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Unlocking Weapons Pro Should Cost ONLY 10 Platinums


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Unlocking Warframs cost 20 Plats, and the same cost is for unlocking weapons? No!! Why?

There are only a total of 3 warframes! they are what people use the most, Weapons are swapped often as new weapons are discovred and unlocked. Hence they have a lower value and should need less Plats to unlock their full potential.

I suggest:

Rifles and Shotguns should Cost 10-15 Platiniums to unlock Pro.

Pistols should cost 5-10 Platiniums to unlock Pro.

Swords Should cost 10-15 Platiniums to unlock Pro.

Daggers should cost 5-10 Platiniums to Unlock Pro.

Why am I giving an extimate like 10-15? well because going pro with Burston should cost far less than going pro on Gorgon! hence why I strongly advise to make it individual! The cheaper and weaker they are the lower it should cost to go pro.

Same Goes for warframes:

Excalibur Should cost 20 Platiniums to go pro.

Rhino Should cost 25 Platiniums to go pro.

Volt should cost 35 Platiniums to go pro. (This will fix the overload power balance)

Ember should cost 25 Platiniums to go pro.

Loki Should cost 20 Platiniums to go pro.

Trinity should cost 15 Platiniums to go pro. (to encourage people to become support.)

Mag should cost 30 Platiniums to go pro.

Ash should cost 25 Platiniums to go pro.

If you disagree with any of the above numbers go ahead and suggest better ones. But remember this is extremely balanced. Also since DigitalExtremes has announced the there will be ways to earn Plats in game, people that dont want to buy any plats should not worry about it at all.

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I don't think you should have different costs to go pro on different things, there's already a price difference in buying the items upfront which comes from strength/"tier"/how long the item or frame in question has been out. Continuing to penalize people for picking up "strong" frames or weapons is unfair.

That said, I'd sooner see DE bring the strength of other weapons up level to the Gorgon, as well as bringing the strength of the Grineer and Infested up to the level of the Corpus (maybe slightly lower. Corpus are pretty redunk). Power is fun. Tough enemies are fun and a good match for large amounts of power.

I personally think 20 plat for Pro is a bit too high, maybe 10-15. Maybe 10 for frames since they level faster, 15 for weapons since you can use them across frames as you see fit. But then again we have yet to see how earning PT ingame works, so maybe that won't be necessary.

On that note, I know that in the case of a reset, PT will be refunded. However, I've not seen DE's official statement on this - if the price of items bought with PT is reduced during the (closed) beta, will players be refunded the difference? If anyone knows or a DE could give me an answer I'd appreciate it. Asking mostly because I saw some PT costs, including the Mag which I'm getting sick of trying to farm for, drop.

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All warframes should cost the same to go pro. It all comes down to play-style choice, not how powerful someone thinks a warframe is.

You shouldn't be punished for playing a Volt or a Rhno.

Tell that to the guy weilding a Gorgon!

But I think that such penalizing should be in place, this will encourage weaker frames and weapons to be used more often!

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Tell that to the guy weilding a Gorgon!

But I think that such penalizing should be in place, this will encourage weaker frames and weapons to be used more often!

I think you are compltelty mistaken on how something of that nature would work. The vast majority aren't going to buy a weaker frame or weapon because it's cheaper, they will simply hold out until they can purchase the better one.

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Tell that to the guy weilding a Gorgon!

But I think that such penalizing should be in place, this will encourage weaker frames and weapons to be used more often!

You may think such a thing but that doesn't mean it makes sense to do it. For instance I think the Loki is arugably one of the most overpowered solo classes (thanks to every enemy headbutting your illusion), does that mean it should be 30 platinium? Other people may not like the Loki and may think the Ash is better for soloing. Your playstyle tends to reflect how good you are with a class, no one class is more powerful than any other they just play differently.

The Gorgon isn't a class and has nothing to do with your frame, but saying its overpowered (which it is) and therefore should cost more to go pro isn't an argument to increase its price - it's an argument to nerf the damn thing.

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You may think such a thing but that doesn't mean it makes sense to do it. For instance I think the Loki is arugably one of the most overpowered solo classes (thanks to every enemy headbutting your illusion), does that mean it should be 30 platinium? Other people may not like the Loki and may think the Ash is better for soloing. Your playstyle tends to reflect how good you are with a class, no one class is more powerful than any other they just play differently.

