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Warframe Slots?


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Why? Sure it's "fun", but it's pretty pointless because there is no end-game like in your average MMO.

Isn't "end game" in your average MMO just endlessly battling a bosses over and over for loot?

You already do this here but from earlier on.

As if tons of grinding and then waiting for 84 hours to get your warframe crafted isn't enough punishment for being a F2P user, you are also limited in your choices via slots.

You are getting something for free... nothing about should be consider punishment.

The difference between paying and f2p players should be comfort, not gameplay-sensitive content. A non-paying player has to grind for warframe blueprints (One player has killed Jackal 94 times before he got his Rhino Chasis blueprint) and materials (RUBEDO AND ALLOY PLATE), only to wait for 3.5 days (EIGHTY FOUR HOURS), and he needs to obtain a Orokin Reactor somehow compared to a Founder/Plat-purchasing player that can get it in literally seconds. That's plenty of comfort, putting slots into the equation is just kind of mean.

What's mean is that you get a whooooole mess of stuff free and you want MORE stuff free.

Drop a fiver and you can get 2 frame slots and 4 weapon slots.

Some people have said that "you don't need to have everything in order to enjoy the game". Well that's not the case for everybody, some people just enjoy leveling up weapons, especially since there isn't anything else to do in this game other than level up your weapons/Warframes or grind for mods.

You can level all the weapons with the limited slots you get.

Just sell the ones that arent being used to make space for new.

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It's not about the money, it's about principle. The game is advertised as a free to play game. I don't expect a part of a game, I expect a full game I can play to it's fullest without paying. Those kinds of games make you WANT to spend money on them. I bought Riot Points in LoL because it's a fair system and because I didn't feel like I have to buy them. I just felt like giving the guys some money while getting silly skins for my favorite heroes.

The thing about Warframe is that every step of the way you're reminded "hey bro, how about giving us some money?" with Orokin Catalysts/Reactors, the "Rush now" button and with inventory slots. It's just ugly in my opinion.

If such a stupid system wasn't implemented I would have already bought at least Volt and Loki because they are reasonably priced and that color pack so I can color my frames properly. People want to pay for an excellent product because they want to, not because they feel restrained unless they pay.

The devs also get stuff just from me playing their game, it works both ways. More players=more money, even if every specific player doesn't pay.

There are a million things I could be doing with my life other than playing Warframe, should I be grateful for the glorious merficul DE for letting me play their amazing game for free? I am. Is their inventory system stupid and restraining for absolutely no reason other than to nudge you towards buying platinum? It is. Do I find that okay? No I don't, and neither do tons of other people.

Look at LoL and DotA if you want to see games that people WANT to spend money on, but don't feel forced to. Those games are making tons of revenue, and Warframe could learn a thing or two from them.

Not to mention that I'm expected to pay for things in a game that's in beta which is ridiculous.

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Thing about MOBA games like LoL and DotA. If they tried to make anything aside from skins purchasable only with real money it would start a whole process of people complaining about the game being pay to win. Additionally their market structure is going to be different because the game itself is entirely different. It's like trying to compare DFO to TF2.

Not getting free inventory slots does not prevent you from playing the game to it's fullest. Your personal need to have everything in the game sitting in your inventory all at the same time is the actual issue. The inventory system itself is not restraining you in any way. You are. It's not nudging you to buy platinum. You are simply precieving it that way. You aren't expected to pay for things in game. You simply view it that way because a free method of acquisition doesn't exist for the thing you want.

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Thing about MOBA games like LoL and DotA. If they tried to make anything aside from skins purchasable only with real money it would start a whole process of people complaining about the game being pay to win. Additionally their market structure is going to be different because the game itself is entirely different. It's like trying to compare DFO to TF2.

Not getting free inventory slots does not prevent you from playing the game to it's fullest. Your personal need to have everything in the game sitting in your inventory all at the same time is the actual issue. The inventory system itself is not restraining you in any way. You are. It's not nudging you to buy platinum. You are simply precieving it that way. You aren't expected to pay for things in game. You simply view it that way because a free method of acquisition doesn't exist for the thing you want.

I am unable to continue playing this game to it's fullest unless I pay. Calling such a game free is something akin to false advertising.

The inventory system is restraining me in a very specific way. It is limited. Limited things tend to restrain. Not to mention that Orokin Catalysts/Reactors already serve the exact same purpose, except in a "fair" way.

