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K-drive related bugs


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I just want more attention to these old problems. They are not really hard to fix, right?



It matters because there is no fun competing against cheaters.


It matters because it ruins your score no matter what you do.


And some proposal. Right now you can finish race by flying through last gate with archwing. It makes sense only to cancel race earlier, but here is what should be done instead - if you use AW while race is on it should be immediate race cancel. Partially solves problem 1 and brings more control over failed attempts.

Also maybe race should be cancelled when distance to next gate is more than X. That is more universal solution but maybe not really easy to apply to every situation.

Anyway something should be done and it's better than current state of things.

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  • 2 weeks later...


36 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Made a micro-optimization to K-Drive races.
  • Fixed numerous script errors that could occur if a K-Drive race were interrupted by a Host migration.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a mission with a K-Drive race in progress.

No changes here.

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I was trying to do this nightwave mission on 3 k-drive races and i kept on falling through the floor, I fixed it by using k-drive once more. Then when i started race, it happen again and so on. How r we suppose to do this nightwave mission? pls fix it, it was fun to do k-drive races before.

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Just did all available races. Didn't saw any cheat top scores at this moment. Got almost every run with last gate counted, but 1 or 2 still didn't count out of maybe... 10-15. Got top score everywhere.

Before races I did conservation challenge without any race and exited orb vallis, then did some trading at dojo, then decided to do a couple of races and saw what i did. Not sure why that happened, I'll try again later.


Later I see again cheat scores and score bug, so i wont count that as improvement.

Edited by NekoNaz
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