The Gorgon isn't a class and has nothing to do with your frame, but saying its overpowered (which it is) and therefore should cost more to go pro isn't an argument to increase its price - it's an argument to nerf the damn thing.

Here is the mistake. You think that a lower value frame automatically means a bad frame. No . . . exactly the opposite. I am only focusing on the pro apect. Volt second and third power are utterly useless compared to the amount of energy they need. It is only Volts 4th power that is a game changer, hence why unlocking him is more expensive! The same logic is applied to Mag. Yet you dont see me do the same thing with Ember, eventhough is it one of the most powerful ones. That is because Embers main utility is summerized in the first two powers, the final two are just too expensive for their use.

Loki is admitedly one of my favorites. and by no means I think its bad. Even its 4th power is awesome. But the reason it is getting a moderate number is because its balanced! The one class you expect to be out of order is the most balanced of all. The skills are not made to kill but to build and strategize. That I like.

The weapons however are a seperate thing. Some of the weapons are blatantlya a stronger version of a basic model. Lato, Lex, Aklato, The shotguns, the automatics rifles. Its even worse for the melee weapons, cause the Skana is a weapon that will be replaced undoutably with either cronus or dual skanas depending on the path the warfram wants to take.

You have to understand that the frames are a totally different thing. Your weapons dont make you an automatic winner, it is how masterful you are of your warframe that brings you closer winning. Why do you think half the people on the top 20 have Loki? because mastering that frame yields amazing results. and although hard to master, once reached it will instantly turn you into a killing machine.

I am not against nerfing Gorgon, but due to its nature it will automatically become powerful again because of its rate of fire and capacity. So any level 30 mods can turn that into a deathray no matter how you nerf it. So letting people put more mods in Gorgon should be what the price is being paid for, not the actual damage it deals.

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Loki is admitedly one of my favorites. and by no means I think its bad. Even its 4th power is awesome. But the reason it is getting a moderate number is because its balanced!

I'm sorry whats balanced about being able to disarm a boss and stand on a box and giggle at him? You're not doing anything to help your point by saying it's your favorite frame (because you think its good it should cost less?).

The Ash's final ability instagibs all enemies in the AoE, shouldn't it be 30-40 platinum? The Trinity's final ability fully heals all players and makes you invincible, balanced?

My point is that all of the final abilities are overpowered in their own way. Making some items more expensive doesn't help balance anything it just punishes players for wanting to play certain classes.

Here is the mistake. You think that a lower value frame automatically means a bad frame. No . . . exactly the opposite. I am only focusing on the pro apect. Volt second and third power are utterly useless compared to the amount of energy they need. It is only Volts 4th power that is a game changer, hence why unlocking him is more expensive! The same logic is applied to Mag. Yet you dont see me do the same thing with Ember, eventhough is it one of the most powerful ones. That is because Embers main utility is summerized in the first two powers, the final two are just too expensive for their use.

Please remember, this is still beta, the energy costs of abilities are under review. And it seems that the "goodness" of the frame is exactly what you're saying - "because the volt is OP when pro'd it should cost more". This is also another argument against rasing the price, if the volts 2nd and 3rd moves are useless as you say, shouldn't the pro be cheaper so the frame is actually useful?

I don't want to sound like I'm trying to tear you apart, infact your platinum derping raises another issue. You can only buy Akfuris and Bolto with platinum because they are overpowered.

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My 2 cents:

1) There is no need for strict balance in a purely PvE-focused cooperative game. Ultimates are powerful. Frames are powerful. The only one who has a right to complain about being roflstomped are the AI mobs.

2) Why would you penalize people with a different taste to a potentially higher price and favor others with a different taste for such arbitrary reasons as "perceived power"? That is ridiculous.

3) Frames for 20 Plat Primaries for 15 Plat, Pistol and Melee for 10 Plat, alright. But no distiction between the individual ones. That is just pseudo-balancing "game power" against "real cash". The correllation is weak. Once you went pro, the gun is going to be strong all the time. The investment stays, does not diminish over time - so most people will use whichever is stronger - it won't make them buy "weaker" weapons. You know what will, though? Equal prices, because then, it doesn't matter so much what they pick.

