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How About Fixing The Host Migration Problem!


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I'm sorry but this host migration is @(*()$ bullS#&$, i am so sick of levelling up a new class or getting into a decent game that is capable of taking out top tier mobs...halfway or even early on this S#&$ happens and EVERYTHING you spent the last half hour or more on is gone.. And this S#&$ happens multiple times a day. This is the single biggest issue with PC right now (Dark Sector implementation being weak-sauce is a close 2nd), and is quickly turning me off of this game i've been enjoying.

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I don't know if this will help anyone, but I thought I would put it out there just so someone, somewhere might see it.


I have had the host migration bug two separate times now.  Each time I would play fine for a period of time, but then I would get the bug.  After I got the bug, every match would host migrate, disconnect, and return me to the map.  Of course, each time this happened, I would lose all items and credits gained during the mission to that point.


The first time that I had this issue, I started a support ticket (Nov 2013).  My support ticket continued for quite some time, with WF support suggesting fixes and me trying them, each to no avail. See thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/137572-random-10-second-freezes/

In the end, after several tries, I got fed up and just reformatted.  The logic being that a clean install would remove whatever random code/setting/virus/malware/death note/etc. that had piled up in either windows or warframe, and was making this bug occur.


It worked.  


I know that reformatting is obviously the last ditch option to fix a bug affecting a single game, but at that point, I had hit the wall.


Fast forward to March 2014.  I have been playing Warframe just fine since the reformat around 4 months ago.  No isssues, no lag, no freeze, no disconnect.  Things were good..... Then I got the host migrate bug again.


I fixed it again today by doing something different.


I have been using xfire since 2006 to track my gaming, basically.  I don't really talk to anyone I have on there anymore, but the hours tracking intrigued me enough that I have constantly kept it running just for that alone.  I had been noticing an error when xfire started up for a couple weeks now, but I just hit upload and moved on, since it removed the error box and xfire ran just fine afterwards.  I finally read the error and it specifically referenced the Warframe directory in Steam.  So, as I was desperate for anything to fix my fix (haha fix my fix.  That's a druggie joke.), I uninstalled xfire and voila, problem solved.  I just got done running 2 alerts and a wave 20 defense, none of which I could have completed with the host migration bug.  


So if you have xfire, remove it, see if it helps.  The other point of this post was to provide information.  It seems obvious to me 

that something to do with having both steam and xfire (both of which have overlays in game and track hours) were conflicted in some way when Warframe was running.  I have no issues with any other game or application, most of which I run through Steam, running both programs, only Warframe.  I don't know why this solved my host migration bug, but I figured if I helped even one other person, it was worth the 20 minutes of my life to type this out.   


Of course, it would have been easier if DE would have just fixed this bug when it was found years ago, but, beggars can't be choosers. :S


TL:DR - Reformatting and removing Xfire are two avenues that I found fixed this problem for me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Umm is this an online multiplayer game that allows you play with your friends online?????

Or one of those old school solo FPS's that offered multiplayer but only that you needed 3 other controllers to do so. No this is now not the 80's not the 90's but 2014 online play is availble and has been for along time it has to be the core of this product, why are we having Host Migration issues please fix very soon like now. So that I to may continue my Tenno Legacy and also my Clan's Legacy into the future. Thanks for reading. 

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The problem here is their network code is messed up and therefore it also messes up the game for a lot of people. Be patient about what? This wasn't a problem before the last few months. If thats not enough u get laggy switches between menu screens and it even gets stuck so u have to quit the game and restart to 'fix' it. This doesnt happen just on 1 isp or connection but multipal.


I don't see a comment on here from DE. (unless i may have missed it) which means they either dont care or dont have a clue how to fix it.


This is literally everything that is happening to me. I cant even play the game due to getting this host migration crap. I'm normally patient with DE but its has just got worse and worse since U13 for me and now I cant even play without getting DC'd and I haven't seen anything about them recognizing this issue, and if they have then can someone please show it to me.

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This is literally everything that is happening to me. I cant even play the game due to getting this host migration crap. I'm normally patient with DE but its has just got worse and worse since U13 for me and now I cant even play without getting DC'd and I haven't seen anything about them recognizing this issue, and if they have then can someone please show it to me.


I would say try hosting yourself but even if you manage to (quite impossible in online mode), then maybe your teammates will host migrate out of the game this time. That's how it went for us the last few times we tried.


- the game checking who is better host at the beginning of a mission is more harm than help, it frequently puts the worst possible host in charge

- you can't even enforce hosting

- you can't even opt to host during online games, you are automatically put into a match if there is one, doesn't matter if you want to be the host


I rarely log in now and a huge factor was the fact that I couldn't play with my friends properly. Frequently, I cannot join them, if they join me they sometimes just bug out. They can play private games alone and other online games too.

Not my place to say this but DE should really focus on this very area since if the networking is bad in an online game that might look weird.

Edited by BGAaladar
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This HOST MIGRATION bull$#@% needs to be addressed NOW.  I've submitted a ticket, I've taken your 15 different steps to address everything from submitting my EE.log and Launcher.log to changing the settings on my own router!   THIS IS NOT A USER ISSUE! I don't know how many ways myself or others can tell you this before it gets addressed.  I have host migrated out of countless missions and wasted hours of time, lost thousands in components/resources, mods and credits.   This issue should be in the forefront of your newest latest and greatest updates.  NOT in retiring health packs and weapons or encrypting your loot tables.


So, here I am, the Key carrier, the new orokin mod holder... and WHO GETS HOST MIGRATED TO THE MULTIPLAYER MENU??   Losing EVERYTHING in the process... the time, the money, the mod, the resources..



I have quit games for wasting my time .. well.. guess what this is doing?

This needs to be fixed now! Not tomorrow, not next year or at "launch" but NOW!




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  • 2 weeks later...

seven times in a row...my friend reformated his pc wiped it clean this morning so when he got home we could play guess bloody what happened....yep you got it right hoste migration 7 times in a row seriously corrupt runs i can live with out but playing my friend is the only reason i play this game as much as i do i just put over 150 into the game bought every thing from steam and this coming month geting the loki stuff at max price...
DE i understand the new updates are important and what not but seriously from 2013 this bug has ben happening to people it seriously needs to be fixed

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it might a be a malware, before you put this off as an unlikely problem it's not. Last week I got a virus that wouldn't let me access the internet but i got around it anyways. Well, at first i paid it no mind even though i knew it was a malware or virus. So, i went on to play warframe and I noticed that I would get host migration every game even when I was the host which didn't even make sense so I ran malwarebytes which found the problem, restarted my computer and started playing warframe again and the problem is gone. No more host migrations or any kind of disconnections. 

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