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[Recruiting] Republic Of Aerion [Completed Dojo | Completed Research | Casual-Mature]


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Hmm... Looks promising. I'm by no means the fastest or best player but if you got room for one more I'd be interested in joining. As long as it's active enough in GMT +1 time in the evening. Might be a bit inactive in the first month or so due to limited net but very likely go be unlimited by or after October.


Edit: Well, in the short time between posting and now I've become fast friends with someone else is another clan. And since we're getting on so well I decided to join there instead.

Edited by Taramafor
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Hey, I recently started to get back into Warframe. Don't know why I ever left, the game is so fun! But I want to be more than just a solo player; I want to represent something bigger as I go about my career in Warframe. 


Anyway, if you have an open spot and would be okay with having a guy like me around, I'd love to get an invite! I have TS3 and would be willing to tag along on some missions if anybody ever wants a mate.


My IGN is WhytKiD


Edit: I forgot to mention, for the next few weeks, I'm only going to be able to play on the weekends. I'm traveling for business for a few weeks and won't be home to play. So I won't technically be "inactive," just less active.


You applied to another clan.



If you guys are still recruiting I would like to join.


My IGN is Senyahish.




EDIT: Never mind, I've joined another clan.





Hmm... Looks promising. I'm by no means the fastest or best player but if you got room for one more I'd be interested in joining. As long as it's active enough in GMT +1 time in the evening. Might be a bit inactive in the first month or so due to limited net but very likely go be unlimited by or after October.


Edit: Well, in the short time between posting and now I've become fast friends with someone else is another clan. And since we're getting on so well I decided to join there instead.





Sent you a message, I should of mentioned I will be around a lot of Sunday in game or message replies work too.


Sent the invite!

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I started just few days ago but I'm really liking the game so far and would love to experience it with some people. If you guys are still recruiting and are fairly active in EU timezone send an invite my way please.


IGN: Resnik

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Apologies for this very late reply, caught a cold recently.


i have left my old clan and am now ready for your invite to


You applied to multiple clans sorry.



Hey man, you still recruiting, my IGN is CookersNHocaine. I'm still kinda new to this I think i'm only rank [4] Pretty active and i'm in EU, but i'm on pretty late aswell.







I started just few days ago but I'm really liking the game so far and would love to experience it with some people. If you guys are still recruiting and are fairly active in EU timezone send an invite my way please.


IGN: Resnik


Sending an invite!



Im interested in joining


IGN : Reconik


Says that you are already in one.

Edited by -AR.Auxiorion
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Hello  there!  I am a fairly active  player at the glorious age of 41, that would like to join your clan. I'm situated in Sweden, got TS 3 and mainly play on evenings and weekends. I am currently rank 8 with 4 frames and a nice arsenal of weaponry. Looking forward to join a more Active clan since my last was small and nearly dead.


My IGN is Gaemhel.

Edited by Gaemhel
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Welcome to the family!


Hello  there!  I am a fairly active  player at the glorious age of 41, that would like to join your clan. I'm situated in Sweden, got TS 3 and mainly play on evenings and weekends. I am currently rank 8 with 4 frames and a nice arsenal of weaponry. Looking forward to join a more Active clan since my last was small and nearly dead.


My IGN is Gaemhel.





Hey :) I would like to join the clan since I just decided to play Warframe again. Currently rank 8 and just looking for some people to hang out with and help me catch up with the new content. My IGN is SyneWave        Thanks!



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Welcome aboard!



Please send me an invite.


IGN: UnseenDivinity


I look forward to having people to do events with.





This definitely sounds like the type of clan I'd want to join. May I? :)

I changed my name to SionCrimson a few days ago, but I think my old name is still appearing instead. :/ 

Rank 2, by the way. I think I've been playing since Tuesday.



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Hi guys, I would like to be a part of your clan. Reviewed quite a few Storm clans hiring ads, and this one sounds the most fun!


I'm rank 5 at the moment, usually playing in the evenings European time.

IGN: double.u.d





Howdy, this clan looks like something I want to be part of. Could I join please?


I'm currently Rank 7 and I play Warframe at least 3-5 days a week, but right now I'm starting to play more daily.


IGN: Voidliuz



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