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I'm sorry whats balanced about being able to disarm a boss and stand on a box and giggle at him? You're not doing anything to help your point by saying it's your favorite frame (because you think its good it should cost less?).

The Ash's final ability instagibs all enemies in the AoE, shouldn't it be 30-40 platinum? The Trinity's final ability fully heals all players and makes you invincible, balanced?

My point is that all of the final abilities are overpowered in their own way. Making some items more expensive doesn't help balance anything it just punishes players for wanting to play certain classes.

Please remember, this is still beta, the energy costs of abilities are under review. And it seems that the "goodness" of the frame is exactly what you're saying - "because the volt is OP when pro'd it should cost more". This is also another argument against rasing the price, if the volts 2nd and 3rd moves are useless as you say, shouldn't the pro be cheaper so the frame is actually useful?

I don't want to sound like I'm trying to tear you apart, infact your platinum derping raises another issue. You can only buy Akfuris and Bolto with platinum because they are overpowered.

My 2 cents:

1) There is no need for strict balance in a purely PvE-focused cooperative game. Ultimates are powerful. Frames are powerful. The only one who has a right to complain about being roflstomped are the AI mobs.

2) Why would you penalize people with a different taste to a potentially higher price and favor others with a different taste for such arbitrary reasons as "perceived power"? That is ridiculous.

3) Frames for 20 Plat Primaries for 15 Plat, Pistol and Melee for 10 Plat, alright. But no distiction between the individual ones. That is just pseudo-balancing "game power" against "real cash". The correllation is weak. Once you went pro, the gun is going to be strong all the time. The investment stays, does not diminish over time - so most people will use whichever is stronger - it won't make them buy "weaker" weapons. You know what will, though? Equal prices, because then, it doesn't matter so much what they pick.

First of all, Potentially higher prices? I am confused as how you are handling this situation. The different is 15 plats Max! Which is very low in every aspect. Considering there are going to be ways to make plats in game, 15 more plats, only mean a few more days of farming. Its not the end of the world.

Second, in regards to Loki - not all bosses are disarmable. and disarming some enemies doesnt automatically make the weaker. That is not the powers fault, it is the bosses behaviour. Maybe if upgraded - like bosses to be able to pick weapons up or improvise by creative power usage, then this problem will sure to make things more interesting. Also, when I say Loki is my favorite, I dont mean I use it. In fact, I like to play with Loki not as Loki. and it is balanced, even the fourth power - aside from the boss value, it does make sense. What I mean is that the low price is not based on my preferance, or just-because-i-want-it so it should cost less. In fact, im a Mag player and I labeled her at 30. So that arguement is out of the window.

About Volt, if gets a reduction on some of the powers will become far more useful. The powers are not useless, they are useless compared to energy cost. Meaning the power is good, only not able to be used rightfully so.

Trinity uses 100 energy to simply increase everyones health to 100%, how does this make you immortal! Try the same thing on a defense level and youll know how little does it mean to everyone. Try ocanium on Pluto with a Trinity! I dare you! Also, I never said she is useless, why do you keep taking the numbers as stars that go as a rating? You are not giving more value to a frame by making it more expensive, you are just balancing the economy of spending. There is no such thing as equality, all of them are good in their own ways.

Also, about Ash . . . do you take me for a fool? Ash is completely susceptible to hits. Try that in a corpus level and youll get stoned. I wouldnt have made this thread unelss I had first hand experience with every warframe on its fullest potential! Its not about how powerful they are, but how they end up being used. We are giving more importance to warframes because they are more important than weapons.

and I am not understanding why are you ignoring the weapons here? equal prices for all weapons? you live in US right? go to the nearest Gun Store and suggest the same idea, he will slap you out of his store! I mean for god's sake there has to be a degree of realism. This is not Duke Nukem! its an Third-Person, Action RPG. That is why I'm here instead of being anywhere else.

Todays mainstream gaming has corrputed the minds of our young generation and their expectations towards gaming. Truly now I understand why EA and Ubisoft cash in so much on dubming games down. Its simple! people are getting dumber! of course I am sure no one here is dumb because I am sure all of you do like a degree of complexity in your games, the sense of choice and realism. I am sure you all do.

