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(Ceres Grinner Open World City Idea)


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Theres one thing I've always wanted in Warframe that we've never gotten and that would be an OPEN WORLD CITY.

The first time I saw Ceres and where fighting on this dark moon and uts constantly night time and raining. I thought it would be cool to see this in the gane.


The Idea

An open world region, a sort of Grinner factory town with Special Ops grinner soldiers running theurban slums of Ceres at night in the rain. 

I could see the city have some Slight Cyberpunk Aesustetics while retaining that welded together grinner designs.

Neon Signs and store fronts.

Tall Factories with security yards in front and high pitched lights to spot anyone who dear to step close

I imagine  your a lone Tenno on an Assanation mission. 

Your suppressed Sniper lays upon the ledge of a moist rooftops as you search for grinner through the factory windows.


Size and Design

I see an area like this being smaller. Like about 3 or 4 city blocks with subway tunnels and sewers and some buildings with full interiors. 

With a region of roads , mines and a train track that leads away from the city surrounding the map.

The building wouldn't be skyscraper level but they would be tall enough to run on the Rooftops without being seen, in the night.

I could see stealth mechanics being improved. Things like turning off lights, shooting them out, and enemies being more aware of things like sound and having a range of sight and motion detection bars so that you know when your spotted. 

This is another minor mechanic that I could see in the game, which is auto cover. It doesnt need to do anything, for me it would just be an added animation to add to the game, so that when you are behind a wall or something your character at least looks cool while doing so. 

This wouldn't take away from your fast agile movments either, it would just serve as extra animation.  


Back to the immersion. 

I could see a group of grinner on patrol outside of the city in the dark with there flashlights and as they walk they might have some idle chatter that you can listen to via (Comms) like (Batman Arkham Knight).

But you could listen to what they say and they could give info on werabouts of strong enemys or loot or some other info blurb. (Activated by looking at the enemy zoomed in )

New Vehicles

I could see there being stealth Bikes to ride through the city undetected.  Going invisible , and things like that. An offroad looking bike but something that looks capable and stealthy.

Environment and Characters

I,d imagine that outside the city there would be mountains cliffs covered with smog and clouds, and then i could see there bring mines where all the Grinner working are cooped uo, in the rain working day and night. 

I could see some missions having you work with some of them to sneak them out or not. 

I could see quest that give you decisions to Save the Grinner workers or Fight .This is where the Steel Meridian could possibly come in and have a role in helping fellow grineer.

I could see new grineer characters being in the open world with whom we work with to fufil rescue missions assasination missions, loot missions and missions that feel like raids where we enter a place and fight a big powerful boss like enemy.

it would be nice to see Grineer workers inside of construction vehicles or operating machines or drill or those types of things in game. Just to add to the immersion.


I'd just imagine a chill tactical soundtrack for the grineer nothing scary but something that sounds interesting  and stealthy.


Kuva Liches

Kuva Liches could be in the open world as well. But to be honest I feel that the Liches get to difficult and in my experience they ruin the maps I want to play on. Its hard to fight them and win for the most part.


Here are some images to get your thoughts flowing.dabe8b1bf09f936eaa76f28bd30487de.jpgfuturistic-dystopian-gray-black-wallpape


I imagine images like these except with the grineer aestetic.:)86605ac28f79bf07038f9e6f1e8859ac.jpg


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Maybe add Factions on The outskirts, Corpus for example. As with a lot of assassination missions, Make the corpus ally with you. You can trade standing and Resources (Grineer tech) For items and gear. Instead of bounties You can choose to partake in Battles, Where you are tasked with taking out a high ranking target, Finding scattered troops or Helping corpus allies defend points, Supply runs and such. 

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14 hours ago, (XB1)Random Brit7900 said:

Maybe add Factions on The outskirts, Corpus for example. As with a lot of assassination missions, Make the corpus ally with you. You can trade standing and Resources (Grineer tech) For items and gear. Instead of bounties You can choose to partake in Battles, Where you are tasked with taking out a high ranking target, Finding scattered troops or Helping corpus allies defend points, Supply runs and such. 

That would be interesting to see. A multifactioned open world map where each of the factions are sort of at odds, and we can see direct interection Grineer to Corpus at War. I could definetly see this. I just feel like it would be better suited at a new location maybe an Open World Lua.

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