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Why The Grineer?


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Look, all these interpretation are fun but DE laid it out in black and white terms.

Side with the Grineer:

Save the captured Tenno

Grineer gain control of Mars and enslave populace, gaining more power

Side with the Corpus:

Tenno get disected by Alad V

Balance of power is maintained

Any extra reading between the lines or speculation about whether the Tenno can be retreived from Alad V, or whether the Grineer can be trusted to give them to us is irrelevant. The consequences have been made clear, I'm tired of reading posts about imaginary grey areas.

If you are going to argue or reason for one side or the other, please don't twist the fact to support some theory that flies in the face of what DE has said.

 What the DE said at the beginning was a bunch of good quality lore and decent structure leading up to the event, until you get to the very end, the part the Lotus says something very odd and unlike the Lotus (as if though it was hastily written in). At first, it made BOTH sides look like the enemy.

 But when they released the event, and you actually had to click the button to start the game and all you saw was "Join Grineer, save Tenno">"Join Corpus, Sacrifice Tenno" it pretty much added the moral dilemma point-of-view to coerce those people with no self-esteem to pick the side every average-Joe would want to do. (and there's nothing wrong with that, it's a choice but numbers-wise it's a huge % of people)


 So as you can see, no the DE were not clear on anything that they said and did a 360 WTF slap to everyone's face, and have proven yet again, they choose what they want to happen and people are dumb enough to follow.


 They even made the rules so that people who DO try and strive on the leaderboards would go crazy on the first opportunity they got so they wouldn't want to lose points by aiding the enemy faction.


 So either the DEs (most of them) don't know S#&$ about Sociology and this event just happens to be worded horribly for Grineer favoritism by accident


 They did everything they could to insure a Grineer win BEFORE it ever even started

Edited by FoxRabbit
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because most people are to noobish to play against the grineer

them Napalms to the face hit hard

them Eviscerators to the face hit hard

them Scorchers to the face hit hard

not to mention they are waiting behind every corner of every door you open


buttt luckily ppl who sided with the Grineer only have to deal with MOA's that look like big targets

and take

2x damage multiplier to body shots

lol XD

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- Lore-wise Tenno are being lost, but it has no significance, since Tenno are conceptually infinitely replaceable (with literally new players). Making the "sacrifice" irrelevant.

- Lore-wise civilians being lost, are forever lost. There is no outside force that actually replaces them. Therefore, their lost could actually be considered tragic, and should therefore be avoided.


So lore is a reason when it supports your case (faceless, uncounted, nonexisting civilians) but not when it doesn't (coveted, rare Tenno)? I can already see that discussions with you are not required. If you indulge in hypocrisy like that, there is hardly a reason to entertain your thoughts. You cannot break the fourth wall only when you like to. Your biased standards make your points null and void.

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They will. Dont forget that the Corpus went after them, not the Grineer. After what we did to them in the Formorian Event, it would be unwise to start another conflict even when defeat has weakened them and will weaken them again.

 Isn't the point of this war the Grineer want to kill the Tenno in the Cryopods? Cause when I read that message, I got to the second one where Ruk was replying to Alad V and all I got was "Gib me Tenno. I crush dair pooni sculz. I r Grineer! Gib me now!" and I portrayed it in a high pitched shrill 3 year old girl voice who was throwing a tantrum cause she didn't get the piece of candy she wanted right away.

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So lore is a reason when it supports your case (faceless, uncounted, nonexisting civilians) but not when it doesn't (coveted, rare Tenno)? I can already see that discussions with you are not required. If you indulge in hypocrisy like that, there is hardly a reason to entertain your thoughts. You cannot break the fourth wall only when you like to. Your biased standards make your points null and void.


Your biased viewpoint may have a hard time seeing it, but the same standard was used when looking at this.

You can't accuse me of hypocrisy. If you got a problem with the fourth wall only being broken for the Tenno, then take that up with DE. New players do not become Grineer, Corpus, nor civilian. The addition of new players directly correlates to the story of more Tenno "being found". I'm not the one being choosy about breaking the fourth wall. That's the whole premise of this video game, genius.

