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Hive Mind Of The Innocents {Rec:13/30 Spots Filled}[Lore]


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The Story of the Hive Mind

The Tenno waited, encased in a cyropod, far in the depths of the System, floating adrift a chunk of rock, attached by a few simple, stubborn pieces of rubar. He bore no conscience, only slept for years upon years, swirling in circles around the system, again and again. In the final days of the first war, he had locked himself away in a Cyropod, letting the rest of his bretheren finish the final days, and also take their rest amongst the hundreds of surviving Tenno. Laid to rest with his suit, his weapons and his gear. 
All this time later, a pressurized hissing escaped the Cyropod as the hatch opened, quickly waking up the sole Tenno, who would've been ejected into space, had his food not been jammed into the bottom ledge of the pods door. 
All seemed distant, the sounds of the cyropod beeping, hissing sounds of depressurization, the reactivation of his Warframe, all of this, seemed  so distant. What had happened before now? Why was he in darkness... That was all that laid among him, the distant pings of light, some larger than others, some so distant they seemed but mere dust on the Tenno's Visor. In a way it almost brought a sense of Nostalgia, the pitch black sky, littered with stars, but that moment was cut short with a voice, as many others would become familiar to as The Lotus.
"Tenno, I've opened your Cyropod, I do not have any ideas on how you can get off of this rock, and fight for balance, I'll leave that to you."
The static died with the voice, ice formed all around the intercom within the cyropod, as well as it's surface, giving a surface for his stuck foot to move with. The Warframe lurched outwards, quickly clamping the ledge with his hand, and pulling himself around, digging his fingers into the rock to keep on the meteor, with the sudden movement, the Rubar snapped in one spot from the cyropod, quickly causing a chain reaction, as it flew off into the ends of the system. 
It seemed almost like second nature to him, how to manipulate this shell he was inside, what it was capable of, a display appeared on his visor;
He read the information carefully, taking in each little bit, he reached to his back, pulling over the hulking hammer from his back, it was riddled with spikes, barbed wire, electricity and flames, capable of easily wrecking even the bulkiest of opponents, but for now...
He was alone, not a single thing nearby.
Days passed.
Days turned into weeks.
Into months,
and years.
After standing to his feet, the constant riddling of tiny debris having torn the coloring from his armor away from all this time, all this waiting, but it wasn't only color, unlike before, he was conscious, with nothing to do. Silence, what confusion he had turned into nothing, than formed into a solemn feeling, the thought of Nostalgia returned. Time after it began to form into irritation, and soon after, anger.
Now it had progressed further, the being within that Warframe was borderline insane, and what was to come did not help.
Now, the Meteor was about to pass around a planet, known to the System as Eris. How long would it take to get another chance like this? Without a second thought, the Tenno, brought his fist up, smashing the meteor, destroying it and sending him propelling towards the planet, where Iron formed around his skin. Minutes later he hit the atmosphere, the Iron melting just as quickly as it was formed, energy slowly depleting, the ground was less than a kilometer, and at the speed he was going the impact was less than a second later, debris flying out for miles, the Tenno unconscious within the suit, the Iron Shattered, and laying around him useless, the visor dim.
He awoke in the middle of nowhere, some roots from the ground he'd hit having grown upwards slightly, and had started to curl around his left calf, it could've been a week to a month, the part of the planet was uninhabited, and  the wildlife was thick.
But finally he had gravity to stand on two feet, momentum he could build, strength he could regain after being in zero gravity... All this time. He didn't bother putting the hammer back onto his back, simple held it to his side, he felt no need to use the weapons, if the ammunition was even safe to use anymore, it had been far too long to trust it-.







Welcome to Hive Mind of the Innocents, we are a newly founded clan looking to progress in the ranks, through a coordinated effort by multiple players. The Clan itself has the following:


-A Dojo (as all do)

-   -Reactor (x4)

-   -Oracle


-   -Chem Lab

-- -- Research Nearing Completion.


-   -Bio Lab

-- -- Research Complete


-  -Energy Lab

-- -- Undergoing Research.


-  -Drums!


The Second Floor:


-Dueling Arena



-Coordinated Ranking ladder.

-Extremely Organized System.

-An Enjin Website for communication and updates (WIP-10% complete) (http://hivemindoftheinnocents.enjin.com/home)

-Friendly Owners.


Disregarding the name, our clan is open, and you won't be drilled to do one thing, granted you will have to listen to a superior at times, in certain conditions, but you can suggest anything, and do what you like when things are quiet.



































Player rules; 

1. The usage of Swearing is frowned upon, though tollerated through rare usage, and not being directed towards other members (or players) of Warframe.

