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More Melee Moves


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To flesh out the melee combat a bit more, we need more things we can do with it. I've got a couple ideas;


could have a kind of tackling effect on enemies that would knock them over or stagger them, like with the jump attack.


Since we can backflip with shift and backwards while aiming, why nto allow another unique melee attack while doing so? Maybe a launcher that would send the enemy in the direction you're aiming, sort of like an uppercut or forceful blow to scatter foes nearby you.

Ariel Slide+melee:

It already looks pretty cool, but it also looks kind of glitchy since its the same animation that plays forthe ground variant. I'd like a new one even if it still functions the same overall.

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To flesh out the melee combat a bit more, we need more things we can do with it. I've got a couple ideas;


could have a kind of tackling effect on enemies that would knock them over or stagger them, like with the jump attack.


Since we can backflip with shift and backwards while aiming, why nto allow another unique melee attack while doing so? Maybe a launcher that would send the enemy in the direction you're aiming, sort of like an uppercut or forceful blow to scatter foes nearby you.

Ariel Slide+melee:

It already looks pretty cool, but it also looks kind of glitchy since its the same animation that plays forthe ground variant. I'd like a new one even if it still functions the same overall.

They are actually workin on it...

a ninja slide kick is coming soon.

also you didnt mastered all the moves yet ,

double jump but i believe everybody do this one (sprint+jump+crouch and press jump again as soon you hit the ground)

did you know you can front flip (sprint+jump) without walkin or running

aerial back flip (aim+back+jump+sprint) way more evasive work perfectly to avoid those ancient long arm

double heavy (sprint+charge atk then slide+mele) all chained without break while sprinting

you can also chain (sprint+charge then light-light then slide+mele) all chained without break while sprinting

you can also chain the air kick with the air heavy if you time it well, it will do something neat

"sprint+jump+crouch and at the moment you hit the ennemie while you still in air press mele atk

and i am sure i am forgetin some of them


BTW if yu want upercut , try slide+mele with furax

then jump and mele again


however , i want more and more too

Edited by Tsoe
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I would really like an aerial slash that isn't a vertical drop type move, not to replace the current one, but I like to have both options.

we allready have both....

sprint+jump+crouch in air+mele

also dont see our actual move animation as the final work, mostly place holders let's say

Edited by Tsoe
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I mean something that doesnt require massive workarounds exploiting what was essentially an oversight to begin with, it also looks kinda funky, but I spose it does work for now.

edit: also not a huge fan of "aerial sliding melee" attacks as they are now because of the huge delay before you can do anything afterwards.

Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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I think the melee animation needs to be more fluid without that much trying. Also, we can't control which way to slash yet, not to mention that jump smash does pitiful damage regardless of height.

Melee combo needs love. I understand that the current moves are placeholder but spam melee button for same set of animation for 50th times doesn't really have any depth.

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