Back to the matter at hand. If nothing changes, at least a change in the categories should happen. meaning if all the Warframs are going to cost 20 30 to upgrade, then all the rilfes and shotguns should go for 15, Melee 15 and pistols 10. How is that for "equality"? Take away the illution of possible choice, because aparently people are too arbitrary to choose something based on logic, but price insted! Have you played FarCry 3? You might argue that the most expensive weapon is the best weapon of all, but I personally prefer the SMGs over the sniper rifles, does that mean that they are bad? no . . . it means that I can be more effective with an SMG than a Sniper rifle. If people cant make that distinction, then . . . fine, there is nothing to discuss.

But anyway, Im having a lot of fun discussing this. Heat it up - I like heated conversations, it means that you at least care.

P.S. I know Im a little heated on some parts, but hey . . . we are having fun, right?

Your turn.

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First of all, Potentially higher prices? I am confused as how you are handling this situation. The different is 15 plats Max! Which is very low in every aspect. Considering there are going to be ways to make plats in game, 15 more plats, only mean a few more days of farming. Its not the end of the world.

Problem with that is twofold. Firstly plat gen is random, so it's easy to get boned by it, secondly you're still punishing players for wanting to play different classes.

Second, in regards to Loki - not all bosses are disarmable. and disarming some enemies doesnt automatically make the weaker. That is not the powers fault, it is the bosses behaviour.

Should you have to pay for harder bosses?

For your agument to make sense you would have to pay for ALL abilities. Because the powerful ones are obviously what you think should cost cash.

Trinity uses 100 energy to simply increase everyones health to 100%, how does this make you immortal!

"Blessing: Fully heal and regenerate the shields of all allies. Your team also gains temporary invulerability."

Also, about Ash . . . do you take me for a fool? Ash is completely susceptible to hits.

Put mods in shield - win game.

and I am not understanding why are you ignoring the weapons here? equal prices for all weapons? you live in US right? go to the nearest Gun Store and suggest the same idea, he will slap you out of his store! I mean for god's sake there has to be a degree of realism.

I live in Australia, but don't worry we know all about your American firearms, because the monthly tragedy is always on the news (which is almost always blamed on video games to divert from the fact that everyone owns a damn gun [before someone cries, yes I know not everyone does]). I said this before, saying a gun is OP isn't an argument to make it more expensive it's an argument to balance it. Each weapon needs to be useful depending on the situation/role.

You're running around as a magnetic space ninja and you want realism? Please. Weapons in real life aren't designed to be "balanced" they're designed to kill what you point it as as quickly as possible, hence some are more expensive. This is a game, it should be balanced.

You could make the argument that warframes should cost 20 main weapons should cost 15, etc... Because players will be (again arguably) less reliant on sidearms than their main weapon or melee. This I agree with, I do not agree with class based price biases.

Have you played FarCry 3? You might argue that the most expensive weapon is the best weapon of all, but I personally prefer the SMGs over the sniper rifles, does that mean that they are bad? no . . . it means that I can be more effective with an SMG than a Sniper rifle. If people cant make that distinction, then . . . fine, there is nothing to discuss.

That's an arugment against having different prices, seen as you're arguing that the more-expensive sniper isn't any better than the SMG. In the same way, you might be worse with a Loki than the Mag, but someone else might be masterful with a Loki and fail at the mag.

Imagine that on FC3's first startup it asked you what type of gun you liked, and if you said SMG is automatically doubled the price of the weapon.

All in all the problem with your idea is that prices would be set based on a subjective perceived value, rather than any actual concrete variable. If you want to pay more for a warframe then by all means do, donate some money to DE,.

we are having fun, right?

The internet is srs biz.

I think this argument has been exhausted.

I want Unreal Tournament 4 to be made by DE, Epic are turds.

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Unlocking Weapons or Warframes should cost no Platinum !

Its just a pay2win ! 4 Mod Slots extro from the Pro Tree ? Why not you pay 1000 Platinum and get a extra Perk that kill all in one second ?

Or pay 1000 Platinum to teleport you to the whole map ? Or you pay 10 k Platinum for a map with Griners with no weapons ?

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Winning against AI is really not that important. You start with enough Platinum to unlock a frame and a weapon. And even rank 15 gear has punch. It's not that much of a pay2win, really.

Well , PvE game with no intensions to implement PvP , wont get a long life , that's for sure.