It is nudging me and everybody else to buy platinum, because that's how minds work.

If a free method of continuing to play the game the way I did doesn't exist, how is the game free?

Having access to every warframe and every weapon is "playing the game to it's fullest", because you can use everything the game has to offer. You can not do that without paying or deleting your old equipment (why would that even be an option?). Being able to use half of the gear is just a low blow that serves no purpose other than to annoy the player.

I like to level things up. Most of the things I level up are sub-par weapons I like the design of, but why should I not be able to do that?

This game is about shooting and slashing/smashing things and running around like a space ninja, nothing more. Trying out variations of "running around and killing things" is what this game's about. You don't HAVE to own everything in order to be "good" at this game.

Every warframe runs the same, some are a little slower, and others are a little faster. Every warframe has some skills that are pretty standard crowd control/clearing/nukes/slows and not really interesting enough to warrant using any more than one frame. Every warframe can use every weapon. There are less than 10 weapons in the game that are "the best", once you get those you have no reason to want for anything more than that. Where I'm going with this is that nobody HAS to own everything, but why shouldn't they? What is the logic behind locking down part of the game from players? People don't want to spend money when they're being forced to, they like to do it because of enjoyment. I would love to buy colors and stuff for my warframes, but this kind of business model is really stopping me and many others from doing just that.

I want to level things up, I don't want to just get my Hek/Akbolto/Scindo with an Excalibur and say "GG game was easy, I'm off to play something else.". Why the inventory system stands in my way is beyond me.

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It's not about the money, it's about principle. The game is advertised as a free to play game. I don't expect a part of a game, I expect a full game I can play to it's fullest without paying. Those kinds of games make you WANT to spend money on them. I bought Riot Points in LoL because it's a fair system and because I didn't feel like I have to buy them. I just felt like giving the guys some money while getting silly skins for my favorite heroes.

For people that dont know what the F2P systems means they should do some research because it doesnt mean F2Everything all the time.

Strickly PvP games have more of an open type of F2P some times because in those games the content is just people against people. People make the content.

The thing about Warframe is that every step of the way you're reminded "hey bro, how about giving us some money?" with Orokin Catalysts/Reactors, the "Rush now" button and with inventory slots. It's just ugly in my opinion.

If such a stupid system wasn't implemented I would have already bought at least Volt and Loki because they are reasonably priced and that color pack so I can color my frames properly. People want to pay for an excellent product because they want to, not because they feel restrained unless they pay.

So LoL doesnt remind you that you can buy stuff?

Cause games reminding you of this isnt something new. Other games actually have a button in every screen reminding you of the shop.

The devs also get stuff just from me playing their game, it works both ways. More players=more money, even if every specific player doesn't pay.

There are a million things I could be doing with my life other than playing Warframe, should I be grateful for the glorious merficul DE for letting me play their amazing game for free? I am. Is their inventory system stupid and restraining for absolutely no reason other than to nudge you towards buying platinum? It is. Do I find that okay? No I don't, and neither do tons of other people.

And there other tons of people that dont mind dropping 5 clams at least.

They have to balance the two and not just lean one way or the other.

Look at LoL and DotA if you want to see games that people WANT to spend money on, but don't feel forced to. Those games are making tons of revenue, and Warframe could learn a thing or two from them.

Not to mention that I'm expected to pay for things in a game that's in beta which is ridiculous.

Again, Pvp games cant really compare to the system of a game with Pve.

And paying while beta isnt anything new either.

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I am unable to continue playing this game to it's fullest unless I pay. Calling such a game free is something akin to false advertising.

The inventory system is restraining me in a very specific way. It is limited. Limited things tend to restrain. Not to mention that Orokin Catalysts/Reactors already serve the exact same purpose, except in a "fair" way.

It is nudging me and everybody else to buy platinum, because that's how minds work.

If a free method of continuing to play the game the way I did doesn't exist, how is the game free?

Having access to every warframe and every weapon is "playing the game to it's fullest", because you can use everything the game has to offer. You can not do that without paying or deleting your old equipment (why would that even be an option?). Being able to use half of the gear is just a low blow that serves no purpose other than to annoy the player.

I like to level things up. Most of the things I level up are sub-par weapons I like the design of, but why should I not be able to do that?

This game is about shooting and slashing/smashing things and running around like a space ninja, nothing more. Trying out variations of "running around and killing things" is what this game's about. You don't HAVE to own everything in order to be "good" at this game.

