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The True And Only "right Side" To Choose In The Event (Spoiler,not What You Think)


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Grineers vs Corpus!What to do?
In this thread i will do my best to explain and illustrate ALL the pros and Cons of both sides, since i kinda stopped laughing after the 8th grineer militant roleplaying posts.Since they are all the same. (I didn't found many corpus thread,but it's no matter.)

Grineers :
Pros :
§ You will save a tenno (for every mission for them), and grineers while stronger in military terms, seems more reliable than the sneaky corpus.Reward for first mission were clearly better, and they are have a strong advantage in the event (for now).This choice means to be loyal to your kind, after all,since both grineers and corpus want you dead/gone, it's better to have stronger numbers and more tennos with warframe to team with for the future!
§ The colonies would never raise a finger for the tenno cause anyway,so the hell with them.
§ Killing corpus is way easier than killing grineers.
§ The Zanuka project is a mistery and sound way too dangerous to let the corpus complete it.

Cons :
§ Grineers are immense space-pricks who are kinda in the "all ur base are belong to us" fase.They will enslave/kill countless millions of innocent colons. and will become even more of a threat to your kind and to corpus,now weakened in their dominance over mars, they will probably make a hasty peace treat to save themselves, granting better equipment for lower prices to the grineer empire.
§ Grineers are dogs of war,they wont' stop until every rock in the system is under their empire.They can't be reasoned with.
§ Now on martialis the reward is bad (At least for somebody) for grineers siders.

Corpus :
Pros :
§ You will save millions of innocent colonist,and will avoid the dangerous growth of the already too big grineer empire, the frail,actual balance will be mostly preserved.Actual reward for martialis is a good one (Catalyst BP).
§ Corpus are easier to reason with, while they are obviously dangerous,they are far from being a threat like the grineers, they have a strong sense of trading, so it is very possible to do business with them, just for the right price of course, they even got us a lot of weapons in the early times : this choice means sacrifice : the needs of the many (colonies, political balance) outweight the needs of the few (tennos), we can't let the grineers influence grow further.
§ Crewmen are immensely sexy boxe heads.
§ The Zanuka project may be way more dangerous than the grineers, OR it's very existence may be the key to a stronger political balance (much like the atom bomb first used by U.S.A. in ww2), forcing grineer to stop their rampant aggression in fear of a truly tremendous retaliation, for the first time since they started their never-ending campaign for total domination.

Cons :
§ Alad is obviously a backstabber, and he wants every tenno/warframe available for experiments, to make new and dangerous weaponry , ready to sell at the best offer.
§ Zanuka project sounds too misterious to not fear it.(Brainwash could be even more dangerous than any conventional weapon)
§ Grineers are a LOT HARDER TO KILL
§ Grineers have a strong advantage over the corpus at the moment
§ The colonies would never raise a finger for the tenno cause anyway,so the hell with them.

The right side is obviously non-existant.There is no right side.Both are clearly terribad scenario but for different reason.
IF there were identical rewards,AND IF there were no difference in difficulty for facing corpus OR grineers.....WICH SIDE WOULD YOU TAKE?

I choose Corpus. But only because to me  the needs of the many innocents (even if "not friendly and totally unrelated to us) outweight the needs of the few (Tennos whom we don't know anything about and never met)
And of course, for the sexyness of their weapons,AND HELMETS.

Edited by JusticeJack
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You missed the colonists being indoctrinated by the corpus who would then soon be killed by Tenno.

The Zanuka project may tip the balance of power to the Corpus, so there is no real balance being made which ever side you choose.

Edited by Tormound
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Lemme copy-paste, hold on.


DE is making the gas planet tiles, we know this.
DE won't make those weapons impossible to get in the future, so, say Grineers win, you will probably be able to get the Corpus hand cannon later.
The Grineer are an evil empire throughout the galaxy, letting them gain more power is probably a bad idea.
Let the Corpus take the Tenno, it's a "sacrifice".

But it's not, really, we know the gas planet tile is coming, so, say the Corpus win, we'll probably raid their homebase to rescue the captured Tenno. It's a win-win situation, Grineers are weakened and you rescue the Tenno.

Go with the Corpus. I'm sure there'll be some tragedy, a few Tenno might not be rescued, and Alad V will get the tech to improve his hound pet from the Tenno he experiments on, but we'll still probably raid the gas planet to save the rest of (Avengers quote) "If we can't save the Tenno, you can be damn sure we'll avenge them."

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Grineers :

Pros :

§ You will save a tenno (for every mission for them), and grineers while stronger in military terms, seems more reliable than the sneaky corpus.Reward for first mission were clearly better, and they are have a strong advantage in the event (for now).This choice means to be loyal to your kind, after all,since both grineers and corpus want you dead/gone, it's better to have stronger numbers and more tennos with warframe to team with for the future!