And im sure guys behind it pretty much aware , that with PvP comes the long life , the question is however when and how to implement it.

I've played a bit and enjoyed it , but my first question when i look at the map is 'where is PvP' and as much as i think that it's a matter of taste , i should remind you about SW:TOR , which in fact was strong PvE game , however weak PvP made it fail and fail hard.Im not sure about the situation when it's came to F2P model , but the fact that it came , is shouting itself.

Im not happy with a pricing at all , i know that developers need to make money out of these kind of games, however , paying for just getting full acess to the gameplay features provided ? That's a bit over the top.

I can understand custom skin thingy , I can understand all kind of customisable stuff in game for real money , I even can understand buying weapons for boosting yourself for real money , but this , I cant.

I mean , why do you make such a simple feature like coloring provided by almost every game limited , why?

Even pro version for a weapon , only for real money , is a bad descision , you see , those little things like lvling up your weapons , warframes , etc. is giving a little bit longer life for a game such as this , pure coop PvE expirence.

Though i allready made an assumption , that PvP would be implemented at some point , it doesn't necesarely mean that it will , then what's the purpose to lower your very own game life time , to earn a little extra cash , is it worth a risk?

And even if it will be implemented , once again , it would become a pay2win PvP , and instead of increasing , it will completely destroy community interst in it.

Both situations are bad , and it's god damn obvious.

Im not a greedy person , even though Im from Russia , I am spending my money on the games such as Planetside 2 , LoL , WoT and many others , but here , Im honestly disapointed about the whole thing.

And Im sorry for my terrible English , but it's hard to turn your mind to a different language you know.

Also , please , please dont take this offensive , i didnt mean to.

Edited by Yozr
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I think it's all the contrary. Take borderlands for example, there is a small pvp component, it is S#&$, everyone plays it for the PvE. Why would there be PvP in every game ? I prefer a well polished PvE experience than a good PvE and not bad PvP... Take a look at firefall, it fails at implementing both in a really strong way where I think only keeping 1 component, either PvE or PvP would make it dope.

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Winning against AI is really not that important. You start with enough Platinum to unlock a frame and a weapon. And even rank 15 gear has punch. It's not that much of a pay2win, really.

Yeah, but what if i want to try a second warframe ? I have to pay for it. Wen i want to buy more weapons, i have to pay for it !

Pro gives you 4 Mod Slots extra, at endgame with 4 x +70 % Shields, thats a difference between have it or not!

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Problem with that is twofold. Firstly plat gen is random, so it's easy to get boned by it, secondly you're still punishing players for wanting to play different classes.

Plats will come from alerts, if you complete the entire map you can get upto 10 alerts a day. The chance of getting plats from them is roughly 10 percent. Statistically you have a highe chance to get 1 plat per day.

Should you have to pay for harder bosses?

For your agument to make sense you would have to pay for ALL abilities. Because the powerful ones are obviously what you think should cost cash.

Check this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/1244-unlocking-weapons-pro-should-cost-only-10-platinums/

"Blessing: Fully heal and regenerate the shields of all allies. Your team also gains temporary invulerability."

That didnt happen last time I was in its effect . . . and try that on oceanium, pluto . . . how about this, add me and I will show you the real nightmares of this map.

Put mods in shield - win game.

Well, this is an exploit. Perhaps if you increase the cost to 150 . . . (^_^) lol

I live in Australia, but don't worry we know all about your American firearms, because the monthly tragedy is always on the news (which is almost always blamed on video games to divert from the fact that everyone owns a damn gun [before someone cries, yes I know not everyone does]). I said this before, saying a gun is OP isn't an argument to make it more expensive it's an argument to balance it. Each weapon needs to be useful depending on the situation/role.

You're running around as a magnetic space ninja and you want realism? Please. Weapons in real life aren't designed to be "balanced" they're designed to kill what you point it as as quickly as possible, hence some are more expensive. This is a game, it should be balanced.

You could make the argument that warframes should cost 20 main weapons should cost 15, etc... Because players will be (again arguably) less reliant on sidearms than their main weapon or melee. This I agree with, I do not agree with class based price biases.

Well, the jokes on you. I have never lived in the US and hope that I never do. I am actually by birth considered an Aussie.