Every warframe runs the same, some are a little slower, and others are a little faster. Every warframe has some skills that are pretty standard crowd control/clearing/nukes/slows and not really interesting enough to warrant using any more than one frame. Every warframe can use every weapon. There are less than 10 weapons in the game that are "the best", once you get those you have no reason to want for anything more than that. Where I'm going with this is that nobody HAS to own everything, but why shouldn't they? What is the logic behind locking down part of the game from players? People don't want to spend money when they're being forced to, they like to do it because of enjoyment. I would love to buy colors and stuff for my warframes, but this kind of business model is really stopping me and many others from doing just that.

I want to level things up, I don't want to just get my Hek/Akbolto/Scindo with an Excalibur and say "GG game was easy, I'm off to play something else.". Why the inventory system stands in my way is beyond me.

You have access to every piece of gear in the game without paying. You simply cannot keep every piece of gear at the same time without buying more inventory space. This is not baiting or false advertising. This is you self imposing limitations of your own on the game because you don't want to manage slots or sell off things you aren't using. DE isn't forcing you to spend money. You are simply viewing it that way because you want it yet don't actually want to pay for it and subconsiously refuse to see the actual issue and place blame for it on them.

Limiting slots does NOT lock content from you. A free player simply has to make more choices on what to keep than someone that bought more slots. If you refuse to sell off old frames or weapons when you're done with them then you are the one locking content from the game from yourself. Not DE. There is no baiting and switching or false advertising. If the item slots are limiting your gaming experience on warframe it's something YOU are doing to yourself. It has absolutely nothing to do with the game itself.

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except your examples of bad F2P (SWOTOR) are not successful models and actually went F2P to try to attract people, they didn't start that way.

If you want to look at the most successful you have to look at Riot and League of Legends. You can acquire every single charcter in the game eventually for free, You can also aquire every rune in the game for free. The only thing you have to buy are convince and skins. You can buy charecters to save time, and you can buy extra rune pages, so you don't have to spend as much time redoing them, but it isn't necessary.

I've played that game for thousands of hours and probably sunk over $100.00 into it, but it's because I enjoy it not because I'm forced to buy anything. Too much in Warframe still seems focused on forcing you into buying things. Catalyst's and reactors are way to rare and you have to buy slots for your warframes. it woudln't be as bad if you could pull reactors and catalysts back out of items before you destroyed/sold it.

They have some of the really good foundations to copy the most successful F2P game, but there are currently too many things that are abitrarily in place to force purchase for fun/winning. I have 29:19:06 played and have gotten exactly 1 Orokin catalyst blueprint. and 0 0rokin reactor blueprints or pieces. at the very least they need to make it so you can actually earn them instead of a random crap shoot. I stalked the forums all weekend and most evenings and the only time I actually got one was when I was off of work one weekday, and it popped up around noon.

If you make it fun and attainable people will be more willing to support the game. I'm currently holding off on doing the Founder's package until I see some kind of indication that this will be improved.

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Thing about MOBA games like LoL and DotA. If they tried to make anything aside from skins purchasable only with real money it would start a whole process of people complaining about the game being pay to win. Additionally their market structure is going to be different because the game itself is entirely different. It's like trying to compare DFO to TF2.

Not getting free inventory slots does not prevent you from playing the game to it's fullest. Your personal need to have everything in the game sitting in your inventory all at the same time is the actual issue. The inventory system itself is not restraining you in any way. You are. It's not nudging you to buy platinum. You are simply precieving it that way. You aren't expected to pay for things in game. You simply view it that way because a free method of acquisition doesn't exist for the thing you want.

ok look at TF2 the only thing you buy there doesn't affect gameplay its visual and collectable and configuration slots. I think the better place to charge in Warframe is for your inventory space. Give limits there. You don't need to collect and store every single mod/blueprint/gear in the game, but if you want to you can buy the slots to do so.

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ok look at TF2 the only thing you buy there doesn't affect gameplay its visual and collectable and configuration slots. I think the better place to charge in Warframe is for your inventory space. Give limits there. You don't need to collect and store every single mod/blueprint/gear in the game, but if you want to you can buy the slots to do so.

I think you missed the point of the TF2 statement. The guy I quoted was trying to compare Warframe to MOBA's like LoL and DotA stating that DE should follow their market example. I stated that such a comparison is like trying to compare Dungeon Fighter Online to TF2. They're 2 entirely different games and marketing structures for each are very different.

