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Bladestorm Still Falling Through The Floor


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Bladestorm still is buggy.... sadly

It's a very nice skill but when you waste 100 energy for just 1 or 2 slices... it's not really worth it.

I do whoever notice that it happens more often when enemies are standing on uneven floors or stairs.

When the floor is even, it works fine.

Also the view of bladestorm is sometimes like a fisheye perspective and sometimes normal?

I hope the devs can fix it, makes the ulti of ash feels kinda useless.

Edited by Blackchaosvortex
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I got ya. Sometimes using Bladestorm on enemies standing in a stair would cause the animation either to run below the stairs (often killing the target) or going far below and making the screen to turn black to reappear somewhere and lose the skill.

But it's still in Closed Beta, so it's pretty normal to see this kind of stuff around. Once the game is fully released (or perhaps a few weeks before) we should see a more stable gameplay. So cheer up and keep practicing with his other skills.

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Yeah smoke screen is very useful, i dont use teleport nor shuriken as much so thats why i like bladestorm to be fixed.

It's very satisfying to see him slash up to 9 enemies when the loop succesfully ends. It's also one of the main reasons i started ash.

Btw does anyone have that weird random camera issues when doing the skill?

I think the normal one is when it looks like a fisheye camera,

but sometimes it is just the regular one (no added effects)?

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Well, my pc is not as fast as one you'd nomally use to play videogames on it (an office laptop), and I always use to turn off special effects features and stuff, but so far I have not seen any "fisheye" effect on my screen, it always shows another angle when hitting an enemy (but I flip the camera with the mouse so that it only has to play the animation from the ceiling and for the game not to lag so much when using it). So I suggest to put that question on the gamelpay feedback to see if anyone has seen that issue.

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Eris - Xini(Infestation defense) 1st jump succes! 2nd succes! 3rd jump - fail, feels bad man, feels bad. Ьeanwhile Mag and Frost destroying everything with theyr 4th skill so you can do only 2-3 attacks before everything dies. Perhaps decrease time between jumps? Or this skill need to be reworked complietely.

Right now 1 from 4 skills is usefull, it's smokescreen. Still so much work on Ash warframe to be usefull, but even in this state i play it and i like it!

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