I'm pretty sure it says just from the Corpus. Meaning the Grineer will then go after hunting / killing cyropods.

Edited by Gravefire
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Not what you think


this is exactly what I thought it was

I thought that the majority of you would have though these topics :

Grineers cuz we have already won

Grineers cuz i have 35 hours every day to dump in warframe and to mock others who don't.(LOL MARTIALIS)


Corpus but they are hated by the rewards.

Sorry to have disappointed you.

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Every one said people choosing grineer because of the rewards, But I pretty sure the main reason is Corpus is more easy to kill thus be faster.  Because of this I all ready predicted more people will choose grineer.




Post #20 if you don't believe me.

Edited by MindlessWar
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Yay for choices!I'm still questioning our judgement for not just using the war as a distraction so we can get our guys back.Also screw the colonists they probably wouldn't give a rats &#! if we were about to blow up.


Offtopic:Anyone have a dirty space mercenary clan that would kill even their little sisters pet hamster for credits?

Edited by Cabadath5
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Ruk doesn't care about the tenno cryopods.  He wants revenge and power.  Thats it.  If giving up the cryo pods is what it takes to have both, he'll take it.

Bro the whole reason this WAR started was cause the Corpus didn't want to give the cyro pods to Ruk. Trust me he wants it.

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"Intel shows a growing conflict that will begin on Gradivus in Mars. Expect it to spread. The Grineer are planning an operation against the Corpus lead by Sargas Ruk. Alad V of the Corpus has discovered a cache of Tenno in cryosleep and intends on exploiting them for his secret weapons project. The Grineer are outraged at this contract violation. They are using this as an excuse to invade Corpus space, enslave the local population, and grow their power."


This states :

1.Corpus have Tenno in cryosleep which is a violation of a contract.

2.Grineer use this as an excuse to invade Mars region.


This never , specifically, states that the cryopods are in Mars region .


This can tell one thing : side with Grineer for actually no gain ( since there is no clear information on the location of the cryopods).


Now, looking from a different point of view : (quote from  warframe.com )


"Regardless of their future, the Tenno stand united against a common foe, loyal only to each other."


This clears a very big misunderstanding :


More specific, Tenno feel no moral obligation towards the civilians from Mars, only towards their fellow kin.


To state it in a more story like way :


"... save millions of our foe`s kin at the price of our own..... us , who are so very few.... "


And our great guide , Lotus, truly knows this , yet she asks us to pick a side.


So, at the end of the day , the actual dilemma is : what are we fighting for ?

(quote from Triple X ) " ... politics, who`s politics???... Not ours."



The information,("intelligence") regarding this event is very shallow.

No commander ( referring to Lotus here since she is in the position of a sort of commander ) with half a brain would ask them to chose a side, it would crush both in the chaos. Or even better : I would redirect infested Orokin Derelict ships and crush land them on contested planets, let the Infested , Grineer and Corpus fight each other to death and clean up what remains at the end :P.


As to answer to your question  : Lotus .

She actually has the nerve to ask us to side with those that mistreat our kin ? or with tyrants ?

She betrayed . She is clearly on the pay roll of both .

Kill her .


While I was tempted to go with Corpus for the cool looking gun, in game I will no longer play the event. Story wise is complete crap. Not even the most idiotic politicians and military with half of brain would act like this.

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We all watched the Live Stream.


We all know what Project Zanuka is. Result of Project Zanuka is a Tenno with her Warframe "skinned", subjected to mind rape so she would fight for Corpus cause.


Do not allow Female Tenno to be flayed alive and mind raped.


Supporting Corpus is supporting torture and mind rape of female Tenno.

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We all watched the Live Stream.


We all know what Project Zanuka is. Result of Project Zanuka is a Tenno with her Warframe "skinned", subjected to mind rape so she would fight for Corpus cause.


Do not allow Female Tenno to be flayed alive and mind raped.


Supporting Corpus is supporting torture and mind rape of female Tenno.

Sorry Zanuka is about dolphins.

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We all watched the Live Stream.


We all know what Project Zanuka is. Result of Project Zanuka is a Tenno with her Warframe "skinned", subjected to mind rape so she would fight for Corpus cause.


Do not allow Female Tenno to be flayed alive and mind raped.


Supporting Corpus is supporting torture and mind rape of female Tenno.

Don't forget that the Corpus are highly sexist even to their own faction.

There's not a single female Corpus anywhere in the game.

Supporting the Corpus is supporting massive sexism.

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