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Pokemon X / Y Friend Code / Discussion Thread


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teach your starmie rapid spin,it's the fastest rapid spinner out there and it's got some good special attack.

Btw try multiscale weakness policy dragonite,it's awesome :D

Lode /FC:5155-3803-7531

Don't know what i have.

that sounds like an excellent use for weakness policy. and you aren't online right now, but your type is rock and your first two pokemon are pupitar and boldore

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It's funny that you mention that, someone's traded me both Moltres and Zapdos in exchange for a Tyrogue, something I was like "Whoa" about.


Sorry I've sorta left the updating to fall behind; I've been studying and just finished my exams at uni. Back to completing my dex and updating the thread! :D

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teach your starmie rapid spin,it's the fastest rapid spinner out there and it's got some good special attack.

Btw try multiscale weakness policy dragonite,it's awesome :D

Lode /FC:5155-3803-7531

Don't know what i have.

Yeah I know about D-Nite, and Hazards don't really worry me. rocks hurt Noivern and Mence, but for how I use them that doesn't really matter.


Leading with Noivern basically means that I can kill something off the bat. Mence comes in late game and just spams outrage to take out whatever is left of the opposing team. No-nonsence hyper offense.


And I almost restarted again for a Wonderlocke.. but then I remembered the 10 hours I spent breeding for my Roselia...

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Yeah I know about D-Nite, and Hazards don't really worry me. rocks hurt Noivern and Mence, but for how I use them that doesn't really matter.


Leading with Noivern basically means that I can kill something off the bat. Mence comes in late game and just spams outrage to take out whatever is left of the opposing team. No-nonsence hyper offense.


And I almost restarted again for a Wonderlocke.. but then I remembered the 10 hours I spent breeding for my Roselia...

You dan always trade the pokes you want to keep hand trade them back later.

Btw. I now got a shiny impish Max attack/defense steelix,ty triple_8 :D

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You dan always trade the pokes you want to keep hand trade them back later.

Btw. I now got a shiny impish Max attack/defense steelix,ty triple_8 :D

True and I suppose it doesn't matter anyway since I mostly play on sims like showdown anyway

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I got lucky with the GTS on Sunday. now i got my self an Yveltal. Put a Dragonair on the GTS asking for Yveltal. didnt actualy expect to get one. but i did. o.o  guess my luck with Pokemon is improving.. Unlike in Gold where i had a Masterball fail on me.....




How...how were you able to put those 2 words into the same sentence?!

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How...how were you able to put those 2 words into the same sentence?!

Masterball isn't technically an instant catch, it has a really high catch co-efficient (ie rate, poke-ball = 1, Ultra-ball = 3 IIRC) and in the first and second gen there were certain circumstances in which there is a small chance it will fail.


I think that is what it was, I might just be wrong.

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I was never able to find yellow for my old Gameboy - compared to the nds or even the 3ds that thing is a paperweight nowadays O.o - I still have mine it still works Nintendo refused to sell me a screwdriver so that I could clean out the insides but it still works lol I can't even remember how I got it anymore O.o oy the years just fly by

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So I made 4 max IV (SpAt not maxed) adamant heracross' if anyone wants one free. I'm in the process of making perfect IV heracross' with rock blast, but those will be up for trade.

I'd Love one but i got X so I don't have heracrossite.

Anyone want some scythers? I have a box full of adamant scyther with 31att and hp/Sdef.

Edited by El1te
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