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The Lotus Eaters: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! ×

Incentive to invest and become a founder...


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Hello, I would be posting bug reports and other feedback about the gameplay for the devs but literally everyone is hitting the nail on the head with all the bugs and feedback. The only bug that no one has mentioned is people randomly combusting and dying even though they have full hp and sheid. Has happened to me countless times...

Now I can't begin to go into detail of how much of a good job the Devs have done with Warframe (hats off to you all) but things such as platinum, the repetitive back drop tiles i.e maps and no real reason to explore cause lockers don't have anything unique in them and most of everything is locked really bring the game down. I am trying to keep an open mind especially since its early beta OBVIOUSLY things will change and more content will be released but what content? I am not too sure on where they are going and what they can do. It seems pretty much full and I have run through almost everything and the levels I haven't done I don't feel like doing cause it will just be a re-wash of a previous stage. I truly want to fully back this project 210% and become a grand master founder cause I believe with some imagination, determination and a little less of money making schemes and this game can go extremely far. Platinum for me won't be too much of a problem cause I plan on founding if I can get more of an inclination as to what's next and where the Devs plan on taking Warframe.

That's all I'm after just some clues and ideas. A little info from the Devs cause no one in their right mind onvests into something without any information to back their decision.

But you truly need to rethink the platinum for everything, literally everything needs platinum and the game for non-paying players is so limited, it would be a shame to miss out on the hundreds of thousand players that will decide to bin Warframe due to the cash shop, kids, teens and adults alike will all turn away. From the start I planned on finding a way to try and fund this project but as time goes on and I reach countless limitations to the game and content I find myself unsure on my decision. Sorry for the essay and lack of details, its just I feel really passionate about this and just reading through countless of thread topics everyone else does in their own way too.

Comment and reply with your opinions and comments so that everyone can share and see, especially for when the Devs return from their break in the new year. Thank you for your time and patience.

In Game Name = Narulait.

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1 more thing that I haven't seen covered is buying items from the shop in quantity. It is beyond irritating the way to shop and may I had lengthy. It takes to long to have to click numerous things over and over such as buy, currency, okay, okay, then repeat. You don't get time especially if your with people.

And the head shots should be changed to head shot kill in the results tab and mini quest, as it only counts it as a head shot kill. Also when you shoot an enemy it should recognize where you hit them and make them act so i.e getting shot in the leg/enough times should make them fall to their knees and so forth, it seemed to work in the beginning tutorial when you first wake up but doesn't work anymore (not for me anyway)

Edited by Narulait
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Hey Narulait - thanks for your note. I am not sure what you mean by Platinum for everything. The vast majority of warframe/weapons (except Founder set) can be either bought with Platinum or obtained with a credits or built with blueprints in the foundry. We give out plenty of free Platinum and (unlike many F2Ps I've tried) we have no 'forced spend' of this starting Platinum. In the near future we will be adding a chance to get Platinum when you signin as well.

As for your bug, if you have specifics on when you're dying randomly, would be happy to investigate (open a support ticket with a screen shot). You may be getting slammed by a boss?

As for the future of the game: yes, more locations, more depth, more gear are in the plans!

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Yes it is possible to get things for free via credits in the game but what about the going pro system? How comes you guys chose to make that cost platnium? And is there any future plans to further increase this going pro as in x2? Or is it maxed at 29 and that's it? And is there base stats that increase as you level with the warframes and weapons or is it the same and the only increases come with mods?

I'll try and catch me exploding as it happens (lol) or at least the location it happens, I'm pretty sure it isn't a boss since i have over 1.4k sheild and 300hp and it usually happens when there is no boss around or even in the stage and on rare occasions when there is no enemys around either.

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