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The New Blade Storm (Update 10.6)


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So I always main with Ash, so I decided to give his new Blade Storm a spin to see how the new upate has changed it.

Right now, it seems blasted unpredictable. I bladestormed an area with three people and it only got two of them. Sometimes it seems to miss people that are just out of view, I think that might be the issue.

Anyway, I am unsure of what to make of it, and wanted this to be a thread about the new bladestorm-if it's better than how it was previously, or worse, etc. Have at.

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Round 1 Testing: It currently looks like you can hit up to 15 targets. The main change now is that all targets have to be within your field of view before you cast Blade Storm.


So if a target moves into your view after you cast Blade Storm, it wouldn't hit them even if you are under the target cap.


I'll post after doing another run.



Round 2 Testing: It seems that it's definitely only targets within your field of view before casting Blade Storm.


I'll post an update after next round.


Round 3 Testing: When you cast Blade Storm while in a pipe. It only hits the ones that you can see. So two-three enemies.


I'll post Round 4 and 5 in a bit.


Round 4 and 5: I can say that it definitely only targets enemies with in your field of view.

Edited by MachFarcon
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Round 1 Testing: It currently looks like you can hit up to 15 targets. The main change now is that all targets have to be within your field of view before you cast Blade Storm.


So if a target moves into your view after you cast Blade Storm, it wouldn't hit them even if you are under the target cap.


I'll post after doing another run.



Round 2 Testing: It seems that it's definitely only targets within your field of view before casting Blade Storm.


I'll post an update after next round.


Round 3 Testing: When you cast Blade Storm while in a pipe. It only hits the ones that you can see. So two-three enemies.


I'll post Round 4 and 5 in a bit.


Round 4 and 5: I can say that it definitely only targets enemies with in your field of view.

GIven that, I would say that I'd prefer the old version. Requiring targets to be in your field of view is much worse than the old version. I'd rather I hit 15 random people and miss some standing right next to the initial target than hitting 3 people who are visible while the rest are taking cover. Bring us back to the radial effect, where you'd basically hit up to 15 target within a certain radius of the initial target.

Thank you for having Science.

Edited by ROSING
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Round 1 Testing: It currently looks like you can hit up to 15 targets. The main change now is that all targets have to be within your field of view before you cast Blade Storm.


So if a target moves into your view after you cast Blade Storm, it wouldn't hit them even if you are under the target cap.


I'll post after doing another run.



Round 2 Testing: It seems that it's definitely only targets within your field of view before casting Blade Storm.


I'll post an update after next round.


Round 3 Testing: When you cast Blade Storm while in a pipe. It only hits the ones that you can see. So two-three enemies.


I'll post Round 4 and 5 in a bit.


Round 4 and 5: I can say that it definitely only targets enemies with in your field of view.

Jeezus. They took an ultimate that killed stuff very slowly. Now it just kills less stuff, very slowly.


Would appreciate a restoration of the pre-10.5 version, before it got glitched. It wasn't terribly useful in groups, but at least it wasn't near-useless.

Edited by SortaRandom
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They seem intent on making bladestorm bad! I was really enjoying my fleeting/blind rage bladestorm build on ash, now bladestorm is sodding useless!

In my opinion, bladestorm needs the following :

1. Ignore line of sight (I don't think any other ultimate doesn't ignore line of sight any more).

2. Speed up the animations or power in general.

3. Have the ability to acquire new targets. So by this I mean that bladestorm is still capped at 15-16 enemies, but should enemies that have been targeted be killed before ash gets to them, if a new enemy is available in bladeatorms radius then it will be targeted until ash has reaches his quota.

4. Remove the tile-based ultimate and change it to radius-based.

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I can't help but feel this a result of all the clamouring for Blade Storm to be improved, when it really didn't need to be. Let us all hope it is reverted expediently - it's easily the coolest ultimate in the game and it would be a great disappointment for it to be left in this poorly functioning state.

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Bladestorm currently onIy marks people you are looking at 

MO it needs to be a fusion of Radial (not-tile based) and LOS (not-tile based and not blocked by other enemies)


Anyone in the immediate vicinity around you, even if you aren't looking at them, should be the first priority targets to ensure the safety of a safe return at the end.

Afterwards, the enemies you are looking at, determined by line of sight but ignoring enemies as solid objects, should determine the remained of the enemies to kill. Terrain should still block this, as teleporting THROUGH walls will lead to an awkward and potentially even more glitchy ability. Mag's Pull is already awkward when killing people with it through walls.


The Camera zoom is fine, It's meant to prevent the camera having issues with being inside of terrain.

The Animation duration is fine. You're invincible for the duration and can even regenerate shields, having a longer time means having more sheilds at the end of it, and increases its effectiveness as an -Oh S***- button.


Allow for casting in mid air. At the end it'll return you to being Mid-air. This way it'd let the player "Reduce" their radius to rely more on the FOV version of this, also allowing them to use the ability on the spur of the moment, and allow them to end it at a safer spot, even going as far as to allow them to fall off ledge at the end and then moving to the spot they were before they jumped and bladestormed.



I can't help but feel this a result of all the clamouring for Blade Storm to be improved, when it really didn't need to be. Let us all hope it is reverted expediently - it's easily the coolest ultimate in the game and it would be a great disappointment for it to be left in this poorly functioning state.


It used to be MUCH worse. Trust me.

You used to fall through the floor on trying to teleport to the first guy and the ult would be canceled, doing nothing for 100 energy.

You also could outright miss the attack due to a glitch when the enemy ran out of your range.

And sometimes you used to end up dying at the end of the Ult for no reason.


Bladestorm has been one of those abilities that were a cool and nice concept, but have ALWAYS been so buggy because they were a unique and complicated concept.


Were currently closer to a powerful and bug free ult for Ash then we have ever been before.

Edited by Yg-Dosst
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They seem intent on making bladestorm bad! I was really enjoying my fleeting/blind rage bladestorm build on ash, now bladestorm is sodding useless!

In my opinion, bladestorm needs the following :

1. Ignore line of sight (I don't think any other ultimate doesn't ignore line of sight any more).

2. Speed up the animations or power in general.

3. Have the ability to acquire new targets. So by this I mean that bladestorm is still capped at 15-16 enemies, but should enemies that have been targeted be killed before ash gets to them, if a new enemy is available in bladeatorms radius then it will be targeted until ash has reaches his quota.

4. Remove the tile-based ultimate and change it to radius-based.

Indeed. Blade Storm would be so more reliable if the animation was faster.


It could still have the individual kills shown but in a faster Flash-like way.


I believe that Ash users would prefer it this way, with much less time on each kill animation, and a faster overall Blade Storm that can be swifter and more reliable to use on defense and survival missions.

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I believe a straight radial is best for this ability, with targets highlighted by the user being struck for sure while other targets are randomly determined beyond that highlighting. Keep Bladestorm (and Ash) fun as well as effective.


Bladestorm *should* take time to utilize - do not shorten his attack animations or otherwise speed up his attacking... this gives Ash`s special #4 ability unique character by comparison to other Warframes. That indeed makes Bladestorm an unwise choice for continual on-rushing hordes (i.e. Defense/Mobile Defense) - Ash can always use his Smoke Cloud ability instead. I use it all the time.

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