Also I'm pretty sure LoL started as a retail title sold in stores and also went to a free to play system because the retail method wasn't generating enough revenue for them. At the least I remember seeing retail LoL in stores.

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I think you missed the point of the TF2 statement. The guy I quoted was trying to compare Warframe to MOBA's like LoL and DotA stating that DE should follow their market example. I stated that such a comparison is like trying to compare Dungeon Fighter Online to TF2. They're 2 entirely different games and marketing structures for each are very different.

Also I'm pretty sure LoL started as a retail title sold in stores and also went to a free to play system because the retail method wasn't generating enough revenue for them. At the least I remember seeing retail LoL in stores.

LoL was F2P since the begining, retail copies gave you unlocked champions and RP.

about the whole topic:

i don't mind paying, in fact i bought the hunter founders pack yesterday and i'm waiting for the bank transfer to go through, yet i still find the warframe slots a major gimp, the weapon slots are fine, but the warframe slots aren't. if you want something new you have to sell something old that you potentialy like and maybe the new warframe will not be something you like so you are double screwed. i would suggest giving us 2 more slots for free so we can actualy buy warframes and test them out and compare playstyles and keep the system for further slot buying (ergo pay the same amount of plat for a new slot).

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You have access to every piece of gear in the game without paying. You simply cannot keep every piece of gear at the same time without buying more inventory space. This is not baiting or false advertising. This is you self imposing limitations of your own on the game because you don't want to manage slots or sell off things you aren't using. DE isn't forcing you to spend money. You are simply viewing it that way because you want it yet don't actually want to pay for it and subconsiously refuse to see the actual issue and place blame for it on them.

Limiting slots does NOT lock content from you. A free player simply has to make more choices on what to keep than someone that bought more slots. If you refuse to sell off old frames or weapons when you're done with them then you are the one locking content from the game from yourself. Not DE. There is no baiting and switching or false advertising. If the item slots are limiting your gaming experience on warframe it's something YOU are doing to yourself. It has absolutely nothing to do with the game itself.

By your twisted logic every game should have one and only one way of playing it. And according to you only the developer and YOU know what that way is. That is wrong. That is objectively wrong. Take a look at denying/stacking in DotA and bunnyhopping in oldschool shooters.

Could you please stop with the whole "you are seeing it that way" nonsense? I am seeing it that way because I'm a IT/Management student and I know what they're trying to do, and I've played video games since I was a kid. I know video games and I know businesses. This is an awesome video game with a not-so-awesome business model. Tons of people think the same way and don't want to become founders until this is changed. You can say that we're all crazy and entitled and that's your oppinion, but the fact remains that a lot more people would pay if they didn't feel forced. And they do feel forced because of the reasons I and others mentioned before.

Edit: Spelling

Edited by Dread_Kun
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I agree with Dread on this one.

Mind you, I can definitely see where the developer is coming from. They probably did get a buck or two as a direct consequence of the limited weapon/warframe slot system. As it stands, there's not much else to spend money on. You got your colors, you got your slots and a few cosmetics. Every else can be farmed -- and seeing as there's so little in the way of content, people are in no hurry to buy anything as farming for these items is practically the entire point of the game.

But here's the thing -- this is a poor long term decision. This is not how you want to make money as it's clearly annoying the audience. If there's a "correct" way to play Warframe in it's current form, it's Dread's way. After all -- the only way to advance your rank is to level frames and weapons. It's implied right there in the system. Personally -- I've leveled every weapon I like. At this point, I'm grinding Bo and Vandal just so I can reach level 4 and finally get that Hek and make use of my multishot. I'm not saying I like it -- in fact, I think I'll get bored before I ever reach Hek. Dread likes it though, so more power to him since he's clearly playing the game the way it's designed to be played.

So instead of annoying people like Dread with arbitrary limitations like these, what you want to do is add more *actual content* that the players would want to spend money on. More importantly, you want to give them a reason to spend that money. What you need is more cosmetics, Valve style. Helmets, chestpieces, gauntlets, fancy decals. Feathers and sparkles if you have to. Then add hub areas like the first Guild Wars had. That's where people will hang out and parade their items. Sounds boring and implausible, but it's a trend that repeats in *every single MMO*. If it's not a MMO and has no hubs, people will find a way to implant this kind of behavior into the game which is how TF2 trade servers came to be. The kind of people that really like cosmetics and are willing to spend money on them will hang around in hubs more than they will play the game. So give them a way to express themselves.

