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Under The Mask (Concept Art)


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I had an idea of what could be under a (female) warframe's mask.


I've refined the portrait so that it is more feminine. I've also added a more appropriate tatoo.

With the previous portrait, I was going for is a borgish appearance. I wanted it to look human in most aspects, but I also wanted it to have certain features that are not all that human. I've retained many of the facial features of the previous Portrait. Most notably the "glass doll's eyes" look, with a fixed gaze, white iris, and pin-point pupils. I also felt that she should have no hair, eye lashes, or eye brows as she has no need for them.


Some of the things I changed for this version is a de-emphasis on her jaw and brow. In the previous version, I wanted her to appear androgynous (having features which are both male and female while being neither feminine or masculine). This time around, I wanted her to clearly be feminine as well as human. 

Here is the new version.




And if you are interested in the older version, you can see it http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac16/chilltime99/FemaleTennoHead.jpg'>here

Edited by Crominix772
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You mean the Dr Manhattan looking guys?

Yeah, pretty much.

They don't appear to have eyes or the possibility to even move their jaw.

I'm not sure what their skin is even made of. Probably controled evolving technocyte?

I, also, thought the escort subjects were place holders.

As far as what a Tenno could look like, I think that Tenno should appear human, but have features that distinguish them from our species. They are the guardians of our solar system (and possibly more). I'm not for certain where they came from or who sent them, but they are not of our world. I picture them as being higher level beings. Therefore, I didn't want them to look like the average joe.

Perhaps we are the decendants of the race that becomes Tenno. Or, maybe we are not related at all, but the Tenno were made with the sole purpose of being our guardians. If this is the case, then maybe they were created in OUR likeness so that when we do come in contact with the Tenno, we will not be so disturbed by them.

All of this, of course, is my take on the subject. I'm not trying to prove what is, and what isn't Tenno.

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From what I've seen around the website, forums, and games, the Tenno are humans, Tenno is the name of their society not race, they formed in the Orokin era of humanity, warrior monks they're described as. So they're our descendants. So are the Grineer and Corpus for that matter though.

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From what I've seen around the website, forums, and games, the Tenno are humans, Tenno is the name of their society not race, they formed in the Orokin era of humanity, warrior monks they're described as. So they're our descendants. So are the Grineer and Corpus for that matter though.

Ok, thanks for the info.

For a little spin on the idea: if they are our descendants, they may not be humans, as in h0m0 sapien sapien (sapien is intended to be used twice here). They could be h0m0 sapien but another subspecies. Or, they may be of our genus but not our species.

However, the website does not say that they are our descendants. It doesn't state (as far as I know) that they are human. It specifically states that they are from an "ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors" from Earth. This, to me, implies that they are not human, as humans are not a "mystical civilization".

So, one question is, did these warriors come before humans or after humans? If they came before humans, than it could be argued that we descended from them; that they were a precursor race/species and somehow became lost. It is more likely, though, that these beings came after humans. This game is set, what looks like to me, in the distant future. I have never heard of the "Orokin Era". Therefore, from an evolutionary standpoint, humans could have evolved into the race/species that are the Tenno.

Another idea is that they could have been an ancient civilization that came from somewhere else (another solar system, galaxy, etc) and made their new home on earth.

All of this is just hypothetical. As I said before, in a previous post; I am not trying to prove or disprove what Tenno are or aren't. I'm just using my imagination.

Here are the only sources of information that I have found:



Edited: apparently you cannot use the word h0m0, even if it is in reference to h0m0 sapiens...

Edited by Crominix772
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Ok, thanks for the info.

For a little spin on the idea: if they are our descendants, they may not be humans, as in h0m0 sapien sapien (sapien is intended to be used twice here). They could be h0m0 sapien but another subspecies. Or, they may be of our genus but not our species.

However, the website does not say that they are our descendants. It doesn't state (as far as I know) that they are human. It specifically states that they are from an "ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors" from Earth. This, to me, implies that they are not human, as humans are not a "mystical civilization".

