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That Funny Loot Bag (W/ Funny Outtake Interview)


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Is it Halloween already?!


I've had The Stalker pop-up 3 or 4 times already and he just gets wasted. I mean, yeah, he can now cancel Iron Skin (and THAT is a big deal) but when the Grineer and Corpus are shooting at each other, you just don't pop-up in the middle of them.


It's like he's asking to be showered in Napalm while being scrubbed with Flux Rifle. It's just so funny when he gets so confused who to shoot when everybody shooting at each other suddenly point their guns at him.



This is me and him taking a break...



EDIT: This is actually an off-scene on-site interview with my Carrier serving as an overhead Microphone / Camera.


Me: "So how's the Stalker role lately, I hear they've been calling you 'Loot Bag' or something.


Stalker: "Meh, it's ok. I get new stuff every now and then. I mean I only get good roles once in a while, but when DE rehired me from Dark Sector, whoo! I signed that contract faster than a Volt who stepped on Biohazard."


Me: "What are your thoughts on the new guys, Nova and Nerkos?


Stalker: "Hmmm, Nova, not so much, I'm not into that Asian persuasion thing. Nekros on the hand, he's been touching my &#! lately. I said to him the other day 'Yo man, I don't swing that way. No Hate.' Then he goes trying to Desecrate me. Man, imma go as far as I can from that fella."


Me: "Any ideas you might wanna suggest to Scott and Steve?"


Stalker: "Nah. They've got enough on their hands already. Besides, I'm an 'open secret' supposedly. Ask them about me and they go and say back, 'What Stalker?" right? So, for you guys out there, hang tight, coz Imma bring out some more 'Justice' on the next update."


Me: "Wanna give a shout-out to anyone?"


Stalker: "Yeah yeah thanks! Yo Lotus! Baby! C'mon baby, I ain't no playa. That Saryn chick was nothing. And besides, who's that Darvo you've been hangin' 'round with? Anyways, it's good baby! Love ya!"


Me: "And that's all the time we have. Thanks Bob!"


Stalker: "Sure thing. Now where were we? Ah yeah, I was to hit you with Hate but then you already got your Balistica read-"


*message cut-off*

Edited by ErudiusNacht
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