2. Respect other members in general.
3. Be a part of the team.
4a. Do not insult less experienced players.
4b. Report any players who insult you for being inexperience and/or "bad" (or any reason, for that matter).
5. Apply common sense.
Leading Rules;
1. You are not entitled to try to make someone change their Real Life plans, if they are busy, they are.
2. You are to be a role model, follow all Player rules, you are no exception.
3. Do not use your position to take advantage of a player in game (or out of game).














The Hive Mind: (Everything)

-The head of the clan, what he says goes, there are no exceptions.


Mind Possessor: (Everything besides Ruler)

-The Second highest rank within the Hive Mind of the Innocents, they have, in accord, the second highest level of responsibility, it is essential they are active at all times, available, and if not notify as to why. These individuals deal with Recruitment-Architecture-Hosting-- everything besides complete control (Ruling).


Mind Suppressor: (Recruiter, Regulation, Promotion, Host, Treasurer, Architect)

-The Rule Enforcer, Division leaders, strong individuals that have the third seat in the ranking system, they, as said before enforce rules and proper conduct, dealing with inactive members, or purely offensive members.


Mind Plague: (Recruiting, Regulation, Tech, Architect, Host, Treasurer)

-In charge of recruiting members, these individuals have a large say in statistics (essentially numbers, how to balance them, bookkeeping, etc). They are expected to be extremely active, and put some time aside to actively campaign for members, and if you want to be recognized out of the MP, sometimes even using your own Void Keys as an offering to new Initiates.


Mind Stabilizer: (Architect, Treasurer, Host, Tech)

-The Physical foundation of HMotI, responsible for the growth of the Dojo, and the implementation of decorations and features. They are to provide Tech units with the appropriate conditions to operate in, delve into Forma gathering and so forth. To complete the gathering of Forma, and other building resources, they are permitted to gather a group together to operate more efficiently.


Signal: (Tech)

-The Technician of the HMotI, expected to deal with research and work in close accord with the Architects of the Dojo in order to establish formidable working conditions, during wait times for research, they essentially fill the role of either Concience or Stabilizer, given no officials of that position are available.


Conscience: (None)

-These individuals make up the main bulk of the Clan, they are what keep things going, complete hundreds of objectives, and commit their efforts to the clan. 


Link: (None)

-Initiates to the clan, still needing to get a clear idea of how things operate within the clan, prove themselves worthy, and dedicated, and so forth.



So that covers the ranks and what they do, but -how- does one rank up?


1. Be active.
2. Contribute to Dojo construction.
3. Participate actively in Void Missions, Alert Objectives, and so forth.
4. Bring a positive attitude to the clan chat.
5. Be proactive, settle disputes, proper conduct.

6. Listen to your superiors.












The Hive Mind;

1. Juggernaut Anonymous


Mind Possessor;

2. Jackhammer4000


Mind Suppressor;


Mind Plague;


Mind Stabilizer;

3. Zenadora




7. Fluttericity

10. Dragnsyer

11. HunterDK

12. JumpUp

13. mAnicmod3



4. Namsy

5. Xilerate

6. mAnicmod3

8. MetalThruster

9. -Exile





















Out of Game Information:

Your age?:
Third Person Shooter Experience?:
In Game Name:
Main Warframe:
Your pros:
Your cons:
Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted?
Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents?


Make the right choice,
Edited by JuggernautAnonymous
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In Game Name: Heziah


Main Warframe: Ash

-Primary: HEK

-Secondary: Kunai

-Melee: Dual Ether


Your pros: Decent player, not the worst person to be around


Your cons: I get distracted with other things fairly easily.


Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? I have plenty of resources that are only going to get dustier


Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? No idea as of yet but i'll voice my opinion if I think of something

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Age: 16 (high school student, junior year, busy year) even though i live in asia, i study in an american school

Third person shooter experience: played a bit of war machine, im using xbox controllers so i have decent aim

I played a lot of COD before warframe

In Game Name: patty60205

Main Warframe: Excalibur (planning on building frost)

-Primary: Braton (close to max lvl), Bolten (have blueprint but not enough credits to build it)

-Secondary: Laton (very close to max lvl), kunai (completely new)

-Melee: Skana (close to max lvl), Dual Ether (completely new)

Your pros: average player with decent aim

Your cons: I just strted a week ago, compelted half out of all missions, can only be online during weekend (i login everyday thou), since i live in asia my connection may be bad sometimes

Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? Certainly, until i get frost blueprints, i have much resources to give

Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? So far i think the rules are pretty good, hope u can accept me as i only play on weekends.

