ever was so many alert .. event 10% of daily alert arent "?" alerts. So HOW ppl can collect artifacts, weapon bp.. whats happen when they add artifact fusion .. what about this all usefull artifacts what dont even drop..

go forward... noone go and do normal alerts.. this part game need alot of love.

Edited by Dreed
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It is a little bit frustrating when you see an alert with catalyst/reactor/bp that was at 4:00 AM in your country.

There is a 4:00 AM in every country and a ? alert can pop up 24/7 so it's the same for everyone. If you did not get the cookie you want you can always buy it from the cash-shop. ? alerts and their rewards are a curtesy not something you should take for granted.

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There is a 4:00 AM in every country and a ? alert can pop up 24/7 so it's the same for everyone. If you did not get the cookie you want you can always buy it from the cash-shop. ? alerts and their rewards are a curtesy not something you should take for granted.

That's stupid. The real problem is that people can't actively work towards earning the rewards. It rewards people for being logged in at whatever time it happens and not for actually playing the game. The entire point of f2p system is to maintain a large player base, but if all the free players are only playing when they see an alert on the forums/steam group, they're not going to be all that inclined to keep playing. It means they're losing out on the main benefit of the "free" part of free to play.

Alerts are not courtesy, they are part of the business model, and the current implementation is a terrible fit for the f2p model.

Edited by Aggh
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That's stupid. The real problem is that people can't actively work towards earning the rewards. It rewards people for being logged in at whatever time it happens and not for actually playing the game. The entire point of f2p system is to maintain a large player base, but if all the free players are only playing when they see an alert on the forums/steam group, they're not going to be all that inclined to keep playing. It means they're losing out on the main benefit of the "free" part of free to play.

Alerts are not courtesy, they are part of the business model, and the current implementation is a terrible fit for the f2p model.

Why does there need to be something the free players can actively work towards? That is what I don't understand. Your assumption is that if you are a free player, it's just harder to obtain the things that paid players obtain. That is not the case. You have the option of perching on your seat waiting for that alert to pop up instead of actually playing, or you can just buy the item. Most people will just pay.

The way I've always seen it, their F2P model is "hey, you can play unrestricted for quite a while. But if you really get into the game, we just ask for a little in return to continue developing and running it FOR YOU". That is not so unreasonable to me. They make it so that if you are playing the entire game through, you have to give a little bit back. Very little, at that. Giving people a free alternative to paying is not their intent.

I mostly just lurk the forums, but I have noticed how many people $#*(@ about things that were specifically put in place to help them generate money. I'm not sure why people feel they are entitled to such things. If it is extremely difficult to obtain something as a free user, that means the model is working. In fact, I am surprised they allow people to earn these things via alerts AT ALL. After I found that out I was like "whaaaaaaat? Good guy Digital Extremes"

Edited by FreakyChakra
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While it would be nice to sit around watching for ? alerts, I'm afraid that I'm not on very often between hours of midnight and 5am (When majority of alerts and certainly more than 90% of orokin alerts pop).

The 12 hour limit does not make any one player more able to farm these rare patterns/materials; it gives a wider variety of demographics an equal chance at acquiring the same low (although the DR seeems to be pretty high recently for people on at that time) amount.

Heck, go ahead and make them drop les frequently. I don't want hand outs, I want a chance to work for it without having to compromise my entire lifestyle.

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I think you should be guaranteed an item after doing X amount of alerts, say 5. They could range from ammo boxes to catalysts.

Maybe every time you hit your 20th alert, you'll have a much higher chance of getting good items.

Edited by Nocturni
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Imo, they should just give us the item. There is no point logging in for 10 min do a stupid mission you don't wanna do at a time.

Also, why is there even a ? when the forums tell you what the hell it is in under 10 min...

Random rewards at random times. Just no. I don't wanna play and you make me reluctantly do so to get an item? Doesn't feel good. It's not even fun. I understand they want the game to feel alive but I just feel trapped instead because of those damn rewards. I don't work for anything. This is casual gaming at its best. Like some kind of facebook alert game yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

All alerts rewards should be the same like some type of currency or something, or exp booster I don't know. Something that makes us want to do it more than the regular defense farming.

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this is strange why so fast u stop talking here..

another stupid system

in EU day time 12pm to 11:59pm we get 2 alerts

after midnight - again - from 12am to 11:59am we get - atm - 4 alerts...

So still i think this game even for EU is settings for PST time zone..

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Why does there need to be something the free players can actively work towards? That is what I don't understand. Your assumption is that if you are a free player, it's just harder to obtain the things that paid players obtain. That is not the case. You have the option of perching on your seat waiting for that alert to pop up instead of actually playing, or you can just buy the item. Most people will just pay.

The way I've always seen it, their F2P model is "hey, you can play unrestricted for quite a while. But if you really get into the game, we just ask for a little in return to continue developing and running it FOR YOU". That is not so unreasonable to me. They make it so that if you are playing the entire game through, you have to give a little bit back. Very little, at that. Giving people a free alternative to paying is not their intent.

