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Warframe Concept Idea- Warframe Harbinger


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Warframe Name- Harbinger

Concept art Im working on

Right now its the body im working onHarbinger_zps94dd1a9a.jpg

Class Type-Offensive enemy Harasser


Brief Description-Harbinger is a unique Warframe that takes multitasking to a new level. He is equipped with drones that search and destroy enemies no matter where they hide.

Analysis Description-Harbinger is a warframe designed around sending out drones to harass and stall lighter enemies so you can have more control at assaulting heavier enemy units. His abilities are designed around harassing and damaging enemies so if you want to use your drones as a distraction and come in for the melee kill or use them as a distraction to set up your sniper rifle or blast them from range the choice is yours. The drones can work together with different warframes an example is Volts electrical abilities if the drone goes through say his electric shield they get electric damage and the same goes for Frosts Snow Globe Ability (May change this around it might be a bit overpowered when multiple elemental warframe parties join the fray aka Ember, Frost, Volt, and Nyx).His drones allow the warframe to pick up a little more exp. because of the abilities slight distance travel allowing the drones to get some extra kills.

Shield Capacity-150
Shield Recharge-20
Melee Damage-32.5
Sprint Speed-1.0


Drones-Harbinger launches a drone from his warframe that immediately engages enemy forces.
Health-25-50-100(May modify to follow Warframe Health by percentage ex health=5% of warframes total health.)
Energy Cost-25
Range-Short/Medium to Medium
Number of Drones allowed -2-4-6
Can be launched in succession
Duration-Till replaced or killed

Suicidal Drone- This Tenno drone is primed to explode on any enemy target that comes in contact with it. It can climb up walls and jump on enemy forces.

Health-Invulnerable (Basically a mobile missile)
Duration-Till impact

Lotus Wall- Harbinger places a lotus shield that deploys to block enemy movement and attacks but allowing drones and allies to slip by. Bullets have a small chance to rebound on the shield and back at the enemy, it will also block allied bullets at no cost to the shields health.

Health- 500-650-1000 Shield
Duration-10-20-40 sec

Swarm-Harbinger summons a swarm of microscopic Drones that feed on the enemy forces. Enemies killed grant temporary bonus armor to allied forces and spray nearby enemies with marker fluid.

Damage-300-450-700 Initial Blast (30-45-70 Swarm DOT)
Duration-30-45-50 sec
Range-Follows you till it runs out

Harbinger is designed around using the drones and the lotus wall to harass and choke enemies who follow you or are assaulting an ally. He is designed to work by himself in solo mode effectively or in multiplayer using his drones to draw fire from allies or using his Lotus Wall to give you some time to help out fallen allies. Drones his main ability is designed to feel weak till you boost it giving your Drones more of a kick and more of them to play with, the suicidal drone is designed to give the player a ranged ability that tracks and explodes on contact with a unit; its penalty for accuracy is its slower speed it will hit an enemy just don’t expect an instant hit like volts abilities. The lotus wall I got inspired from when I watched the original idea for Dark Sector and I saw the flower shield pop up and thought it was a beautifully done idea that echoed the Lotus and made a nice defensive barrier. The Lotus Wall is designed to act just like that a wall no bullets go in or out of the field but it allows allied warframes and drones to slip through and push in with melee if an enemy gets too close to the field(Fix up: I forgot to mention its dimesnions 8ftx8ft its done in the hexagon form). The final ability the uber ability Swarm is designed to act as a half support/Half assault power, it initially starts with a large explosion that releases the micro drones onto the battlefield that leaves a following cloud that DOTs enemies. Its secondary bonuses of killed enemies is designed to help drones pinpoint on higher enemy clusters instead of singular enemy units and the bonus armor is to explain where the poor enemy went after the Swarm ate him I mean a Grineer/corpus has a lot of matter on his body, and to provide an incentive to use the ability at its cost. Overall Harbinger is a Warframe that’s more in league with those who strategize rather than just blatantly running into a fight.

Feel free to discuss,put suggestions and etc.

Links for images from pasts post


Edited by Aliasofall
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He looks more like something aquatic/reptilian/draconic ^^"

I know hes supposed to have a frill effect its the idea his suit is designed to be flaughting his warframe

Hell take on the warframe asthetic look the more I work on him this is just a base sketch but thanks for the comment though.

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Makes me think of the Protoss. I like the overall idea though, especially the spider mines er.. suicide drones.

Yes I may have just been playing SC1...

not a bad idea mate

Lotus Wall too OP i think.. Suicidal Drone could be better if you just detonate them(1st skill)? The rest is great.