No matter what happens to the Tenno, they can't disappear from the story. (Like Captain Picard on, say Star Trek)

The civilians however, aren't integral to the story, and they are expendable. (Like a "red shirt" on Star Trek)

To put it simply: You can take pity on and help the "red shirts" (the civilians), because deus ex machina (SOMETHING) will kick in and save Captain Picard (The Tenno) later. If it doesn't, then game over or some other change takes place, but there is no loss, because Tenno story must go on.

Feel enlightened yet?

Since we're speaking to each other condescendingly over a video game; I'll go ahead and enlighten you further...

You are correct, having a discussion with me is not required. Did someone force you to address me? Or are you used to getting cookies for pointing out the obvious? If you're implying that a conversation would be pointless, then simply don't engage in it. Hop on your imaginary high horse and trot away... lol

Edited by Jathniel
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No matter what happens to the Tenno, they can't disappear from the story. (Like Captain Picard on, say Star Trek)

The civilians however, aren't integral to the story, and they are expendable. (Like a "red shirt" on Star Trek)

Feel enlightened yet?




Buddy, since your jimmies seem to be quite rustled: Welcome to this RP banter that nothing to do with actual people. You metaphorically argue the benefits of democracy in a game world of constant strife. You argue metaphorically that the earth is round and we're but a speck in the universe in a situation where the game world has established it's flat.


You are using real person perspective on a ingame conflict. Guess what, in the real world, there is no TCV, no Corpus, no Grineer. What I am pointing out - and which has completely and utterly eluded you - is, that you are breaking the fourth wall and draw out game knowledge into an ingame debate. You are literally bad at this.


I have seen no civilians. There are no civilians. NPCs? They respawn all the time, just like Tenno, Bosses, enemies. Civilians? Don't even exist in the game. If you want to argue that Tenno are expendable, because they can just click revive, then you have to also admit that "civilians" are nothing but a figment of lore and can be spawned at the click of a button. That is your hypocrisy. You apply outgame standards to one party, ingame standards to the other.


Feel enlightened yet?




There is no need to be upset. Stop being bad.

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Buddy, since your jimmies seem to be quite rustled: Welcome to this RP banter that nothing to do with actual people. You metaphorically argue the benefits of democracy in a game world of constant strife. You argue metaphorically that the earth is round and we're but a speck in the universe in a situation where the game world has established it's flat.


You are using real person perspective on a ingame conflict. Guess what, in the real world, there is no TCV, no Corpus, no Grineer. What I am pointing out - and which has completely and utterly eluded you - is, that you are breaking the fourth wall and draw out game knowledge into an ingame debate. You are literally bad at this.


I have seen no civilians. There are no civilians. NPCs? They respawn all the time, just like Tenno, Bosses, enemies. Civilians? Don't even exist in the game. If you want to argue that Tenno are expendable, because they can just click revive, then you have to also admit that "civilians" are nothing but a figment of lore and can be spawned at the click of a button. That is your hypocrisy. You apply outgame standards to one party, ingame standards to the other.


Feel enlightened yet?




There is no need to be upset. Stop being bad.



I see what happened... "Buddy".

Definitely a misunderstanding.

You're really going to need to backtrack and review my posts in this thread:

Start from post #37, take your time... then take special note of post #48.

My response to THAT individual was made jokingly; since he was ridiculing everyone for making theory on the RP. Since he demanded that no one "twist" facts to support a theory, I decided to list facts to support a theory.

Unless, you somehow think it's normal for a person to say "Fact" and "Opinion" at the end of every sentence; then the sarcasm in my post went completely and totally over your head, as I can tell from your response to the tl;dr.

Be sure to save all that philosophy for your kids though! You're a good guy!

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Why are people siding with the scum of the galaxy? They are going to kill everyone in that sector, is it that because it does not effect anyone in game? Scarifce is something Tenno must understand, I mean we are basically cyber samurais. Think about their honour and code? Do we not up hold those values and beliefs?


We're not samuari.


We're ninja.


Those are on the total opposite of the honour and code slider.

Edited by Brimir
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