So, one question is, did these warriors come before humans or after humans? If they came before humans, than it could be argued that we descended from them; that they were a precursor race/species and somehow became lost. It is more likely, though, that these beings came after humans. This game is set, what looks like to me, in the distant future. I have never heard of the "Orokin Era". Therefore, from an evolutionary standpoint, humans could have evolved into the race/species that are the Tenno.

Another idea is that they could have been an ancient civilization that came from somewhere else (another solar system, galaxy, etc) and made their new home on earth.

All of this is just hypothetical. As I said before, in a previous post; I am not trying to prove or disprove what Tenno are or aren't. I'm just using my imagination.

Here are the only sources of information that I have found:



Edited: apparently you cannot use the word h0m0, even if it is in reference to h0m0 sapiens...

It's always a small bunch of trolls that make life hard for everyone else. Have you read G3rman's lore thread? It's really good.

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I always saw it as the Orokin being human, or at least our evolutionary future, you are right though, whether they are sapiens sapiens is unlikely, and they probably are somewhat removed from us, which is why I like your art, it looks suitably alien while retaining it's degree of humanity. I've heard the various dynasties of china refered to as mystical, it's a word used to decribe a civilisation we don't understand, and at this point on the game's lore the orokin era is so far past no one really knows how it works, what it was like or really anything about it, other than they had seriously advanced tech, only Lotus seems to know and she's pretty tight lipped. The corpus practically revere orokin tech using ritual to make up for their lack of understanding, they've always made things with orokin tech in the same way so they ritualised it and now they don't know why they do it, just that it works. The grineer just strike me as hubris, jealous of orokin technology and frustrated at their genetic defects from cloning and left to decay following their only path of destruction.

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My thoughts are that the tenno aren't even human. Considering the lore never says they are, I think they are sentient biomechanical beings. This fits the lore in many ways. If anyone wants my full theory just say the word and I'd be happy to make a thread about it.

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My thoughts are that the tenno aren't even human. Considering the lore never says they are, I think they are sentient biomechanical beings. This fits the lore in many ways. If anyone wants my full theory just say the word and I'd be happy to make a thread about it.

Actually, some of them are/were human.

Excalibur may well be Hayden, as I keep blabbing on about, and Nadia was Nemesis.

They are both human and they both wore the warframe.

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Actually, some of them are/were human.

Excalibur may well be Hayden, as I keep blabbing on about, and Nadia was Nemesis.

They are both human and they both wore the warframe.

I see where you are coming from. However, from my stand point, I am going to stay away from Dark Sector references as far as lore is concerned. Sure, ideas made their way into Warframe, but they are not copies of one another, sequels or prequels. I like to keep them separate.

Again, I'm not arguing a point. This is just my concept.

My thoughts are that the tenno aren't even human. Considering the lore never says they are, I think they are sentient biomechanical beings. This fits the lore in many ways. If anyone wants my full theory just say the word and I'd be happy to make a thread about it.

I want your full theory.

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I see where you are coming from. However, from my stand point, I am going to stay away from Dark Sector references as far as lore is concerned. Sure, ideas made their way into Warframe, but they are not copies of one another, sequels or prequels. I like to keep them separate.

Well, Rebecca has told me Warframe is a "spiritual sequel" to Dark Sector.

If you know what that means, you know its implications and you said it so yourself, that they took ideas.

Though I still refuse to believe that. The lore would've developed so much better if it was related to Dark Sector.

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Well, Rebecca has told me Warframe is a "spiritual sequel" to Dark Sector.

If you know what that means, you know its implications and you said it so yourself, that they took ideas.

Though I still refuse to believe that. The lore would've developed so much better if it was related to Dark Sector.

I think she is refering more to the original Dark Sector, not the console game made in 2006/2008. But, I could be wrong. I should have been more specific and stated that my concept of what a Tenno looks like is not related to the console Dark Sector.

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I think she is refering more to the original Dark Sector, not the console game made in 2006/2008. But, I could be wrong. I should have been more specific and stated that my concept of what a Tenno looks like is not related to the console Dark Sector.

Well, the original idea is what triggered a new plot for the console Dark Sector, you speak of.

Then the original idea bloomed into Warframe.

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