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Hydrater's Steam Recommendation For Warframe


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Before you're about to read this. This may start a fire. Idk, I just came for the lulz. I have also paragraph it for the ease of reading.

Here's my recommendation/review:

One of the most disappointing games I ever spend most of my time on. The community contains too many children after open beta. The game is fun at the beginning but is bad in the long term because all the game brings out as their core mechanic is 'grinding'. The core mechanic of a game is the aspect a designer wants to bring out such as exploring in Bioshock and Elder Scroll series, narrative in The Last of Us or fear in Amnesia. The core mechanic as explained by one of the designer is: "to shoot bad guys in a cool way". The game lacks trading, lore/history and has NO END GAME. Yes , you heard me, when you're higher level you one hit mobs and one hit mobs to one hit mobs for the sake of one hitting mobs for that new weapon to redo the process.

The developers refuse to acknowledge that their game has something wrong with their foundation and constantly avoid the problem by saying "it's fine." The developers will then introduce new content in every livestream interviews without updating their current system such as the mod system, the mission system and weapons which are terribly done.

The game makes it very inconvenient to get what you want because everything relies on RNG and most of the time you get rubbish that you won't use such as additional 7 seconds to hack consoles when you already have base 30 seconds and most people finish it in less than 10 or that other thing that makes you reduce the chance of spawning in a hazard map when players can just restart it.

Then there're weapons such as the 'Acrid' or 'Lanka' which rules over all the other weapons with the "over the top" damage. These 2 weapons are exclusive to clans only but getting it is as simple as overtoasting pizza but the developers think of it as walking into Mordor.

Their cash shop item are horrifyingly expensive, because they have no knowledge on microtransaction or either they lack qualities of an entrepreneur, such as paying $5 for a gun which you can get within half an hour. The warframe itself cost $25 which can be farm in a day or two. These items obtained however will require time to build but definitely beats spending $5 or $25 for a single item. Since this game is based on RNG, you may not even get the item you want in a week and may be forced to pay for them.

The game is also unfair as it gives exclusive power to players such as the "primed chamber" mod which the designers said it isn't but nobody has heard of it ever again since the event. The game creates lore by creating 3 day events which makes it hard for many busy players to participate and the forum community will always slap these players in the face, because they have all the exclusive items from event, with the sarcastic line of "I want to do nothing and receive the items". The lore is horribly done and a pain to read, many players are reported to cringe when reading it. The game lore has no history background all the developers bring out is "SPACE NINJA" with rocket launchers, flamethrowers and pepper spray. They insisted that these 'warframes' are ninjas but they're clearly not. If they should be given a name, it should be assassins or hit-men or mass murderers. Overall this is warframe lore in a nutshell: "Space ninjas spawn out of nothing, they go around killing bad guys under the order of a female cyborg."

The maps and missions are repetitive and lack random events which are done in many games to make it fun. The only random event available is a noobstomper called stalker who will instant kill any new players while veteran farm off him. The chance of him spawning is 0.05% and requires you to have defeated a boss. I've only seen him 20-30 times in ever since he was made.

There're also a lot of other issues that I have not addressed such as their schedule and plans but the ones mentioned above are worth noting down if you were to play this game.

However, the game is fun to play at the start from flashy moves to flashy shooting, and the game makes you feel like a really strong athlete with the powers and beast-looking weapons. The game also has a unique type of art, making it eye-candy.

In conclusion, game designers who refuse to acknowledge that the core mechanics of the game contains severe issues that will be their future's downfall because the designers target audiences who have all the time in the world without considering different options for audiences who have little time but appreciate the action packed mechanics. They insist that their game is fine and kept adding content which will make it even harder for them to change their core mechanics. So in the long term, what you get from playing this game is to one hit mob for the sake of one hitting mobs for that $5 weapon to one hit mobs. This game is frustrating to play, 3/10. You are better off playing flash games. If the game sucks at the start as well, I would have given it 0/10 despite the unique type of action-packed gameplay. However, it's worth the try just to get the feel of the unique gameplay and art.