Regarding realism . . . what? so space ninjas are not real? then that means im never going to be recruited by the tenno . . . im depressed now :( . . . . but jokes aside, by realism I dont mean that there are space ninjas and infested corpus ruling the system, but conceptually. all of them are bound by physics, and normal means of life, and it is set in a distant POSSIBLE future, who knows that in a thousand years this is not possible? but somehting as ridiculous as Final Fantasy Series and Kingdom Hearts (never played it). Those games are made to defy logic in any way, the powers, the characters . . . none of them in a billion years in any parallel universe is going to be possible! heck! even skyrim has a higher chance of being true that those games! (not that it does)

So my point is that YES, warframe is based on a true concept, such things are not far from possible. Perhaps it wont be used as a magnetic ninja, but it sure as hell would be possible to have warframes in the future, a few hundred years from now. So yes . . .

Regarding what you agreed on, that is the main title of the topic, and if we can at least have that, then I will be ok with it too.

That's an arugment against having different prices, seen as you're arguing that the more-expensive sniper isn't any better than the SMG. In the same way, you might be worse with a Loki than the Mag, but someone else might be masterful with a Loki and fail at the mag.

Imagine that on FC3's first startup it asked you what type of gun you liked, and if you said SMG is automatically doubled the price of the weapon.

Here is the thing, its about the potential. Someone that fully masters a sniper and one hit kill everything from across the room. A fully mastered Burston may achieve the same thing, however he has to get closer, hence it may sacrifice his own well being when doing so. Imagine a grinner level with two Grinner Bombers with they rocket launchers - here distanse can make a difference. Or Hades boss, due to his special attacks the further you are the better, but it doent mean anything. I have a fully unlocked boar and I still do a decent amount of damage, but that is my style, others may approach it differently.

My point is, that even with boar, which deals very high damage, I wont be able to one hit kill high level enemies in pluto, but a sniper specialst can although he is slowed by his low rate of fire.

All in all the problem with your idea is that prices would be set based on a subjective perceived value, rather than any actual concrete variable. If you want to pay more for a warframe then by all means do, donate some money to DE,.

But that is exactly what I'm considering. Lower value for frames that would otherwise be ignored. Like trinity. Also consider this, are you going to play with the same frame for your entire game? no . . . you will change and buy news ones as you progress trough the game. That is the whole point of the game.

The internet is srs biz.

I think this argument has been exhausted.


I dont think so, you're not getting off that easy! :D

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Lower value for frames that would otherwise be ignored. Like trinity.

You seem to assume absolutely nobody wants to play support. Or that Trinity is completely incapable of doing anything other than supporting. This is entirely untrue with Warframe, given the fact that your frame doesn't restrict your weapons (and I hope it never does). In fact, "supports" can be very dangerous in some games, and this is no exception, because with suitable weapons, good aim, and skill, I could cause more destruction than somebody packing one of the more destructive frames. And I'd have a better shot at lasting the mission because of healing. Although I don't have Trinity, so I don't know exactly what the case is with it (i.e. how much self-healing you can do).

Also, in my eyes, you are assuming that balance as it is now is absolutely set in stone. It's not. This is a closed beta for a reason, and we're here to look for the root of the problem to make the game better. As I said much earlier in the thread, it's not a matter of giving things the nerfbat at this stage of the game or arbitrarily adjusting prices. It would be better if we preserved fun by looking at "OP" yet "fun" elements of the game, and bringing "underpowered" or "less fun" elements up to their level.

As for the Pro system, meh. I really don't like the idea of putting Platinum in a hazy area between "you need to pay for this" and "you can get this ingame". I'd personally rather Platinum were strictly a pay-to-get option and give an option to Pro items with credits. Or just get rid of Pro entirely.

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You seem to assume absolutely nobody wants to play support. Or that Trinity is completely incapable of doing anything other than supporting. This is entirely untrue with Warframe, given the fact that your frame doesn't restrict your weapons (and I hope it never does). In fact, "supports" can be very dangerous in some games, and this is no exception, because with suitable weapons, good aim, and skill, I could cause more destruction than somebody packing one of the more destructive frames. And I'd have a better shot at lasting the mission because of healing. Although I don't have Trinity, so I don't know exactly what the case is with it (i.e. how much self-healing you can do).

