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Do What You Must, The Grineer Have Won.


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I have a Question: Do players play this event 1) FOR SAVING OUR FELLOW TENNOS CAPTURED?  

                                                                        2) THE BATTLEPAY REWARDS?

                                                                        3) THE TIER 3 REWARDS?



Don't know if its just me and my friends, but we play just for 2) and the Corpus TIER 3 REWARDS. 

Just you and your opportunist sell out friends,


                 Not caring about your fellow Tenno's being tortured!


                           You should feel the hypocrite when you're playing the new berserker warframe and thinking you supported her demise

                                   and if it was up to you, she'd be disemboweled and brutally dissected alive!







HAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! Just a game, I kid I kid... opportunist!

Edited by SittingNinja
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There isn't a point in supporting corpus now. >_> I love my time wasted for nothing.


Just curious but do you come on the forums often? It was quite obvious to me that people take the lore part of this game serious, sometimes too serious, and with that said; how would one ever think supporting a side that is said to be hoarding tenno for some zanuka project would not be a waste of time? If you supported the corpus, it had to be obvious they would loose and therefore you did it for your pride, for fun or for rewards but not to be productive with your time.

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Event isn't even half over.  Being full of crap is still being full of crap.  


This event will go however the battlepay takes it.  The 'clans' mean nothing in comparison.


It's all about the loot.  And since the pay is rigged, the event will go to whatever side DE deemed it would go to, by virtue of the Battlepay rigging.  


It's always been rigged, right from the start.  But I'll happily take my loot.

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Event isn't even half over.  Being full of crap is still being full of crap.  


This event will go however the battlepay takes it.  The 'clans' mean nothing in comparison.


It's all about the loot.  And since the pay is rigged, the event will go to whatever side DE deemed it would go to, by virtue of the Battlepay rigging.  


It's always been rigged, right from the start.  But I'll happily take my loot.


Please be more clear than just throwing out blanket statements. From what I've seen, a few times does it seem like pay has influenced the way people have sided. One clear one was when the grineer put up a reactor vs the corpus presenting a catalyst, this coming just after we had two reactors go up for alerts less than a week before this event and there hadn't been a catalyst alert for around a month. For the most part when it comes to resources vs credits, both sides have offered up about the same things. In the beginning it was corpus giving up credits and the grineer giving up resources and then it switched to the grineer giving up credits and the corpus giving up resources. My guess is at the end, you can line up a list of what was put up against what for whom and find that it's nearly an identical split with the bps for vauban and rhino's helmet just being a double headed coin.

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Eh I think Grineer tech look pretty interesting. I like it when something is given an artistic flair instead of looking like your typical "futuristic" thing. Many of the Corpus weaponry look nice, but aren't really given an identity other than "This was made in the future!" Whereas Grineer tech have a somewhat organic, gritty feel. Of course nothing's wrong with Corpus weapons - their clean futuristic look befits their faction just as much as the Grineer's gritty look fits theirs.


Also, the Detron is NOT disappearing, people. No matter who wins, the Detron will more than likely be given to Alad V. as a blueprint drop. I imagine the Brakk will be given to Ruk as a drop as well after the event.

yeah bit it makes my ocd go mad and the corpus weapons are shiny 

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The event was for the Grineer from the start. The reason the Corpus are not dominant over the Grineer in the first place is because they don't have heavies. You can stroll through a horde of Corpus but not the 8 Bombard. At a minimum you have to stop and shoot them twice. All that time means twice as many people have to support Corpus for them to break even.

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Word of warning: I got a "Warning Point" for using profanity that was auto censored. Wasn't insulting toward anyone - was basically "I don't give a F-". Even though I knew the forums would auto censor and that I SHOULD'VE been fine, turns out Megan didn't agree with it and punished me anyway So - even if it auto censors, it's best to not use profanity at all. Just a friendly warning.


Anyway, on topic-wise:


I've said this a billion times now in the past few days, but I went Grineer due to the lore, not due to the battle pay rewards. Hell, I wasn't even here for the first battle that had the Catalyst. People really need to stop putting everyone under the same umbrella.


As for the larger clans siding with Grineer - that's their prerogative. From what's been stated, Warbros as well as Broframe were already going to side with Grineer before the event even started. And, though underhanded and dishonorable lore-wise, you can't really fault Corpus sympathizers for jumping ship. It's typical human nature, and the law of nature itself. Humans love to conquer, to win, and to be rewarded for it. And only the strong survive.This would've happened the same exact way if the Corpus was winning.


I understand, and I'll try to tone down my profanity usage. I can't guarantee anything, I'm just too used to mixing them into my speech :P


Event isn't even half over.  Being full of crap is still being full of crap.  


This event will go however the battlepay takes it.  The 'clans' mean nothing in comparison.


It's all about the loot.  And since the pay is rigged, the event will go to whatever side DE deemed it would go to, by virtue of the Battlepay rigging.  


It's always been rigged, right from the start.  But I'll happily take my loot.


Spear is a clear sign that battlepay isn't ALL that matters in this. The clans obviously mean something, otherwise certain nodes (martialis) wouldn't have been dragged out for as long as they were. The big clans are deciding the general direction this war will go. Battle pay, while nice, is not the end all be all. And why does everyone like to bring up the starting battle payment as if it was unfair of DE? At that point the Corpus controlled EVERY node, the Grineer had to get their foot in the door. And its not like a bunch of Corpus players were like 'oh no I already did five for the Grineer! I guess I'll just stay with them for the duration of this event.'. If they cared enough about the battle payment to flip sides, they were a mercenary NOT a 'true' corpus supporter. The same applies to grineer supporters who flip sides. Claiming that this whole event is rigged is downplaying/dismissing all the work Corpus and Grineer supporters are putting into each skirmish.

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Yeah, and I'm mostly dismissing it.  The reason the planets stall isn't because clans are working against the flow, it's because once most people have played their 5 rounds for the battlepay they want, they don't play it anymore.


Martialis is the very definition of this.  People got what they wanted but didn't keep playing it.  Spear is as well.  I am saturated with orokin cells and control modules from playing these.  I have all my fieldron research done and the weapons made.  I've got all the Mutagen Mass I'll likely need for some time, but detonite?  Well there's probably going to be a lot of Grineer-based clan weapons in the next update or so, so guess what, those have more value to 'mercenary' players.


And they make up the majority of players, by far.


The whole event is rigged.  It was rigged from the start.  I'm not sure which side winning is more likely to reveal the new warframe, but whatever side it is, my guess is that is the side it's rigged for.


The lore means very little.  Not only is there so little of it that it's absurd to roleplay, but even if you did, the Grineer will kill the captured Tenno and the Corpus aren't exactly good guys.  


Best approach to this is to go 50/50+1 with the +1 favoring the side that appears to be winning toward the end.  That way if it changes you can suddenly flip it and get your potato and slot.

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Eh I think Grineer tech look pretty interesting. I like it when something is given an artistic flair instead of looking like your typical "futuristic" thing. Many of the Corpus weaponry look nice, but aren't really given an identity other than "This was made in the future!" Whereas Grineer tech have a somewhat organic, gritty feel. Of course nothing's wrong with Corpus weapons - their clean futuristic look befits their faction just as much as the Grineer's gritty look fits theirs.


Also, the Detron is NOT disappearing, people. No matter who wins, the Detron will more than likely be given to Alad V. as a blueprint drop. I imagine the Brakk will be given to Ruk as a drop as well after the event.

I agee. Original, odd, sometimes straight up bizarre designs are better than constantly repeating the same thing over and over. 

That said, I can't say I really like this gun, though it may grow on me, one never knows.

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