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Little Spark


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An Object at Rest


"Here...Stay...You...," the Grineer trooper said haltingly. "nno. You...stay here. Wait. Breach Soon. Then Sergeant give orders, We spill blood of many merchants" He continued as his confidence in the Tenno language, foreign to his tongue, increased.

The four Tenno he had spoken to barely seemed to register his existence. They knelt in a circle completely still save one. The smallest, an almost frail creatures with only small hips and the other slight differences in form that marked her as a young female, held one of her dual side arms in her hands, slowly rotating the cylinder as each chamber clicked into place. "Eeesh... Nay... Sen... See.. Goo... Rock," She counted, before holstering the one pistol and drawing its mate and repeating the exercise.

This repeated a couple of times before another of the enigmatic warriors, a male, judging by voice, spoke up, "Nova, be still..." The one called Nova did not look up. Her fingers did not stop moving, but other than the "tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,shush, shush" of her actions, her routine was performed in silence after the admonishment.

"You know, as well as the rest of us, this is the only way she can remain close to anything resembling still before battle," said the largest, a Male, the closest any Tenno could be called to a brute of a male, "Hawee, Nova-ku," The giant Tenno said gently, before continuing firmly, "Tenno, Ray!"  "Peace, little Nova, Tenno Bow" The Grineer translated to himself.

The Nova quickly holstered her side-arm and then all four warriors silently bowed to each other just as explosion echoed through the halls. The Nova's head lifted pointing to the direction of the sound. Klaxons blared as a grating voice came over loud speakers. The Grineer Trooper listened, and once the broadcast finished, with a large grin spoke, "Corpus cruiser, many fat cow for the slaughter. Sergeant say we may begin"

"Volt, Mag, go with our Grineer host, and get things started, let no corpus live, and leave the Grineer with tales they can spread in awe and fear. I'll be along shortly,"

"And you know as well as the rest of us she doesn't need to be coddled, Rhino," Said the one Rhino had just addressed as Volt

"Just go, or Sergeant Ruk will think we are hesitant about our 'deal'"

Volt and Mag ran off as Laser and gun fire resounded from a few corridors away.

Rhino turned back to Nova, "Ok Little one, you know the plan."

The Nova in a young voice said, "Everyone is smaller than you, why do you single me out?"

"You are smaller than all and the youngest, Lit..."

"But no less proven"

"You point is made. My Apologies. Don't wander and see you soon," Rhino finally replied before he turned and sprinted to join the battle.

An Object in Motion

Nova paced where she was left while she waited a ten-count. and then while brushing her left hand against the wall started walking exploring the circuit of her surroundings. Every surface she touched, left a faint  cyan trail. Even her footprints were faint cyan impressions against the rust and steel of the deck plates. Soon Nova's walk became a dance. At each bulkhead doors she would touch a complex circle around the frame while doing a cartwheel. Slowly she danced her way towards the sounds of battle, smiling and sometimes laughing to herself, sometimes laughing at herself. This continuous display was a slight drain on the energy she stored, but she knew she was siphoning more from the environment around her than she was releasing. The darkened spaces around her were growing slightly lighter wherever she stepped, every where she touched.


As the doors to the next room opened Nova stopped, glanced about and then ran as if she knew exactly what to expect. She had been in a room like this before; several rooms like this before when  Lotus sent her cell to "poison the well of the Fomorians" under pay from the Corpus. This close to a reactor and she could easily top off her energy reserves, or perhaps...

It was at that moment her com came alive with Rhino's voice, "Nova-k...Nova, what's your location"
Nova frowned at Rhino's near slip after his so recent apology but decided to let it pass, "I'm sipping at the well"
"Good, we're at the breach, you're three rooms away, time to put on a show. Volt, dim the lights, Mag, Gather the crowd, oh and Volt help Nova on her way"

Electricity cascaded over the wires and lights and the ship went dark. Nova took off in a dead sprint towards the IFF markers projected on her Heads Up Display.  The world suddenly seemed to lurch and stretch behind her. In front of her all to see were deep blue arcs of projected energy shields, constant green pulses of Laser fire and orange, searing lances sweeping across her field of view. Suddenly a lance cleaved 2 grineer in half aiming for Novas midsection as she sprinted into the fray. She slid below its beam and then leaped after its pass. Landing amidst several techs, moas and assorted other crewmen with her arm raised, she released a torrent of energy as she brought her arm down. A sound as if someone had dropped a megaton cargo container onto the deck of the ship boomed from behind her, and then the only sound Nova could hear was constant ringing as bodies of Corpus Men and Moa alike atomized in brilliant cyan explosions. She stood and slowly turned about to watch and smile at sparkling light blue motes of brilliance cascaded around her. 

"Show's not over yet," said Mag dashing into the access tube extended between the Grineer and Corpus ships.

Nova broke from her reverie, and drew her side arms, twin revolvers of silver engraved with an ornate golden filigree, and followed after. Despite its large size of the breaching tunnel itself was narrowed by the extension mechanism used to connect the 2 ships. Every breadth of that space was filled with the ballistics and beams of death firing from either side down its length and in the middle, hovering in mid-air was Mag sitting as if in a contemplative state, surrounded by an orb that seemed to draw in the surrounding fire. Nova seized the opportunity, looked past Mag towards the Corpus, took a step through a doorway that was not there and disappeared, only to reappear roughly one hundred meters away through the breaching tunnnel, on board the corpus ship, behind their defense barricades. Several of the crew turn to face her. One, slightly larger than the rest, clad in orange tried to smash her head with the stock of his rifle, but Nova rolled beneath it and away from his reach. As she stood she again bathed the surroundings in energy as she had done on the other side of the breach. It was at that moment, Mag , in a thunderous blast released the energy she accumulated.

Room, compartment, corridor, deck after deck. Firefight, Laserfire, the pale cyan glow, a cacophony that reverberated throughout the corpus cruiser, until the ship was rocked by a detonation from elsewhere.

"I advise we go, The shuttle bay is two compartments aft," Volt said.

As the shuttle carrying the four tenno pulled away from the corpus cruiser, Rhino,Mag and Volt watch as tiny bursts of light and flame would punch through the outer hull of the now crippled ship before being quickly extinguished. As the breaching tunnel retracted towards the grineer goliath, all the lights of the Corpus vessels went dark and ship started to drift.


During all this Nova sat, kneeling in perfect stillness. Suddenly bulges appeared along the midsection of the Goliath's superstructure as if some giant pre-born infant was kicking in utero. In the SIlence of space a giant rent tore along the line of bulges as the Grineer vessel folded nearly in half spilling fragments of hull, cargo, and the bodies, of dead corpus, Grineer and shattered moa in a giant eruption of Cyan flame.

Rhino walked to Nova, and shared her kneeling postion in front of her. "I see you did far more than just 'sip from the well'" he said.

Without looking up Nova whispered in reply, "I think I like it better when you call me,Nova-ko, or little one."


It is all aglow
Even a large explosion
starts with a small spark


Edited by mrfluffydeath
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