Sure, there will be a lot of people completely uninterested in this side of the game -- but the more people play the game, the bigger the audience for the cosmetic-purchasing peacock crowd. You're more likely to peacock if there's people to peacock to. The fact that your imagined audience is completely uncaring is completely irrelevant and this never stopped people from showing off. As stated, look at any MMO ever released. Then look at TF2. Look at DOTA 2. Peacocking will be peacocking, no matter what genre we're talking about. UkyoSonoda -- you say "comparing Dungeon Fighter online to TF2 in this regard would be stupid as they're completely different games". Aha. Now compare TF2 and DOTA2. See the similarities? I don't either -- one is a first person shooter, the other is a MOBA. Well guess what -- regardless of that, Valve's (VERY successful) business model for the two is almost exactly alike. Why? Because -- as stated -- peacocking will be peacocking. Cosmetics to the masses.

Find a better way to make money. One that doesn't drive off the F2P audience. Keep the F2Ps glued to the game because that should be a number one priority for a F2P business model. Not only because they're potential buying customers somewhere down the line, but because they contribute to the atmosphere of stability that encourages the buying customers to spend even more. Nobody wants to invest into a dying game.

The game grows large enough? Money will start growing on trees. You'll see disgusting things like F2Ps succumbing to peer pressure and investing into cosmetics just to best their clanmates. That's how you milk your audience. Make them forget they're playing a game. They need to be immersed so that they're fooled into thinking spending money on your game is a very important thing. They can't be immersed if the game is actively working against them with arbitrary roadblocks at every step. This isn't a bridge and the developer is not a troll guarding it and asking for handouts. Why? Because there's no river you have to cross and instead of giving you money, your audience will just switch to Path of Exile instead.

So, once again -- *Find a better way to make money*. As soon as possible, before things like forced limited slots drive away F2Ps. As for slots, no need to completely do away with them, just make extra slots attainable to F2Ps. Best to do it in a way that involves completing a task. Either do it alert or recipe style as usual or by completing some sort of in-game achievement.

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Just imagine if LoL made you delete a hero from your list of already purchased heroes just to be able to TRY a new hero. Then, if you wish you had that old hero back, you have to delete the one you just bought, and go grind up the points to get your first hero back... and regrind runes for him.

How successful of a business model would that have turned out to be?

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I think you missed the point of the TF2 statement. The guy I quoted was trying to compare Warframe to MOBA's like LoL and DotA stating that DE should follow their market example. I stated that such a comparison is like trying to compare Dungeon Fighter Online to TF2. They're 2 entirely different games and marketing structures for each are very different.

Also I'm pretty sure LoL started as a retail title sold in stores and also went to a free to play system because the retail method wasn't generating enough revenue for them. At the least I remember seeing retail LoL in stores.

retail copy was just a quick start into the game, it unlocked 20 champs for you and gave you a few RP (Platinum) as well. I purchased the retail copy after I was interested in the game because I wanted to quickly unlock a bunch of champions. I had already purchased a couple but I still got 17-18 and some currency for a good deal.

They had another champion pack that I purchased as well that was the digital one that was designed to complement the retail copy. Granted that still left me with a bunch of champions to buy with either their equivelent of credits or platinum.

I've never had to delete a champion to gain access to a new champion and I still play the crap out of it. In fact while waiting around to maybe/hopefully get a lucky alert popup for a reactor/catalyst I'm generally playing LoL because it's fun and I'm not ever restrained.

Last night I played maybe 3-4 hours of LoL and 30 mins of warframe as nothing worthwhile ever popped up and farming mats is pointless as my current weapons and warframe are already capped at 15 until something useful does pop up or i get lucky at the crap shoot that is the login "bonus" where I get a whole 2k credits, whopdie do.

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By your twisted logic every game should have one and only one way of playing it. And according to you only the developer and YOU know what that way is. That is wrong. That is objectively wrong. Take a look at denying/stacking in DotA and bunnyhopping in oldschool shooters.

Could you please stop with the whole "you are seeing it that way" nonsense? I am seeing it that way because I'm a IT/Management student and I know what they're trying to do, and I've played video games since I was a kid. I know video games and I know businesses. This is an awesome video game with a not-so-awesome business model. Tons of people think the same way and don't want to become founders until this is changed. You can say that we're all crazy and entitled and that's your oppinion, but the fact remains that a lot more people would pay if they didn't feel forced. And they do feel forced because of the reasons I and others mentioned before.

