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Warframe Slots?


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Warfame is "Leveling up weapons and gear: The game". It markets itself as free to play, yet stops your from "beating" it unless you play.If you can't see the problem with that, then there's really nothing to discuss.

Hats/skins are just stuff you show off to other people. Showing off to other people sells, weather it's a pvp or pve game.

As for challenge, there really isn't any, everything is just shooting/slashing at things until they die. Every melee/ranged enemy is the same. Most of the weapons are just hitscans with the exception of bolt weapons. You could just pick any single weapon and use exclusively that and you'd do perfectly fine.

As for the "need" argument, I don't NEED any weapons if I'm playing Excalibur, hell Slash Dash is everything you want. If I'm playing some other frame, I can deal with anything with one weapon. By that logic I need just two slots in my inventory. One for my Frame, and one for melee (or primary/secondary if that's your preference). The problem with that is that if I get one good weapon, I've beaten the game and have no reason to play.

What I'm trying to say is that leveling up weapons is progression. Weapon ARE your hard earned progression. Selling them off is ridiculous. It just isn't an option for some people, myself included.

I admit to being new in the whole "f2p" department since I only have experience with TF2/DotA/LoL, but to tell you the truth, the average "old school" f2p game feels like a scam and most people wouldn't go near it. Take any Korean MMO for example.

Edit: Most people would prefer to actually purchase a game than to be nickel and dimed like in your average f2p MMO.

Edited by Dread_Kun
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Stumbled upon this thread after a long absent from the game, just want to share my opinion a bit for argument sake. Yes I do agree with a lot of ppl here that League of Legends business model is one of the best with no free player restriction at all only access to cosmetic skins that was barred from them. That said, my rule of thumb for evaluating F2P games is the question "Is it Pay to Win". This is the main question for me and it normally comes down to whether or not you restrict free players from getting "power" without paying.

In the case of Warframe as we are discussing here is that "Slots" are what is being restricted. For me I do not considered that as a "Power" and buying more slots won't make you hit harder or anything. In this case it probably falls into a "horizontal expansion" as in restrict your variety of play styles and not "Power".

So for me it is not pay to win so it is acceptable still not as ideal as League of Legends. I think the way they do it like this is more like "Let you try the game for free for 2 Warframes and 8 weapons, If you like the game, start spending and enjoy the full experience"

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So for me it is not pay to win so it is acceptable still not as ideal as League of Legends. I think the way they do it like this is more like "Let you try the game for free for 2 Warframes and 8 weapons, If you like the game, start spending and enjoy the full experience"

Then it's not F2P it is a trial, same as WOW, you can play any class you want, any race up to a certain level. You want more shell out money. That's not F2P it's an extended trial/demo

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Then it's not F2P it is a trial, same as WOW, you can play any class you want, any race up to a certain level. You want more shell out money. That's not F2P it's an extended trial/demo

LoL, TF2, etc, are not the whole of F2P games. F2P has been out longer than those games and for all those games not all follow the same systems.

So let's stop acting like they are the corner stone that created this.

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So your entire argument is "You're lying about wanting to spend money on this game, you are just entitled and want stuff for free"? I see you have a unique type of insight into other peoples minds. I'm not here to argue with you, you have your right to disagree with me as much as I have a right to disagree with you.

I'm here to voice my opinion so that DE could potentially read it and take it into consideration while developing their beta.

I and many others would buy plat/become founders if the game would stop "forcing" us into buying it at every step we take through Warframe. It feels like we're being nickel-and-dimed, and makes us reluctant to support such a system.

Edit: Spelling

That quote isn't an arguement but an analysis derived from well over a decade of playing games on the internet. Even before the F2P concept came out and MMORPG's all used a subscription/retail model the similar arguement would come out regularly. And on the rare off chances something they claimed to be keeping them from spending on a game was changed a majority of these people would just move to another game aspect while still not dropping a single cent into the game.

Voicing an opinion on a game mechanic you don't like is fine. However don't try to play it as a bigger issue than it really is. Getting one of the forum mods to help sticky a poll or petition over the issue when it's something like this would probably work alot better than just complaining in a manner that tries to make it seem like a huge game breaking issue. Most people would agree that having atleast a few more slots available would be a nice convienience they would appreciate.

An actual denial of game content unless you pay for it would be things like the WoW trial, Diablo III trial version, or "F2P" title Dofus 2 back when I tried it out because the art looked interesting. I remember trying out that game Wizard 101 as well because I had all these free item codes for it from beckett MMO gamer mag but ended up quitting quickly because you had to buy access to most of the areas.

If you don't like LoL/DotA/TF2 what about Path of Exile? That is Free to Play, is currently in beta, is PVE and they charge you for extra inventory and cosmetic that's it.

Again you just pointed out. It limits inventory unless you pay for it. I've got friends playing it. The game has no real currency and pretty much works on a sort of item barter or exchange system with NPC's so your "money" is all that stuff you keep in your stash which takes up space that is also used by equipment you wanted to keep to use later or save for a different character, etc. One of said friends ended up buying something like 10-20 extra stash pages because he needed the space for all of his junk.

