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Controller issue


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Controller users, is anyone else having issues with their controllers? I cant login without the cursor going crazy. I try to type and it the keyboard just makes the cursor glitchy. 

Forgot to add it started with this update and I'm also using ds4windows and never had a problem before.

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My controller issues also surfaced after the latest, seemingly rather small, update.

  • Issue 1: Whenever I switch screens, the mouse becomes the default control until I give input with the controller.
    • Example: Pause -> Equipment -> Inventory: Mouse Cursor Appears
      • After backing out of the menus the look/move sensitivity is very high until I move the stick a bit and stop. 
      • After that, aiming and movement are as expected on controller.
  • Issue 2: Hitting L2 to bring up the chat window is very hit or miss.  Often it will make the window appear and then immediately disappear.
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So update, messing around I got my controller to semi work by using steams controller support. I deactivated my ds4windows and tweaked the deadzone on steams configuration cause what ever DE added this recent update made my controller twitchy. Steams controller support makes my character move a bit odd, slow and it takes some features away that I had with ds4windows but I can at least play with a controller again. 

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I am having the exact same issue.  I am using an xbox elite controller and I tried it on other games (works fine) and it just started on the last patch (not today).  In mission select or mods screen, if I am not actively inputting controls with the controller, the curser rapidly switches from controller to pc controls.  In mission, it locks my trigger inputs so aim/ glide, fire, or ability select gets locked on like it switched to pc controls and never registered the button release.  Its essentially unplayable unless I only want to use melee weapons.  Not sure what i can do.

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Could you try and increase your Deadzone setting in the options screen for whichever stick seems to be moving on its own? We previously had a pretty aggressive deadzone values, so we lowered the default value while still allowing you to increase it if your controller happens to be misbehaving. The previous default value was 20, so you can try that as a starting point and see if that improves behaviour for you.

We'd hoped lowering the previous over-aggressive value of 20 wouldn't cause issues for players, but we'll look at whether we should just revert to that default and allow players with better behaving analog sticks to lower it themselves.

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On 2020-10-09 at 8:29 AM, [DE]Jengerer said:

Could you try and increase your Deadzone setting in the options screen for whichever stick seems to be moving on its own? We previously had a pretty aggressive deadzone values, so we lowered the default value while still allowing you to increase it if your controller happens to be misbehaving. The previous default value was 20, so you can try that as a starting point and see if that improves behaviour for you.

We'd hoped lowering the previous over-aggressive value of 20 wouldn't cause issues for players, but we'll look at whether we should just revert to that default and allow players with better behaving analog sticks to lower it themselves.

Thank you for the reply. That fixed the problem with the sensitive movement but for some reason using ds4windows seems a bit buggy still. While using ds4windows it dosnt allow me to use the keyboard to type.

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I'm not 100% sure whether the "aim getting stuck" issue is related to this, but we also do have a fix on the way for a bug related to the trigger buttons firing multiple times in certain situations (most notably with the chat window opening and closing rapidly when you press down it LT slowly). Should be out in the next few days, so we'll keep an eye out to see if there's any remaining issues related to that. Thanks again for the reports!

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6 hours ago, [DE]Jengerer said:

I'm not 100% sure whether the "aim getting stuck" issue is related to this, but we also do have a fix on the way for a bug related to the trigger buttons firing multiple times in certain situations (most notably with the chat window opening and closing rapidly when you press down it LT slowly). Should be out in the next few days, so we'll keep an eye out to see if there's any remaining issues related to that. Thanks again for the reports!

Omg I think  this is what will allow me to use ds4windows again. It sounds a lot like the problem I had logging in. Currently using steams controller support and it feels a bit too twitchy. Ds4winfdows feel a lot more stable and responsive. Can't wait for this hotfix. Thanks DE staff!

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On 2020-10-14 at 8:03 PM, Alphonso-Alonso said:


Could you report whether the behaviour has been improved as of this last hotfix? The fix to the trigger behaviour should have gone out with that one; would be helpful to know if there is still an issue that needs investigating.

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