Edit: Spelling

And now we have more pointless junk where you try to validate yourself by claiming to be an expert. Tons of people dont want to become founders until its changed? No actually tons of people want as much for free as possible. A majority of these people will claim something that is an inconvienence to them is the entire reason they won't spend anything on a game when the reality is they never were going to spend anything at all to begin with. So on the off chance DE is actually losing money on it the amount is actually quite small especially compared to what it's gaining. Eveything you say relates on how it effects you personally and you try to play it off as the way everyone else feels as well. You want to play the game a specific way. Item slot limits are impeding the way you yourself want to play the game. You view this as some sort of scam, false advertising, bait and switch ploy because it is impeding you specifically. There's what like 35K people regestered on the forums now. I'm sure an overwhelming majority of them didn't buy founders packages. If the slot limits were as horrible as you say and that tons of players feel the same as you do this thread would have been filled with thousands of players agreeing with you at which point we'd be at around 200 pages. The slot limits are a minor annoyance at most. There are many ways to play the game yes. However for the most part the only method the slot limits are really impacting is the single way you want to play it.

Also BomBackwards. DotA 2 and TF2 actually have alot more in common than either have with Warframe. You could in a way call many of these online PvP shooters "MOBA" simply because a majority of these games center around finding ways to kill eachother in an enclosed location. An arena is an arena whether it looks like a town, country side, mountain range, bunker, spaceship, etc. Take Smite for example where the simple change in prospective actually starts to blur the line between the 2 as it takes your standard MOBA and makes it play like a third person shooter/slasher. Also remember DotA, DotA 2, TF2, and LoL are all centered entirely around PvP. This effects what and how they can effectively market things for microtransaction income. Warframe is PvE centered. Currently it's plat market shares far more with other PvE titles. Most F2P MMO titles limit your storage one way or another. Some will do so by making you buy storage upgrades which is the exact same as buying slots on Warframe as these MMO's have far more equipment slots to fill on a character and numerous other miscellanious items that players are going to want to hold on to for various rewards, entering limited access locations, crafting materials, repeatable quest turn ins, etc. So while these games may have more inventory slots. The "limitation" is just the same because there is that many more items trying to take up those slots. Many of them also give you limited character slots which prevents you from having every race/class combination or at times simply every race or classs on a single account at 1 time which either forces you to delete a character to open a slot. Or do what many people end up doing and grab a new free email address and make an alt account or 10. Should DE decide not to add any free method of gaining slots this will most likely be the course of action people are going to take after the game hits open beta. It's not going to cripple their player base like people keep claiming it will.

But if you people want to keep listing PvP F2P titles as a supposedly proper marketing example. Mechwarrior Online. It hit open beta a few months ago. They limit mech bays which are essentially warframe slots. However with the setup they have on mech chassis mastery you have to play with and exp 2 additional variants of the mech you want to master in order to get all the perks of it unlocked. So in a sense use 3 mechbays. You get 4 mechbays for free with your account. All others must be purchased with MC which is their version of Plat. Game isn't losing tons of players because of it and thier slot limit IMO has a bigger impact on the game than the slots on Warframe.

If people want to request methods of more slots being available for free thats fine. The issue I have is people DEMANDING more slots then spouting off pages of complete BS and falacities in an attempt at forcing them to do what they want claiming it will fix some huge issue or problem that doesn't even exist.

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So your entire argument is "You're lying about wanting to spend money on this game, you are just entitled and want stuff for free"? I see you have a unique type of insight into other peoples minds. I'm not here to argue with you, you have your right to disagree with me as much as I have a right to disagree with you.

I'm here to voice my opinion so that DE could potentially read it and take it into consideration while developing their beta.

I and many others would buy plat/become founders if the game would stop "forcing" us into buying it at every step we take through Warframe. It feels like we're being nickel-and-dimed, and makes us reluctant to support such a system.

Edit: Spelling

Edited by Dread_Kun
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More slots would actually fix a huge issue in their model. Slots are tied to experience gain ( and fun). I'm not really interested in funding a game that is P2W or P2havefun. I want to feel good about buying something in a F2P, not feel like I should've had that in the beginning (I'm also kinda on the fence about the orokin crap, but that's another story). I am voting with my wallet.