Ps. High five to the emblem designer, fractals are awesome!!!

Edited by patty60205
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Welcome to Hive Mind of the Innocents, we are a newly founded clan looking to progress in the ranks, through a coordinated effort by multiple players. The Clan itself has the following:


-A Dojo (as all do)

-   -Reactor (x4)

-   -Oracle


-   -Chem Lab

-- -- Research Nearing Completion.


-   -Bio Lab

-- -- Research Complete


-  -Energy Lab

-- -- Undergoing Research.


-  -Drums!


The Second Floor:


-Dueling Arena



-Coordinated Ranking ladder.

-Extremely Organized System.

-An Enjin Website for communication and updates (WIP-10% complete) (http://hivemindoftheinnocents.enjin.com/home)

-Friendly Owners.


Disregarding the name, our clan is open, and you won't be drilled to do one thing, granted you will have to listen to a superior at times, in certain conditions, but you can suggest anything, and do what you like when things are quiet.



































Player rules; 

1. The usage of Swearing is frowned upon, though tollerated through rare usage, and not being directed towards other members (or players) of Warframe.

2. Respect other members in general.
3. Be a part of the team.
4a. Do not insult less experienced players.
4b. Report any players who insult you for being inexperience and/or "bad" (or any reason, for that matter).
5. Apply common sense.
Leading Rules;
1. You are not entitled to try to make someone change their Real Life plans, if they are busy, they are.
2. You are to be a role model, follow all Player rules, you are no exception.
3. Do not use your position to take advantage of a player in game (or out of game).














The Hive Mind: (Everything)

-The head of the clan, what he says goes, there are no exceptions.


Mind Possessor: (Everything besides Ruler)

-The Second highest rank within the Hive Mind of the Innocents, they have, in accord, the second highest level of responsibility, it is essential they are active at all times, available, and if not notify as to why. These individuals deal with Recruitment-Architecture-Hosting-- everything besides complete control (Ruling).


Mind Suppressor: (Recruiter, Regulation, Promotion, Host, Treasurer, Architect)

-The Rule Enforcer, Division leaders, strong individuals that have the third seat in the ranking system, they, as said before enforce rules and proper conduct, dealing with inactive members, or purely offensive members.


Mind Plague: (Recruiting, Regulation, Tech, Architect, Host, Treasurer)

-In charge of recruiting members, these individuals have a large say in statistics (essentially numbers, how to balance them, bookkeeping, etc). They are expected to be extremely active, and put some time aside to actively campaign for members, and if you want to be recognized out of the MP, sometimes even using your own Void Keys as an offering to new Initiates.


Mind Stabilizer: (Architect, Treasurer, Host, Tech)

-The Physical foundation of HMotI, responsible for the growth of the Dojo, and the implementation of decorations and features. They are to provide Tech units with the appropriate conditions to operate in, delve into Forma gathering and so forth. To complete the gathering of Forma, and other building resources, they are permitted to gather a group together to operate more efficiently.


Signal: (Tech)

-The Technician of the HMotI, expected to deal with research and work in close accord with the Architects of the Dojo in order to establish formidable working conditions, during wait times for research, they essentially fill the role of either Concience or Stabilizer, given no officials of that position are available.


Conscience: (None)

-These individuals make up the main bulk of the Clan, they are what keep things going, complete hundreds of objectives, and commit their efforts to the clan. 


Link: (None)

-Initiates to the clan, still needing to get a clear idea of how things operate within the clan, prove themselves worthy, and dedicated, and so forth.



So that covers the ranks and what they do, but -how- does one rank up?


1. Be active.
2. Contribute to Dojo construction.
3. Participate actively in Void Missions, Alert Objectives, and so forth.
4. Bring a positive attitude to the clan chat.
5. Be proactive, settle disputes, proper conduct.

6. Listen to your superiors.












The Hive Mind;

1. Juggernaut Anonymous


Mind Possessor;

2. Jackhammer4000


Mind Suppressor;


Mind Plague;


Mind Stabilizer;

3. Zenadora




7. Fluttericity



4. Namsy

5. Xilerate

6. mAnicmod3

8. MetalThruster

9. -Exile

10. Dragnsyer




















Out of Game Information:

Your age?:
Third Person Shooter Experience?:
In Game Name:
Main Warframe:
Your pros:
Your cons:
Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted?
Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents?


Make the right choice,


Out of Game:


Age: 17


Third Person Shooter experience: GTA (3-5), Gears of war (1-Judgement), Red Dead Redemption, Army of Two (1- 2), Conflict, Fall Out (3- Las vegas), Lost planet (1-2), Resident Evil (4-6), Saints Row (1-4), and Mass Effect (1-4).


