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Railjack: Archwing + Crewship Out of Bounds


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I was onboard a crewship and had the following occur. The entire squad had a 3 second long lagspike that was followed by a series of unfortunate events in this order.
1. I began archwing freeflight on the crewship
2. I went between archwing and standing in atmosphere where my in atmosphere guns showed full magazine and no reserve ammo and would not fire.
3. The crewship exploded and my screen went while, then black.
4. I was in a void (as shown by the screen shots) where i was surrounded by infinite blackness that was filled like an asset suspended in a cube of skybox
5. Tried moving: Was in archwing mode technically with the inability to move up or down (though i technically was able to crouch and uncrouch), i could move towards my cursor with and archwing mode.
6. /unstuck didn't help.
7. the image with more view of the skybox was when i flew up and showed that i was beneath the map significantly
8. Tried going higher, got stuck against the bottom of the mission's border and couldn't go further.
9. Crew went to drydock, i was warped onboard, glitch ended.

Having a hard time getting images to upload, hopefully imgur isn't too bothersome if all else fails


Edited by Epicpizzaftw
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