Edited by WildJuice
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More slots would actually fix a huge issue in their model. Slots are tied to experience gain ( and fun). I'm not really interested in funding a game that is P2W or P2havefun. I want to feel good about buying something in a F2P, not feel like I should've had that in the beginning (I'm also kinda on the fence about the orokin crap, but that's another story). I am voting with my wallet.

This game isnt P2W or P2havefun.

If you want to have MORE fun than the standard and you didnt spend the original plat on slots, sure, you are going to have to drop at least 5 bones.

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This game isnt P2W or P2havefun.

If you want to have MORE fun than the standard and you didnt spend the original plat on slots, sure, you are going to have to drop at least 5 bones.

That's the exact definiton of p2havefun. The game rewards you with mastery ranks when you level up weapons. The game itself tells you that you should master every weapon. However it also limits you with slots. That is called bad design

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That's the exact definiton of p2havefun. The game rewards you with mastery ranks when you level up weapons. The game itself tells you that you should master every weapon. However it also limits you with slots. That is called bad design

So all the fun at the beginning doesnt count? P2havefun means you should have everything?

And you can sell your weapons once you reach level 30 to open up slots. I reached rank 4, the last useful rank at the moment, by only selling the starting weapons and one other. So it's not like you are going to take a huge hit.

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So all the fun at the beginning doesnt count? P2havefun means you should have everything?

And you can sell your weapons once you reach level 30 to open up slots. I reached rank 4, the last useful rank at the moment, by only selling the starting weapons and one other. So it's not like you are going to take a huge hit.

Of course I'm not going to take a "huge hit", since this game has like 4 fundamentally different weapons and I can get all of those with starting slots. The point isn't that we "need" anything. As an Excalibur with Energy Syphon you don't need any weapons at all, you could Slash Dash through the entire level if you're patient enough. A lot of people enjoy leveling things up, limiting them is a poor business decision.

It's an unfinished game that lacks any point other than leveling up different weapons and warframes (Or collecting mods so you could grind for things faster). Not letting us do the only "worthwile" thing in the game is just ridiculous.

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Of course I'm not going to take a "huge hit", since this game has like 4 fundamentally different weapons and I can get all of those with starting slots. The point isn't that we "need" anything. As an Excalibur with Energy Syphon you don't need any weapons at all, you could Slash Dash through the entire level if you're patient enough. A lot of people enjoy leveling things up, limiting them is a poor business decision.

There is no limit on what you can level. You can level all weapons, you just can keep all at the same time.

It's an unfinished game that lacks any point other than leveling up different weapons and warframes (Or collecting mods so you could grind for things faster). Not letting us do the only "worthwile" thing in the game is just ridiculous.

What game isnt about doing something continuously?

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There is no limit on what you can level. You can level all weapons, you just can keep all at the same time.

What game isnt about doing something continuously?

Why can't I level all weapons up at once? What good comes from such a system? Because it sure as hell isn't money from people who expect a proper free to play game, which we do have in the year 2013, and they are universally well liked.

Games that have you doing something continously usually have a story, challenge, or both. Warframe doesn't really have any of that right now. All it has is leveling stuff up on par with a Facebook game. It has an excellent gameplay base from which a proper game can rise, but it's nowhere near that level right now. I want to see that base grow, but I have serious doubts about the games long term success with such a shoddy business model. Limiting your users gameplay-wise unless they spend money isn't what a free to play game is meant to do.

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Why can't I level all weapons up at once? What good comes from such a system?

You can level 8 at once.... but i dont see a reason since that many at once just means you will have weak weapons.

Because it sure as hell isn't money from people who expect a proper free to play game, which we do have in the year 2013, and they are universally well liked.

Let me guess.... LoL.

PvP systems doesnt fit perfectly for PvE games.

Games that have you doing something continously usually have a story, challenge, or both. Warframe doesn't really have any of that right now. All it has is leveling stuff up on par with a Facebook game. It has an excellent gameplay base from which a proper game can rise, but it's nowhere near that level right now. I want to see that base grow, but I have serious doubts about the games long term success with such a shoddy business model. Limiting your users gameplay-wise unless they spend money isn't what a free to play game is meant to do.

There is a story, there is a lore section in the general board, go read up on it.

So Warframe doesnt have a challenge? So what do you do in this game? Press ok and everything happens and you win?

Can you mention some examples of games that offer this stuff.

BTW free 2 play since the start have limited people that dont play.

F2P games didnt start with the PvP market they started with the RPG market which this game is following as it has RPG elements.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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