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I Think I'm Playing This Game Wrong


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The way I play a mission is Solo because I like going at my own pace and just joining a random game where my teammates just run straight to the objective and straight to the exit killing as little as possible isn't fun to me. When I started, I chose the Excalibur warframe. Running and gunning and slicing with a sword seemed the way to go for me. Except I find that I rarely do any kind of running, just gunning. In the later Mercury missions, they send so many dudes your way that I find myself sitting just on the other side of a door in a far corner of a room or corridor and just picking dudes off one at a time hoping that I can clear out enough of them before the next wave of dudes come barrelling towards me. I can't just run into the room trying to be a ninja assassin because I'm gunned down in a matter of seconds. I'm constantly taking damage trying to hide behind things because I have to peak out to try and shoot one of the dozen guys who all open fire at the same time so I can barely kill one guy before I have to sidestep around the corner to let my shield recharge. Eventually, I get to whatever it is I'm trying to get to and grab or destroy my target and then just haul &#! toward the extraction point hoping that I'm not gun down as I ignore the guys that spawn on the way.

My point is I'm not having fun with this game, with people or solo, and I'd really like to. What am I doing wrong? Tell me what to do to have fun with this game. I'd like to. The idea behind this game is great. Everything about the game is cool except the part where I play it.

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I got a rhino with 700 shield and around 70% shield recharge with other goodies.

lvl 30 of course and a lvl 30 gorgon with multishot and armor piercing blue mods lvl 30 as well.

I move through things like a Boss, except the lvl 30+ mobs they can take damage,i dont even need to run most of the time just rhino skin/charge, it is harsh at the start but it gets better as you rank up and uppgrade the weapons/warframe to suit your style.

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When I started out it was the sameway for me. I'd advise just doing the very first mission until you level up some and you're able to purchase a better gun than the mk1 braton. It is what I had to do until I could rank up enough for the Gorgon, which they made account rank 3 instead of 2. So that'll be harder.

I went from the mk1 braton to the burston, and I grabbed a sicarus for a better pistol. Also I noticed using my slash dash as much as possible in groups when they presented themselves helped a good bit, I myself play solo and started with the Excalibur.

Most mods you'll pick up are mainly junk, a few you'll want to use, but the rest, just sell them so you can build credits faster, and upgrade your arsenal faster.

I would love to join you in private mode, I'm working on leveling an Ash right now, and I have a level 8 Nyx which I really don't like so far, and would be good to drop them in for some low level play. Just my internet sucks badly enough I'd only be useful as a meat shield, if that.

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I used to play it that way until I realized that, apart from extermination/defense mission, the enemies will keep spawning until you run out of ammo.

The game seems to prefer players to be moving forward and grab whatever they can find along the way. If you got pinned down, don't stay immobile and pick your enemies like a soldier - RUN, wallrun, acrobatic moves, mix melee with gunplay is the way to play Solo (and take appropriate challenge suitable to your frame's level and mod).

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Use Slash Dash. It's your way out of being swamped. Cut through enemies, out the other side. Radial Blind does similar, but stuns everyone in a radius.

KEEP MOVING. The more you stay put, the more enemies will spawn and come at you.

Don't hide. Pick your targets, fire, move closer, fire, sword them to death. Keep moving while using melee.

Also, if you have a shock and freeze mod for the rifle, add both. It makes things SO much easier.

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As your weapons and warframe level up, I'd suggest you try challenging yourself to different play style. For Example, Although there isnt alot of stealth options in game, People have completed certain missions undected or using Melee only. Things pick up pace as you advance, learn the mods and different weapons. Hope this helps some

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part of it is how well equipped you are for a mission. Right now solo can be quite unforgiving, especially the grineer seem to have some rather crazy spawning habits for solo play. The other part is knowing how to use the environment and your skills better. Yes the obvious solution is to hide in the doorway and try to thin down the enemies before stepping out, but you can also use your mobility to get into the room and get around some of the terrain to a point where the whole room can't shoot at you, then focus on clearing the immediate threats, and keep on going.

I've found that as I learn how to more effectively use my mobility options I can keep getting around even crowded rooms without putting myself into an instant deathtrap. As excalibur I'd say slash dash is your emergency movement as well as tight group clearing tool, but don't overlook blind, especially in those areas with enemies just everywhere, it can give you the time and space to get out of the doorway and get moving, as well as keep you alive if you accidentally put yourself into a really bad spot that wasn't as well covered as you thought.

Anyways what you're experiencing is pretty common for newer players, and in fact I'd say a lot of even the higher level players, especially the rushers, never really learn to play much differently.

I get the multiplayer thing, it bothers me sometimes as well. part of luck of the draw there, and you can always try to make friends with the people that dont, and/or join a clan of people that like to play more like you do.

If you want to add me, I like to try out and level new equipment all the time, so I can certainly pick up some new gear and do some runs in lower rank areas with you.

EDIT: also it has been noted that especially while solo, if you stay in one place too long the game will actually start spawning more enemies nearby.

Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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Personally, I think the game needs a lower spawn rate for any group of players that are less than 4. It is really hard to solo on stages that are at your level and almost impossible at endgame. The one time i solo'd a ceres mission (was an alert) I had to chain my stealth after grabbing the orokin artifact just to get to the extraction.

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My advice would be to play co-op to get some levels on your frame and weapons. Once you get leveled up you will clear through Mercury by yourself no problem because enemies will drop before your mighty weapons and your shields and health will be buffed. The game is designed to be co-op. I feel you, I do love playing solo as well but you need some levels on you especially because right now the game doesn't adjust for solo queue at all and spawns enemies behind you. This is fine in a 4 man group but killer when you're solo. So yeah, that's my two cents.

NOTE: I am not saying you have to be crazy high level, but you do need a few levels. Also, people's advice to keep moving is definitely good advice. Sometimes it is best not to kill everyone in the room, especially on solo.

Edited by cypherhalo
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I feel you bro.

The way things are, the game encourages you to play like space marine and not a space ninja.

the space marines are actually an insanely strong TACTICAL force, not an "run in and shoot around like crazy monkeys" :P

but i get your point.

i dont find the game too hard to solo once you got mediocra gear and lvl 30 frame+weapons..

yes it can be hard and you will die, but i imagin once i actually got maxed out gear i will just breeze through it "easy mode" style. (most of my mods are mid tier. and i dont have a single super sick mod yet so yer)

i do however feel like the difficulty doesnt scale with amount of players on the field making 4 players rush like no tomorrow.

but if it did people would properly get fcked due to the bad skill use system and mostly useless skills :)

Edited by erebus2075
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Thanks everyone for the replies and advice. After reading everything everyone said, I sold most of the mods I had that I was holding onto and bought the AKLato and ran through the Extermination level a few times and enjoyed myself. I'll be down with any friend requests that are sent my way. I don't play a whole whole lot, maybe 4 or 5 hours a week because of time constraints.

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