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Enemy Adjustments We Want To See-Part 1-Grineer


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So I’ve been playing Warframe for a while now, and I really think this game has a lot of potential. The dev team has also been really awesome and made a lot of cool updates. However, closed beta being a closed beta, I have encountered quite a few things on the game so far that has made me quite frustrated, though especially concerning enemies. Below is a list I have compiled from my own experience and from other threads on the forums on possible adjustments to enemy units, their spawn rate and most importantly the constant stun-locking that I’ve seen other players complain about, that I think would definitely improve the Warframe experience for many players.

To avoid scaring people away with a huge wall of text this time, i will be seperating my entire list into three different topics. This one will be for the Grineer.



Spawn rate reduction: Stop having large hordes of Grineer spawn in the room behind me that I just cleared recently. I’ve had many experiences of having cleared a room of all enemies, often the room being a deadend (only 1 entrance, links to no other rooms), and turn to leave only to find my route blocked by a large squad of Grineers. Finding myself overwhelmed, I turn around in an attempt to head back into the deadend room I just cleared for cover, only to find that a new, large squad of enemies have suddenly spawned in that deadend room which I had just cleared about 30 seconds ago. And then I get killed. It’s really unfair and makes no sense. It would be much better if Grineers spawn at a minimum of 2 rooms away from the player.



  • Decrease their teleport rate, right now their constant switch teleports are extremely disorienting and makes them not only a threat by teleporting you into a group of enemies, but also an extreme nuisance. Maybe have a 30 second cooldown between teleports?
  • While using my Boltor (before the nerf), I noticed that Commanders ignores the bolt armor piercing. Bug?
  • 1 second player invuln after teleport, to prevent insta-death by teleporting a player into the midst of a large squad/in front of shield lancers and getting knocked down without a chance to dodge

  • I don’t know whether the perma-stun against players with their taser balls in multiplayer currently is a glitch or not, but I think they shouldn’t stun a player for longer than a Corpus crewman would get stunned by electric damage. Also, while this seems to be in effect already, the fact that they do not deploy the tasers in solo missions and only the explosive latchers should be kept definitely.
  • Each seeker should have a limit on them so they can’t have more than one taser ball deployed at all times. And all seekers should have a global limit of no more than (n-1) taser balls deployed on the map for n players on the map, to prevent total party stuns.
  • Slower fire rate/charge up, his Kraken does some pretty nasty damage right now for someone whose gimmick should be throwing out the latchers

New enemy, Grenadier
  • Heavy unit
  • Shoots pipe bombs that arc and explode after a 2-second delay on hitting ground
  • Maximum consecutive 3 bombs before a 5-7 second reload, prevent bomb spam
  • Replace Grinders/Rollers as a method of flushing players out from cover, without being ridiculously hard to hit and relying on stagger-spam


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Well... i won't say anything about the Commanders because i never had much trouble with those or their teleport so i skip right to the seekers.

I find the main problem with the seekers is that their abilities are not transparent enough. I had trouble at first knowing what to do when i or a friend was stunned by those balls and it is very hard to see them and therefor react to them.

The corpus have a comparable mechanic on those green flying robots that shoot those even more tiny bug things onto you leeching your shield and after that health in small portions until you do a melee attack. Those are not as much trouble because even if you see them late you can react. When the ball-stun hits you thats just it and you stand there helpless. That..imo gives a very frustrating feel to be not able to help yourself in a game.. and that.. should be changed, i think.

There are already enough abilities throughout the enemy-types which interrupt what the player is doing .. like stun and staggering infested, shockwave moas and such. To take the ability away from the player to do what they want in that particular moment is ok imo when it is done rarely but all the time like it often happens is just frustrating. DE has to come up with new enemy mechanics instead of adding another stunning or staggering mob after another.

My 2 cents

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Well... i won't say anything about the Commanders because i never had much trouble with those or their teleport so i skip right to the seekers.

I find the main problem with the seekers is that their abilities are not transparent enough. I had trouble at first knowing what to do when i or a friend was stunned by those balls and it is very hard to see them and therefor react to them.

