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So I Just Upgraded From Excalibur To Rhino...


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...and I have this to ask. Is there -any- way in which Charge is superior to Dash? Not to mention it's miniscule range, it doesn't even seem to do damage to enemies in front of me. Dash was -the- go to skill when mobbed by infected. Now? I zoom in place, don't deal any damage, and die to a bilion Chargers swiping at me.


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right now the difference is a smaller killbox (the area where it does max damage) than slash dash, but it seems to have a wider knockdown box around the sides (could be the same as excals, I haven't done any real testing), and at the endpoint where it finishes it has a larger aoe knockdown zone. But overall Slash Dash is the superior of the two skills as they stand now.

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hey once u lvl up get rihno isanly strong he will do daage probloby and dude this game is still a beta there working on new warframes and wepons still im suree thell fix it and if you want to do some damage go back to the EXCABULER.

All i got from that was, lvl up to do more dmg? Orly?

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