That's my recommendation. As much as I want to write about the good points of the game, there just isn't anything to write about other than the action-packed gameplay, and then there're these entire long list of negative points. I still believe that DE can do well. Yes it's a recommendation. I tried, tried really hard.

Edit: Positive points are clearly stated, I tried my best to extend it but... I can't.

Edited by hydrater
removed personal attacks and Insults
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You thought this was going to start flames, Hydrater, but you hit the nail on the head 100%.


It's the ugly truth, but the good truth is Warframe itself is so fun. Taking an Ignis to a bunch of Infested and watching them squirm. Wallrunning and backflipping to group slam with your Galatine, the base mechanic of gameplay is fun, but has been reduced to grinding over the time.


+1, no idea why you ranted, but it was a good one.

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lore: did you even watch the livestreams?

Right, what did the livestreams tell us?

Lore is coming soon? We are working on it?


Gee, where have I heard that before.


Vor's Prize - Episode coming soon!


Apparently soon means 2+ months, and little to no information at all.


+1 to the OP.

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i read until you until the second paragraph until my eyes started bleeding. i did read something about lack of lore and trading.

trading: go to grineeers workshop, trading is being added.

lore: did you even watch the livestreams?

Trading is being added since livestream 3.

I did. The lore is terribad.

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This is a game. It's about relaxing after a hard day/week in school/work. DE adds content and then if there is a bug, fixes it. Sure, there are things that could be better, a few things you mentioned, but they are still working on it. It's a work in progress and so far, I like the progress.

You do have options if you feel that the game is that bad.

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This is a game. It's about relaxing after a hard day/week in school/work. DE adds content and then if there is a bug, fixes it. Sure, there are things that could be better, a few things you mentioned, but they are still working on it. It's a work in progress and so far, I like the progress.

You do have options if you feel that the game is that bad.

I do like the game. It's a recommendation, I'm not saying it sucks due to the amount of improvements that can be made. 3/10 was appropriate IMO.

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Right, what did the livestreams tell us?

Lore is coming soon? We are working on it?


Gee, where have I heard that before.


Vor's Prize - Episode coming soon!


Apparently soon means 2+ months, and little to no information at all.


+1 to the OP.

valve time, my dear.

i just use a valve time clock mark valve, with the image on gabe newell in all of his glory.

he is saying "it´s done when it´s done"

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Trading is being added since livestream 3.

I did. The lore is terribad.

it´s an online game. if i want good lore or a good story, i would play planescape.

but, i go to this game when i want to galantine to hell everyone.

but yes, this game needs a lot of improvements, but it´s nowhere as bad as you say it is.

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I'm gonna translate the lore because it's so fun.

Lore "Captain Vor": WE MUST STALK TENNO



Lore "Sling-Stone": Let's join mutated clones to fight against robots!

Lore "Victory": Yay we won, Tennos help us fight robots! Weee!

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it´s an online game. if i want good lore or a good story, i would play planescape.

but, i go to this game when i want to galantine to hell everyone.

but yes, this game needs a lot of improvements, but it´s nowhere as bad as you say it is.

Yup, I'm saying the lore is bad, and players who want to play the game shouldn't pay attention to the lore. Again, the bad lore itself is my opinion, others may differ.

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I could honestly ignore all of this if the game just didn't feel so empty....

Almost as if I'm the only Tenno, but I randomly come across others once in a while.

Try http://dragonnest.nexon.net/

you may have miss some exclusive clothing but the game's fair, action packed and filled with players across all levels instead of players camping in xini and kappa.

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Cool story bro...

what a bunch of long winded gibberish

pretty sure You just broke the new rule too with your lame insults at the devs...

and whats with putting your name in the freakn post topic  'hydraters steam recommendations'

Like anyone G.A.F

Edited by ZetaReticulan
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I worry about Nexon games a lot. My experiences as a long time player of a couple of their games made me hate them.