The corpus have a comparable mechanic on those green flying robots that shoot those even more tiny bug things onto you leeching your shield and after that health in small portions until you do a melee attack. Those are not as much trouble because even if you see them late you can react. When the ball-stun hits you thats just it and you stand there helpless. That..imo gives a very frustrating feel to be not able to help yourself in a game.. and that.. should be changed, i think.

There are already enough abilities throughout the enemy-types which interrupt what the player is doing .. like stun and staggering infested, shockwave moas and such. To take the ability away from the player to do what they want in that particular moment is ok imo when it is done rarely but all the time like it often happens is just frustrating. DE has to come up with new enemy mechanics instead of adding another stunning or staggering mob after another.

My 2 cents

Leech Ospreys don't take away your health :o they can only drain shields. But yeah, there are way too many ways for enemies to stagger or knockdown the player. You'd think space ninjas were tougher than this :/

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Grineer are the toughest faction right now,

i personaly find infected hardest, but thats probably my build more than anything.

i used to play loki and once i got into a switch teleport fight with a commander (back and forth) until i ran out of energy, but by then my allies had killed the other enemies so it didnt matter. the bloody electro balls are so anoying, they kill me so often because of their dificulty of removal, speed of shield drain, and the fact that i am usualy in front of a firing squad when i get stunned (tanky shortrange build)

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i personaly find infected hardest, but thats probably my build ...

I think Infected are the hardest too. Probably because I'm using a Latron now and the Infected move much more aggressively and in packs; and my rate of fire is low and spray is mimimal, chargers/'dogs' being my main issue.

I also think Grineer are easy headshots because of the shape of their helmet, and they're fairly inaccurate at the range I normally shoot at, except the Grineer Heavy Gunner.

Where in the game are you playing at. I don't really encounter large hordes of grineer when playing through their maps.

Append: I actually don't have a problem with Grineers so far; exceptions being the Heavy Gunners, lower threats being Commanders, then Seekers.

Edited by Hydris
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I think Infected are the hardest too. Probably because I'm using a Latron now and the Infected move much more aggressively and in packs; and my rate of fire is low and spray is mimimal, chargers/'dogs' being my main issue.

I also think Grineer are easy headshots because of the shape of their helmet, and they're fairly inaccurate at the range I normally shoot at, except the Grineer Heavy Gunner.

Where in the game are you playing at. I don't really encounter large hordes of grineer when playing through their maps.

Append: I actually don't have a problem with Grineers so far; exceptions being the Heavy Gunners, lower threats being Commanders, then Seekers.

The spawning problem is most prevalent for me on Earth right now. Though I'd like to emphasise that i have no problems with large amounts of enemies, I just don't want them to spawn continuously behind me when i just cleared the damn room 10 seconds ago. Also, Commanders are much more annoying than HGs IMO. And Seekers are mostly fine unless you're in multiplayer. I'll address the Infested when i'm posting part 3 of this thread :/

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i use a shield heavy build and use snipetron and PUNCHING(furax), so i get murdered quick by toxic, and have a hard time with groups so blugh blugh swarming.

i dont seem to have the swarming grineer problem unless i play a mission that requires me to be left alone to hack something asuring that i will never get to do so without dying.

also i already know furax is suposedly bad, you dont need to "inform" me.

Edited by AngryNarwhal
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Though I'd like to emphasise that i have no problems with large amounts of enemies, I just don't want them to spawn continuously behind me when i just cleared the damn room 10 seconds ago.

This x100. I am quite sick and tired of the spawn rate tbh (coming from solo play, multiplayer its just fine). I can handle large groups of enemies but when my cover is no longer feeisable due to 20 grineer that magically poofed up behind me from a room i just cleared, on top of their insane accuracy at higher missions it is not enjoyable. I don't like dying by bullcrap such as enemies appearing outta thin air. Hell sometimes after Lotus spams "foot soldiers on the way" 5 times I just die and wait a few to see just how many grineer can pile up next to me. It's not fun in solo play, it makes it extremely difficult and very annoying. The spawn rate needs to be adjusted for solo play whether its lowering the spawn rate or stopping them from spawning behind you. Something has to be done.

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