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Lex Changes


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We were talking about how the recent RoF buff and recoil reduction gave the Lex this awkward half-second pause between shots.

I have noticed that, that my Lex all of the suddenly wasn't able to fire for a half second once the recoil went away.

I say they either revert it back to the way it was with the heavier recoil to give a visual clue as when to fire.

Or at a minimum give an Audial cue by making a sound for the mechanism feeding the Lex another bullet from the clip. Like a bolt-action guns in games do.

(Not realistic I know but still... its something)

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Plus the low-fire rate with its recoil not only keep the damage at a sane level,

And clearly identify its function as being a side-arm and less effective than the primaries.

It is just as effective as a primary if you focuse Lex the only problem it has is reload speed and wasting 1 of its 4 mod slots to fix unreasonable reload time is not the answer

If they put the Lex back to the way it was and speed up its reload time I would concider it more of a buff then making it shoot faster

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I got a Lex to 30. We had fun times, but then by chance I got a second 75% multishot pistol mod and decided to try out the Kraken. My background is coming from a Loki who ran around with a Strun, Scindo, and Lex who moved onto a Frost with a Braton Vandal, Dark Dagger, and Kraken after the first set was all maxed.

Having used them both, Lex definitely is the better choice for mid-long range. I never had a problem with the recoil of the Lex but the firing rate left something to be desired even at level 30. As far as mods went at the time I had 48% Crit Damage, a cumulative 25% crit chance, 15% frost damage, and 75% multishot; most of the time the thing I was shooting at died if I hit them in the head unless it was a boss or a heavy unit. (Unless the RNG decided today was not my day).

However, I prefer to sprint around and blast things with a shotgun or hack enemies apart with a Scindo rather than sit and plink away at enemies from afar. I ran with a Strun with Puncture and Multishot mods when I used my Lex. Now that my Strun is maxed and I cannot yet use a Hek, I've decided to level my Braton Vandal which is definitely not a shotgun and makes me very sad. Noticing that the Kraken fires two shots at fairly high damage per shot, I decided to see what would happen when you put 150% Multishot on it. Turns out, you now have a very effective shotgun for a pistol. I was pleased.

In closing, the recoil of the Lex I don't think is an issue. The Lex is a marksman's pistol; you're not supposed to fire away with reckless abandon at your targets with it. Multishot and critical damage/chance turn it into a weapon of untold devastation from any distance away provided you can aim. The Lex does full damage to even armored targets provided you hit them in the head (At level 30, 78 damage to the head as opposed to 22 to the shoulder). The Kraken is not a good comparison to the Lex because the Kraken is not a marksman weapon; The Kraken is for getting in close and blasting someone to pieces. If you try to make it a marksman weapon, you will end up with a crappy version of the Lex because all of your mods will be going towards firing rate instead of other more useful mods (Firing rate increases will close the spread between the first and second shot).

Edited by Earthworm_Jim
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You guys do realize that this thread is saying the Lex should have increased recoil right? no one here has said they want more fire rate and lower recoil. That is exactly what the last patch did, (altho I suspect the fire rate upgrades on its skill tree did not change) and several of us say we liked the old heavier recoil better.

Which I agree with, the old recoil just felt soo much better on the gun, the new recoil doesn't really do much other than change how it feels, and not in a better way in my opinion.

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You guys do realize that this thread is saying the Lex should have increased recoil right? no one here has said they want more fire rate and lower recoil. That is exactly what the last patch did, (altho I suspect the fire rate upgrades on its skill tree did not change) and several of us say we liked the old heavier recoil better.

Which I agree with, the old recoil just felt soo much better on the gun, the new recoil doesn't really do much other than change how it feels, and not in a better way in my opinion.


Also I prefer to use my lex at all ranges ik why people dont try to no sight with it it has great accuracy upclose as a fray gun perfect to be used with sword

It has the same firerate I belive... since before the patch I ddont feel a change or see one but the recoil please put it back to the heavy recoil

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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You guys do realize that this thread is saying the Lex should have increased recoil right? no one here has said they want more fire rate and lower recoil. That is exactly what the last patch did, (altho I suspect the fire rate upgrades on its skill tree did not change) and several of us say we liked the old heavier recoil better.

Which I agree with, the old recoil just felt soo much better on the gun, the new recoil doesn't really do much other than change how it feels, and not in a better way in my opinion.

Ah. I never used Lex before it was changed, so I assumed that pause before shooting was a product of its low firing rate and not the recoil and rate of fire being out of sync. That could probably stand to be fixed.

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Ah. I never used Lex before it was changed, so I assumed that pause before shooting was a product of its low firing rate and not the recoil and rate of fire being out of sync. That could probably stand to be fixed.

1 bullet a second was fast enough guys

currely it is de-synced because the recoil jerks to fast and they did not increase the fire rate like they said

I would prefer the fire rate stays the same and the recoil put back to the way it was

and speed up the reload or increase the damage

it has already a good risk to reward but is hindered by an unfair reload

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the Kraken just feels so crappy to me personaly basicly you get

1 headshot and 1 body shot or 1 miss with a wimpy sound and recoil

the Lex gets 1 headshot for more base damage with it super charged it can fire alittle faster then 1 bullet a second allowing you to have rythem

that new recoil just threw the rythem off wack after a month or so of practice

Not sure what your smoking I get double head shots all the time.. I love my Kraken best sidearm in the game IMO

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It's in your heads guys...

The reduced recoil gives a litty tiny bity more time to aim between 2 shots. It's just easier now.

Now, you may feel the fire rate is kinda slow COMPARED to the recoil, cause yeah, now there's a bigger stalling moment between shots. It kinda breaks the pace I agree.

But It's really hardly noticeable anyway when you get used to it. The gun is still as effective as before, and easier to aim with.

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It's in your heads guys...

The reduced recoil gives a litty tiny bity more time to aim between 2 shots. It's just easier now.

Now, you may feel the fire rate is kinda slow COMPARED to the recoil, cause yeah, now there's a bigger stalling moment between shots. It kinda breaks the pace I agree.

But It's really hardly noticeable anyway when you get used to it. The gun is still as effective as before, and easier to aim with.

Well-spoken, as well as true.

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Well-spoken, as well as true.

They sped up the Lex in a ninja patch they arnt showing notes for now it follows its jerky wimpy recoil and shoots faster

But they also seem to have sped up its reload time

Atleast for level 30 supercharged its reload feels fine

shoots way to fast for my tastes but the reload is perfect

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