Well their "upgrade" system is what's making them money in this game. It should be fine unless you go hungry for power. (Yes you will be tempted to)

Nexon is notorious for some of their game aspect, I agree, although don't let that stop you, EA took an even rougher path.

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Well their "upgrade" system is what's making them money in this game. It should be fine unless you go hungry for power. (Yes you will be tempted to)

Nexon is notorious for some of their game aspect, I agree, although don't let that stop you, EA took an even rougher path.

Isn't buying power generally a bad thing?

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Isn't buying power generally a bad thing?


It's not exactly buying. It's gambling.

You buy to prevent a weapon from breaking or degrading. The game doesn't focus on pvp and has pvp rules that will nerf any overpowered gears, ensuring a fair match. You may be able to spend $200 and still not get a stronger weapon.

So it's basically getting an ogris against mobs instead of lato.

Of cuz, there're many other choices. This game is one of the "better MMOs that's action packed and not empty" for dreampuke to try.

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It's not exactly buying. It's gambling.

You buy to prevent a weapon from breaking or degrading. The game doesn't focus on pvp and has pvp rules that will nerf any overpowered gears, ensuring a fair match. You may be able to spend $200 and still not get a stronger weapon.

So it's basically getting an ogris against mobs instead of lato.

That sounds worse than buying power.

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That sounds worse than buying power.

Well it was fine to me. The reason I left that game was for a switch in games, wanted to try smth new. Overall 6/10. There're better games of course like the recent payday 2 which have been really fun and you don't have to spend any extra cash other than buying the game.

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First of all, yes, Warframe is mildly repetitive, BUT. It keeps its players into it with the constant release of new content! The community is MASSIVE and it loves each other. The fact the developers of Warframe at DE spend so much time working with the community and giving us all the sneak peeks make it feel not like a kick in the pants, but a warm hug. We one-shot things on the end-game because we worked to get the ability to. If you don't appreciate that, go F*** around on Pluto with an un-modded MK-1 Braton. 


Another thing, no lore? This guy likely hasn't even delved in the deep, moist crevices of the forums to check out the lore page. There is so much story behind this game; it even has fanfiction. What other game has that? (Not one I can think of.) Considering all the story behind who is what, the enemy's goal, as well as ours, is explained in a perfectly specific and revealing manner. There's nothing missing for lore, you just didn't look.


tl;dr - Warframe is repetitive, but new content keeps us here. There is tons of lore and this guy didn't look.


These are my thoughts on this 'recommendation.' -Virtual Anomaly

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First of all, yes, Warframe is mildly repetitive, BUT. It keeps its players into it with the constant release of new content! The community is MASSIVE and it loves each other. The fact the developers of Warframe at DE spend so much time working with the community and giving us all the sneak peeks make it feel not like a kick in the pants, but a warm hug. We one-shot things on the end-game because we worked to get the ability to. If you don't appreciate that, go F*** around on Pluto with an un-modded MK-1 Braton. 


Another thing, no lore? This guy likely hasn't even delved in the deep, moist crevices of the forums to check out the lore page. There is so much story behind this game; it even has fanfiction. What other game has that? (Not one I can think of.) Considering all the story behind who is what, the enemy's goal, as well as ours, is explained in a perfectly specific and revealing manner. There's nothing missing for lore, you just didn't look.


tl;dr - Warframe is repetitive, but new content keeps us here. There is tons of lore and this guy didn't look.


These are my thoughts on this 'recommendation.' -Virtual Anomaly

Honestly, my clan: sGs and I are leaving because of the new content. We did fk around with braton MK-1 and got bored.

I'm referring to official story and regarding fanfiction, there're many games out there who did that such as League of Legends, Garry's mod, Minecraft, Vindictus and Blacklight Retribution just to name a few. Almost every game has fanfiction if you look carefully.

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Honest review is honest. Yeah killing stuff flashily is fun and all but beside that there are just too many problems. Actually, this is the first game that i don't want to invite my friends to play. Still killing stuff flashily and waiting for problems to be fixed though.

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