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Mod Fusion And Capacity On Weapons


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So.... I've been pouring hundreds of fusion cores and those damned useless skill mods (Pull, Well of Life, Decoy, you know them) into Serration and Hornet Strike. Every time I finally get that bar to the top, I get the message that fusion is not possible, because it will exceed the capacity of $randomWeapon. So, here's the process:


1. Switch to that weapon

2. Remove a mod from it.

3. Go to mods

4. Find mod I wanted to upgrade

5. Add a fusion core.

6. Message pops up about capacity on a different weapon.

7. Go to 1.


This is a massive annoyance. It's time-consuming, laborious and tedious. DE, please change the capacity dialog so that it will show all weapons affected. Bonus points if you add an extra button that will automatically remove the mod from those weapons or frames that cannot equip it.


Something like this:




(unsure if this is supposed to go in Weapon or General feedback, but what the heck..)

Edited by MueR
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So.... I've been pouring hundreds of fusion cores and those damned useless skill mods (Pull, Well of Life, Decoy, you know them) into Serration and Hornet Strike. Every time I finally get that bar to the top, I get the message that fusion is not possible, because it will exceed the capacity of $randomWeapon. So, here's the process:


1. Switch to that weapon

2. Remove a mod from it.

3. Go to mods

4. Find mod I wanted to upgrade

5. Add a fusion core.

6. Message pops up about capacity on a different weapon.

7. Go to 1.


This is a massive annoyance. It's time-consuming, laborious and tedious. DE, please change the capacity dialog so that it will show all weapons affected. Bonus points if you add an extra button that will automatically remove the mod from those weapons or frames that cannot equip it.


Something like this:




(unsure if this is supposed to go in Weapon or General feedback, but what the heck..)

good Idea 1 up

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To add this, OP. Plz, add to your image a "scrolling bar" so there can be a scroll for those hundreds of people with a huge amount of arsenal of different weapons. So they don't have to make the box bigger.<br />And to fix what the first one said would be "Remove mods & Continue".<br />or a small warning "By click removing mod, you are removing the mods from the weapons and upgrading the mod" < or something like that. Information, has a really big place in gaming- the better it is the better it gets.

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To add this, OP. Plz, add to your image a "scrolling bar" so there can be a scroll for those hundreds of people with a huge amount of arsenal of different weapons. So they don't have to make the box bigger.<br />And to fix what the first one said would be "Remove mods & Continue".<br />or a small warning "By click removing mod, you are removing the mods from the weapons and upgrading the mod" < or something like that. Information, has a really big place in gaming- the better it is the better it gets.


Scrollbars should not be in popup dialogs. Either the box should size to allow all info on there, or the information should be condensed. If the list gets too long, they could just put all weapons on a big long (wrapping) line separated by commas. They could also do this for two weapons for example, that saves the trouble of having two layouts for the dialog.


I would think that the question "Remove [mod name] from these weapons?" would be obvious enough actually. It's stating exactly what the action would do: remove the mods from the weapons.

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Yes we need this.


Another thing that really bugs me is getting the popup box about not being able to use a mod on my weapon that is also on a sentinel weapon, even when I am not currently using that sentinel weapon.

There should be a little icon in the corner of mods you have equipped (like in the full list) on the upgrade screens). Hovering over such a marked mod should bring up a tip saying what weapons it is installed on.

It bugs me when I fuse a load of junk mods to discover I have three different incarnations of the same placeholder mod on three different weapons.

Mods used on sentinel weapons should maybe have a big cross on them in the main weapons interface (and vice versa) if it is absolutely necessary to show them at all.

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