Currently Warframe only charges extra inventory which would be warframe and weapon slots, and cosmetics which are color palette unlocks, as Platnum exclusive. Everything else can be obtained without platinum through gameplay though a portion of it may be grindy or involve some luck. Well you can buy credit and affinity boosters too which are pretty much an equivilent to a generic droprate/exp booster you find on many F2P MMORPGs.

Edited by UkyoSonoda
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i think everyone is forgetting something, the game its self. Sure free players are limited to 3 warframe slots and 12 weapon slots if their smart. But honestly, if you just stop playing cause you filled your spots, why are you playing the game? lol, i play the game cause i love the way i can slide, flip, jump, and teleport to move. The blood gushing sound effects as i charge melee grineer. the infestation that swarms you and forces you to use everything youve got to kill them. I PLAY FOR THE GAME, not for ranking every single little thing.

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God forbit that you spend $5 on slots. Seriously now, you get three warframe slots. For me that is already enough considering I only ever use two warframes. You have access to the whole game besides that (and colors I think) but you still complain over one thing that isn't even required to beat the game.

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The amount of times I see people say "Just delete the old items" makes me lose faith in humanity

If the system doesn't change and people are still unwilling to pay money for slots which some people wont then they will most likely just make a seperate account and grind with that one and then get the other warframes that they want on that account. This will be repeated untill they

1: Get tired of swapping accounts

2: Get everything maxed and get bored

3: Just get bored in general

Nobody benefits from payment for slots DE barely benefits because it could put off potential buys. I'd be willing to but 75 plat because that'd get me Excalibur but I'd need an extra slot so I have to pay double? No thanks

Edited by Ragethunder
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The amount of times I see people say "Just delete the old items" makes me lose faith in humanity

The amount of times i see people complaining over not being able to keep every single items gives me the same feeling.

Make a choice, it's not that you are going to be using every single weapon in any constant basis for sure. Most of the weapons are just going to sit there until that one day you feel like playing with them for a couple of missions then it goes back to sitting there.

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And that's what I like to do, Swap around my weapons. Thank you for backing up my point.

My point is that most of the time there arent going to be used. So make a choice and on what weapons you feel like using the most to keep then leave a couple of slots open for weapons you like to switch out so you can switch out by selling them.

You are blocking your own enjoyment by your inability to make a decision.

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You are blocking your own enjoyment by your inability to make a decision.

I'm pretty sure I've stated that that I like to change about. Just because a shotgun or such is better than a different rifle type doesn't mean that I'm going to throw away something I already have and like to use like the Braton.

People that enjoy only one thing can have that. The game consists of running and shooting and to keep people like myself that like to switch it around a bit are just flat out restricted by the fact we can only have 2-3 Warframes and 8-12 weapons is a limitation on the enjoyment and you cannot argue against that fact.

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I'm pretty sure I've stated that that I like to change about. Just because a shotgun or such is better than a different rifle type doesn't mean that I'm going to throw away something I already have and like to use like the Braton.

No one ever said you had to do any of that. Like Captain Planet says, "The power is yooooouuuurrrrsss."

People that enjoy only one thing can have that. The game consists of running and shooting and to keep people like myself that like to switch it around a bit are just flat out restricted by the fact we can only have 2-3 Warframes and 8-12 weapons is a limitation on the enjoyment and you cannot argue against that fact.

Of course i can argue against that because no enjoyment is being limited, you can play with all the weapons you want but just not at the same time. Which will essentially be the same if you had all the slots you wanted because it will tremendously unlikely that you would put all those weapons to use in a regular fashion. Do you actually switch weapons with every mission? I dont think so. You have enough space now to have a couple of loadout and some space for rotation.

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Do you actually switch weapons with every mission? I dont think so. You have enough space now to have a couple of loadout and some space for rotation.

I've used the Nyx, Trinity and Volt recently swapping them out regularly, Braton and the Burston. Lex and the Burst pistol which name I have forgotten I also use. Skana, Dual Skana and the Scindo are also used fairly reqularly. I would like to get Ember, Rhino, Ash and Frost as well but due to the limitations I can't just play the game and get them as I go. I have to actually pay money to justify the fact I'm going to spend months playing the game to get what I want and there's nothing saying that I'll actually play that long anyway.

With the amount of variety they offer they are straight up luring you into buying instead of letting you walk down the road at any pace with the occasional reminder that you can actually speed this up if you buy platnum.

So basically yes I do rotate my loadout, It's what keeps the repitition of the game interesting

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I've used the Nyx, Trinity and Volt recently swapping them out regularly, Braton and the Burston. Lex and the Burst pistol which name I have forgotten I also use. Skana, Dual Skana and the Scindo are also used fairly reqularly. I would like to get Ember, Rhino, Ash and Frost as well but due to the limitations I can't just play the game and get them as I go. I have to actually pay money to justify the fact I'm going to spend months playing the game to get what I want and there's nothing saying that I'll actually play that long anyway.

With the amount of variety they offer they are straight up luring you into buying instead of letting you walk down the road at any pace with the occasional reminder that you can actually speed this up if you buy platnum.