In Game:


Main Warframe: Excalibur


Primary: Braton


Secondary: Aklato


Sword: Skana


What do Iack in: Good weapons and good people


What do I excel: Staying alive, following orders, and getting the job done.


Am I willing to contribute to the Dojo once i'm accepted?: Yes


Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents?: Spread the word, gather materials, and provide support to research. 

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In Game Name: Heziah
Main Warframe: Ash
-Primary: HEK
-Secondary: Kunai
-Melee: Dual Ether
Your pros: Decent player, not the worst person to be around
Your cons: I get distracted with other things fairly easily.
Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? I have plenty of resources that are only going to get dustier
Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? No idea as of yet but i'll voice my opinion if I think of something


Accepted, Invite will be send out momentarily.

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Age: 16 (high school student, junior year, busy year) even though i live in asia, i study in an american school

Third person shooter experience: played a bit of war machine, im using xbox controllers so i have decent aim

I played a lot of COD before warframe

In Game Name: patty60205

Main Warframe: Excalibur (planning on building frost)

-Primary: Braton (close to max lvl), Bolten (have blueprint but not enough credits to build it)

-Secondary: Laton (very close to max lvl), kunai (completely new)

-Melee: Skana (close to max lvl), Dual Ether (completely new)

Your pros: average player with decent aim

Your cons: I just strted a week ago, compelted half out of all missions, can only be online during weekend (i login everyday thou), since i live in asia my connection may be bad sometimes

Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted? Certainly, until i get frost blueprints, i have much resources to give

Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents? So far i think the rules are pretty good, hope u can accept me as i only play on weekends.

Ps. High five to the emblem designer, fractals are awesome!!!

Accepted, I'll send you an invite to the Clan in a minute,


Also, I designed the Emblem, took me long enough haha.

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Out of Game:


Age: 17


Third Person Shooter experience: GTA (3-5), Gears of war (1-Judgement), Red Dead Redemption, Army of Two (1- 2), Conflict, Fall Out (3- Las vegas), Lost planet (1-2), Resident Evil (4-6), Saints Row (1-4), and Mass Effect (1-4).


In Game:


Main Warframe: Excalibur


Primary: Braton


Secondary: Aklato


Sword: Skana


What do Iack in: Good weapons and good people


What do I excel: Staying alive, following orders, and getting the job done.


Am I willing to contribute to the Dojo once i'm accepted?: Yes


Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents?: Spread the word, gather materials, and provide support to research. 

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand last but not least, accepted, invite, as said before will be issued momentarily.

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In Game Name:

Main Warframe:

Vectis (as of last week)



Your pros:

- Play often

- Like helping teammates reach goals

- Hawkeye like aiming ;) 

- Never let people bleed out.


Your cons:

Newish - only mastery lvl 3

Hate posting in forums

Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted?



Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents?


Not sure until Im in it.

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In Game Name:



Main Warframe:



Vectis (as of last week)






Your pros:

- Play often

- Like helping teammates reach goals

- Hawkeye like aiming ;) 

- Never let people bleed out.


Your cons:

Newish - only mastery lvl 3

Hate posting in forums

Are you willing to help in the construction of the Dojo in the case you're accepted?




Thoughts on how to improve the Hive Mind of the Innocents?


Not sure until Im in it.

Accepted, welcome to the Clan, you'll be receiving an invite momentarily, unfortunately I won't be able to play a game with you as I'm finally cracking down on our lore.

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Changelog since last update:

-Updated Roster.

-Clan Dojo be still growing.

-Paced somewhere in the 1000's for the event, since we just upped to a Shadow Clan then, shame.

-Started Recruiting ingame.


Also, if people actually read these changelogs/updates, could you give me some feedback of if you'd rather there not be an Application period, or if you think it servers a good purpose? (ie fending off research leechers?)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Changelog since last update:

-Updated Roster.

-Clan Dojo be still growing.

-Paced somewhere in the 1000's for the event, since we just upped to a Shadow Clan then, shame.

-Started Recruiting ingame.

Also, if people actually read these changelogs/updates, could you give me some feedback of if you'd rather there not be an Application period, or if you think it servers a good purpose? (ie fending off research leechers?)

Hi JuggernautAnonymaus,

Sorry for such a late reply, i was asking in clan chat about when dojo are hosted. I am on everyday and quite active now, but cant find people hosting dojo. Then finally zenadora agreed to host so i can donate stuff. I think maybe everyone can join a group chat in line (or any other app) so we can chat or ask people to get on (if free of course) for events and stuff.

Edited by patty60205
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  • 3 months later...

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