Also, in my eyes, you are assuming that balance as it is now is absolutely set in stone. It's not. This is a closed beta for a reason, and we're here to look for the root of the problem to make the game better. As I said much earlier in the thread, it's not a matter of giving things the nerfbat at this stage of the game or arbitrarily adjusting prices. It would be better if we preserved fun by looking at "OP" yet "fun" elements of the game, and bringing "underpowered" or "less fun" elements up to their level.

As for the Pro system, meh. I really don't like the idea of putting Platinum in a hazy area between "you need to pay for this" and "you can get this ingame". I'd personally rather Platinum were strictly a pay-to-get option and give an option to Pro items with credits. Or just get rid of Pro entirely.

Pro is gonna go.

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You seem to assume absolutely nobody wants to play support. Or that Trinity is completely incapable of doing anything other than supporting. This is entirely untrue with Warframe, given the fact that your frame doesn't restrict your weapons (and I hope it never does). In fact, "supports" can be very dangerous in some games, and this is no exception, because with suitable weapons, good aim, and skill, I could cause more destruction than somebody packing one of the more destructive frames. And I'd have a better shot at lasting the mission because of healing. Although I don't have Trinity, so I don't know exactly what the case is with it (i.e. how much self-healing you can do).

Trinity can tank, Trinity amplifies DPS of all other frames by a gajillion. Trinity, with 50 energy, can make any bossfight a breeze.

Drop Energy Vampire on the boss, fill up Energy to the max (399 for me right now), drop Link on the boss, see the boss kill himself as you fire on him, keep health high with Well, drop Vamp again and refill, pop Ultimate for full shields and health for all, repeat as needed. Essentially, the boss cannot kill your group, your group has endless Energy and if he shoots the source of all this, he damages himself. All four abilities are usefull.

Trinity is by far my favourite frame. And I do have Excal, Rhino and Trinity pro'ed and at 30. Currently leveling Volt, building Mag, Loki is in the stash, Ember is going to follow soon. Ash in the end, too. But Trinity is a bomb. As soon as you hit that magiv 50 Energy, you can start an endless cycle against bosses or heavies that makes Trinity nigh unstoppable. And as soon as your buddy is puny rank #1 Volt, he can spam his Lightnings like a baws. ;)

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"F2p" is the new 'demo', nobody used to complain that they couldn't play the whole game when all they had was the demo.

Whiners gonna whine. Get a Job, if you like the game support the Dev's, they're people too.

Pro is for people who like the game. If you like the game, pay for it, the levels took a lot longer to make than it does for you to play through them.

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"F2p" is the new 'demo', nobody used to complain that they couldn't play the whole game when all they had was the demo.

Whiners gonna whine. Get a Job, if you like the game support the Dev's, they're people too.

Pro is for people who like the game. If you like the game, pay for it, the levels took a lot longer to make than it does for you to play through them.

Dude , no one is going to support devs who is not caring about the community in a first place.

And it's a god damn internet , how do you know that no one have a job here ? ;)

I like this game , but as i said , i'd rather support them by buying a weapon or warframe , then unlocking features that is part of the game core.

The first idea i got when i thought about it a little , is to make pro unlockable step-by-step , so basicly you are paying some in-game currency to unlock each step , or you are paying real money to unlock the whole pro tree.This basicly leaving core feature to be acessable for all players , in the same time leaving the posability of getting cash for it from those who want to boost themself's , but this is hardly going to help.

And this whole 'f2p' is the new 'demo' dont make sense , because it's not.

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Dude , no one is going to support devs who is not caring about the community in a first place.

And this whole 'f2p' is the new 'demo' dont make sense , because it's not.

"Dude", DE is actually quite on the pulse of the community. That does not mean that they are going to put in everything people ask for. If they would, this game would end up being horrible. Someone stated that "Pro" is going to go away anyway. I think we can all lay back and relax on the issue for now.

As for f2p/demo - yeah, it ... does make sense. Because, with demos, you got access to something with limitations, but it was free. Like it? Buy it. Free 2 Play is the "demo" to "Pay 2 Play" games. You aren't forced to buy anything, you can play the game, but with limitations. I don't really see where the comparision would be lacking. Of course, it evolved and is no longer shipped with floppy disks as an attachment to your favourite PC Gaming magazine, but when was the last time you bought one of those?

PS: Jill of the Jungle demo, '93, best game I never bought EVER.

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