So basically yes I do rotate my loadout, It's what keeps the repitition of the game interesting

So you are using 3 frames + 4 guns + 3 melees which I'm guessing you have enough slots for those without spending any$ at all.

I think this comes down to how you value this game. Is this game good enough for you to spend money for it? And from the looks of it you don't really think this game is good enough for you to spend. Which is totally okay, everyone has different opinions. And I would suggest you vote with your money by not spending at all and dont cave in no matter what. If enough people with your opinion not spending and DE not making money they will have to rethink how they do things and adjust. But we have no idea how many ppl are okay with the current business model and whether or not it is good enough for DE to benefit, we cannot judge this to be "acceptable" by the playerbase or not.

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So you are using 3 frames + 4 guns + 3 melees which I'm guessing you have enough slots for those without spending any$ at all.

I think this comes down to how you value this game. Is this game good enough for you to spend money for it? And from the looks of it you don't really think this game is good enough for you to spend. Which is totally okay, everyone has different opinions. And I would suggest you vote with your money by not spending at all and dont cave in no matter what. If enough people with your opinion not spending and DE not making money they will have to rethink how they do things and adjust. But we have no idea how many ppl are okay with the current business model and whether or not it is good enough for DE to benefit, we cannot judge this to be "acceptable" by the playerbase or not.

I like you.

No one ever said you had to do any of that. Like Captain Planet says, "The power is yooooouuuurrrrsss."

Of course i can argue against that because no enjoyment is being limited, you can play with all the weapons you want but just not at the same time. Which will essentially be the same if you had all the slots you wanted because it will tremendously unlikely that you would put all those weapons to use in a regular fashion. Do you actually switch weapons with every mission? I dont think so. You have enough space now to have a couple of loadout and some space for rotation.

You can't argue about enjoyment because it's subjective.

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I've used the Nyx, Trinity and Volt recently swapping them out regularly, Braton and the Burston. Lex and the Burst pistol which name I have forgotten I also use. Skana, Dual Skana and the Scindo are also used fairly reqularly.

You know that you just mentioned 7 weapons meaning that you have one slot open...... you just proved my point.

8 slots is enough to have a couple of different sets then enough space to have one or 2 rotating slots for messing with other weapons.

I would like to get Ember, Rhino, Ash and Frost as well but due to the limitations I can't just play the game and get them as I go. I have to actually pay money to justify the fact I'm going to spend months playing the game to get what I want and there's nothing saying that I'll actually play that long anyway.

With the amount of variety they offer they are straight up luring you into buying instead of letting you walk down the road at any pace with the occasional reminder that you can actually speed this up if you buy platnum.

So basically yes I do rotate my loadout, It's what keeps the repitition of the game interesting

A one time payment of 5 bucks for a possible 3 warframe slots is a tremendously low risk compared to say a paid game where you pay 60 or a subscription game where if you are worried about time played and only pay monthly it would be 15 beans.

If you can excuse those two i dont see how as little as a fiver is that big of a decision

You can't argue about enjoyment because it's subjective.

You can when the person itself is the only reason for this impediment on the enjoyment.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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You know that you just mentioned 7 weapons meaning that you have one slot open...... you just proved my point.

8 slots is enough to have a couple of different sets then enough space to have one or 2 rotating slots for messing with other weapons.

Let me add Aklato, Akbolto, Hek, Boar, Snipetron, Fragor, Dark Dagger, Dual Heat Swords, Boltor, Latron, Kraken, Gorgon, Afuris and Bo to the weapons list and Ember, Mag, Frost, Ash and Rhino to the Warframe list.

Can I get them all through playing the game: Yes

Do I have to pay money to have all these items as a selection: Yes, Should I have to: No

A portion of the game is cut off without payment.

A one time payment of 5 bucks for a possible 3 warframe slots

Once again, $5 is $5 too much for a game that's supposed to be completely free

I also see, as someone pointed out previously, a growing trend in founders siding with the payment option at hand

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Let me add Aklato, Akbolto, Hek, Boar, Snipetron, Fragor, Dark Dagger, Dual Heat Swords, Boltor, Latron, Kraken, Gorgon, Afuris and Bo to the weapons list and Ember, Mag, Frost, Ash and Rhino to the Warframe list.

Can I get them all through playing the game: Yes

Do I have to pay money to have all these items as a selection: Yes, Should I have to: No

A portion of the game is cut off without payment.

Too late you already told us your loadout which shows open slots.

Once again, $5 is $5 too much for a game that's supposed to be completely free

I dont believe there is any place that states that Warframe is completely free.

It does follow the F2P model which always had restrictions for players that dont pay for anything.

I also see, as someone pointed out previously, a growing trend in founders siding with the payment option at hand

I'm not a founder.

If i was i would have a badge under my name .

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But it shows that you can work with the current system.

You do realise games are about fun, and not "working with it", right? And having to pay for fun in a game advertised as "free" pretty much kills any semblance of developer integrity in some peoples eyes making them reluctant to support said developer?

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