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Any Chance Having A Non-Console Ui For Pc Users Back?


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Been popping in and out of the game last couple months due to work and kinda losing interest/waiting for launch .. but finally realised why the UI has gotten this bad .. so please ...


Any chance having a non-console UI* for PC users back?


Skyrim failed so badly at launch mainly due to its console UI that just infuriates PC users who have control over their cursor instead of scrolling controller, please do not keep this terrible UI or at least give an option to have the PC UI.


*yes I do think any UI that is all in a vertical line is a console UI, or even worse a SmartTV Ui when you only have a stick and 4 buttons to point with.

Edited by Invino
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I actually like the changes--the pages never clicked through right, and it was sometimes a pain clicking through everything. I much prefer scrolling, and sorting, and I've yet to see anything that shouts being geared towards consoles--scrolling on consoles is far worse than with a scroll wheel.

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The old UI takes too much effort to navigate, it was a pain clicking through pages to find what I need

I love the new scrolling mechanics, I just wish it was horizontal instead of vertical.

This I can agree with for the upgrade page where you slot mods. I miss the horizontal form for there, but I can understand their going vertical. More wasted space on the left to use up, and suits scroll wheel orientation better. It's aesthetically inferior, however.

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Dude... are you serious!? U want the old old, like 80's old-fashioned old old UI back!? 


This one is going in the right direction, it's not at all perfect or the best but it's way better, way beautiful and much more modern (modern and clean not old looking 80's design) than what we had.


Plus the version for PC and PS4 need to be the same for equality between platforms.  

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Ps4 has a Pad on the controller....

I don't think they'll use it as a mouse. It would be very inefficient.

You expect console gamers to be complete idiots who can't use mouse (yes that's how companies view 'em) overall if DE decides to use that touchpad it will most likely take a lot of time for console gamers to get used to, so their performance on that menu would be similar if you had to press alt+tab and arrow to move your mouse.

that pretty much sums it up) Obviously its my opinion.

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