Spazmok-Protoss didnt even think about them when I was working on him lol. Thanks for liking the idea and the suicide drones.LOL sc1 comparison and playing sc1 must of had some nostalgia lol.


Scherhardt- The lotus wall is designed to take ranged beatings if melee enemies enter the fray its effectiveness falls to pieces.I thought about the ability to detonate your drones, but I thought in game wise you just then wasted almost 225 energy on maybe a couple of enemies as the teams fighting I look at it both multiplayer view point and solo play point and saw that a seperate drone type was more effective and balance out the energy usage so you dont become energy starved.

Edited by Aliasofall
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This thing is overpowered lolz . Might need to change some of his abilities like the wall .

Please explain a little why its Op. The drones are designed to be weak but strong in numbers, the suicide drone is a tracking missle that blows up on contact with an enemy and its slowed, the lotus wall I explained, and the swarm is designed to be used for running and harassing enemies while the swarm is dot'ing enemies.

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Made an edit in explanation to Lotus Wall its 8ft x 8ft in dimension reason for that is I used the height of the Corpus who are the closest to humans in form and judged they where about 6 ft maybe 6.5ft and that Nyx the smallest warframe and Rhino the tallest Warframe were slightly/a bit taller then the Corpus footsoldier so in order to make the lotus wall work right it would need to be able to protect the tallest Warframe without needing to crouch behind the shield.

Also ill be working on visuals for all his abilities so stay tuned for more imges to come. :D

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I'm no good at technical issues but the concept seems solid. Harbinger seems an appropriately scary name. I like how you managed to fit in a 'mouth' line with teeth - looks intimidating but does not interrupt the overall flow of the face.

Thanks and I managed to get an appropriate look I liked after I wnet through 30 different concepts here ill post them up


These have been shrunk from thier original size to all fit together

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Thanks for posting these. I love seeing people's thought process and how they arrived at the idea they have.

I see a lot of great potential will many of them. Besides the one from your original post, I particularly like the upper most left one and the one that has the hook on the back. After you get finished with your current project. I would like to see you do something with some of the other ones in your sketch.

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Thanks for posting these. I love seeing people's thought process and how they arrived at the idea they have.

I see a lot of great potential will many of them. Besides the one from your original post, I particularly like the upper most left one and the one that has the hook on the back. After you get finished with your current project. I would like to see you do something with some of the other ones in your sketch.

Thanks and maybe as I go I either make new concept pieces to work with or I work off some of the older pices and mix match or if im doing enemies I use older concpets and build up from a base one.

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Great. Can't wait to see it.

So you shall now see :D


I had a VERY hard time getting a conceptto work with but I got a flash of inspiration after playing a game. Right now im just focusing on working on the right then Im working on a side and mini back view to show how drones work.

Feel free to critique or comment and again still W.I.P.

Edited by Aliasofall
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Right side is coming along nicely. I like how you have incorporated the "wing" bits on other parts of the suit, like the cuisse and pauldrons.

If you remember, in a previous post, I commented on how much I really like the side/profile view. What I like about it is the proportions. I like how the "mouth" is going upward. This, along with the "wings" being lower, elongates the cranium, forhead, and frontal portion of the head. Also, the chin area is visibly smaller than the portion above the "mouth". This is important because, in the front view, the chin appears to be longer which makes it look like a top down view of a horse's head. This can be countered if you drop the "mouth" (in the front view) down about half way from where it is now to the bottom of the chin. Then, move the "wings back a tad and move them down a smidge also, so as to correspond with the side view.

Otherwise, good job.

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Right side is coming along nicely. I like how you have incorporated the "wing" bits on other parts of the suit, like the cuisse and pauldrons.

If you remember, in a previous post, I commented on how much I really like the side/profile view. What I like about it is the proportions. I like how the "mouth" is going upward. This, along with the "wings" being lower, elongates the cranium, forhead, and frontal portion of the head. Also, the chin area is visibly smaller than the portion above the "mouth". This is important because, in the front view, the chin appears to be longer which makes it look like a top down view of a horse's head. This can be countered if you drop the "mouth" (in the front view) down about half way from where it is now to the bottom of the chin. Then, move the "wings back a tad and move them down a smidge also, so as to correspond with the side view.

Otherwise, good job.

Thanks for the critique Crominix772 the frount head piece is also a WIP so no worries it will take on the side views good looks :D

Ill keep up working on it

Edited by Aliasofall
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