I mostly just lurk the forums, but I have noticed how many people $#*(@ about things that were specifically put in place to help them generate money. I'm not sure why people feel they are entitled to such things. If it is extremely difficult to obtain something as a free user, that means the model is working. In fact, I am surprised they allow people to earn these things via alerts AT ALL. After I found that out I was like "whaaaaaaat? Good guy Digital Extremes"

Most people won't pay. It's the minority in f2p titles that pays for things. The whole notion of f2p is to form up a large user base. You should think about free players as content and not something else.The large user base creates huge value via social interaction, coop play and competiviness. By creating an artificial wall via orakin reactors, catalysts developers detract most players from actively playing the game and puts players in the situation where hunting alert missions is their priority. In simple words they deny content for other active players. Nobody wins in this. The goal of f2p title should be to actively increase user base as much as possible with expectation what some of them will be paying. When player base is sufficiently large and strong community is formed then you can give them tools to create their own content(see Valve) and this ensures longevity and profitability of your game.

Edited by FanZeroEx
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Maybe try stop thinking about orokins and helmets .. start thinking about other items what u can get ONLY from ALERTS but u cant because they don't show and dont drop them..

There is so many ways for get cash from game than make primary using weapons only good when u pay for Oroking or be patient for drop..

Helmets - should be only for Plats - and cheaper -> hope there will be more difrent helmets for warframes

Warframe Skins - players like to look difrent than other players - few for a single warframe, not expensive.. i think for 5$ player should be able to buy helmet + skin

Weapons and Warframes - its good way.. who want fast will pay who want farm will farm for BP.

Weapons Skins - same like Warframes.

Boosters - we get EXP and Credits.. maybe time for LOOT ;] - better Mod, more mats .... -> pls dont even think about stat boost.


Pushing ppl to buy palts to play normaly - upgraded weapons and warframes - or forced them for waiting on special alerta its not a good point.. so many difrent games show that customization of weapons, characters is a good place for get money in game.

Edited by Dreed
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Well how about this. They put in a Daily alert that give s random drop for everyone and keep in the static ones as well. They can even make it as random that it only gives you a daily log in bonus again, so that the rares still feel rare.

That's in the game already, it's called signing in.

Or just leave them as they are and be online when they happen.

Boom. Time to fix something important.

This made me chuckle.

On a serious note. You get given 50 platinum automatically. That's a frame and a weapon you can upgrade, free of charge, no waiting required. Play frames to 15, see if you like them, then upgrade. If you don't like the frame by 15, farm a new one and upgrade that.

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Why does there need to be something the free players can actively work towards? That is what I don't understand. Your assumption is that if you are a free player, it's just harder to obtain the things that paid players obtain. That is not the case. You have the option of perching on your seat waiting for that alert to pop up instead of actually playing, or you can just buy the item. Most people will just pay.

The way I've always seen it, their F2P model is "hey, you can play unrestricted for quite a while. But if you really get into the game, we just ask for a little in return to continue developing and running it FOR YOU". That is not so unreasonable to me. They make it so that if you are playing the entire game through, you have to give a little bit back. Very little, at that. Giving people a free alternative to paying is not their intent.

I mostly just lurk the forums, but I have noticed how many people $#*(@ about things that were specifically put in place to help them generate money. I'm not sure why people feel they are entitled to such things. If it is extremely difficult to obtain something as a free user, that means the model is working. In fact, I am surprised they allow people to earn these things via alerts AT ALL. After I found that out I was like "whaaaaaaat? Good guy Digital Extremes"

The concept of the f2p model is that you get a large player base in exchange for giving free access to content. The idea is that with a larger player base and constant addition of paid content, they can make a sustained revenue from players that can in the long run mean many players are paying more than they would for a retail release. If the f2p side of things has too much turn over on new players and doesn't convert people to paying customers because they feel they are being forced to pay money, then the whole point of the f2p model is lost. On some big titles this might not be as much of an issue, but with a game like war frame, which doesn't really have much exposure, this could be an issue.

The problem with this system is that unlike every single successful game out there, it doesn't actually encourage people to keep on playing. It encourages them to play every now and then and watch the forums/steam group for alerts. Even the paying players get screwed over by this system with the way melee weapon BPs are doled out in the same manner as catalysts/reactors.

Also, have you even put any money in the game? Granted, I've only spent $20, but I don't generally even bother spending cash on games with such uncertain futures. So many of the people talking about "supporting the game" in these kinds of threads aren't practicing what they preach.

Edited by Aggh
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I have put quite a money and time now into the game and have only come across one "?" alert. I am trying to get the other swords you cannot buy with plat but never have the chance to as I never see any "?" missions and find it really annoying especially as the one I did do was at 1am for me. I think it's safe to say the system needs to be revised a little.

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I have put quite a money and time now into the game and have only come across one "?" alert. I am trying to get the other swords you cannot buy with plat but never have the chance to as I never see any "?" missions and find it really annoying especially as the one I did do was at 1am for me. I think it's safe to say the system needs to be revised a little.

I'm assuming that because you only have 5 posts you're a new player (key word: assuming), in which case hang in there. Sometimes you get lucky and a flurry of them will pop up. Other times you wont get any.

Also some items are incredibly rare. I've yet to see a lot of items drop from the ones I've done.

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