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[Recruiting] Republic Of Aerion [Completed Dojo | Completed Research | Casual-Mature]


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Hey, sounds like a really cool clan, not too big either. Sounds like the right place for me. 




Activity: Daily


Mastery Rank: 4 (working on 5 for Earth - Assassination)


Frame of choice: Oberon


Weapons of choice: Boltor Prime, Lex Prime, Bo (working towards Bo Prime)


What am I looking for in a clan: Some cool people to befriend and run various content with to build my catalog of frames/weapons/plat and have a good time in the process.


Access to Teamspeak and a headset: Yes.


About me? I'm a big movie critic and I love playing Chess. 

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Sorry for the late replies,



I, Sidhion, as well as my friend, LiliaYuri, would be interested in joining this clan. I've played since launch, but I don't have much going for me since I took a very lengthy break a while back. The Archwing update drew me back in and I also recruited Lilia. She seems very interested in the game, and I certainly am too.


See you there, Tenno!


Already in one.



IGN: Armidian


I would like to join MR8.





I would like to join your Clan.

IGN: Kamitoru


Already in one.



I would like to join to u´re clan.

IGN: datMikeS


Already in one.



IGN: FknDirty


I would like to join


Already in one.



Would like to join.

IGN: Svolur


Already in one.



If there is still space available I'd like to join.


IGN: Minimag47


Sorry, applied to multiple other clans.



Hey, sounds like a really cool clan, not too big either. Sounds like the right place for me. 




Activity: Daily


Mastery Rank: 4 (working on 5 for Earth - Assassination)


Frame of choice: Oberon


Weapons of choice: Boltor Prime, Lex Prime, Bo (working towards Bo Prime)


What am I looking for in a clan: Some cool people to befriend and run various content with to build my catalog of frames/weapons/plat and have a good time in the process.


Access to Teamspeak and a headset: Yes.


About me? I'm a big movie critic and I love playing Chess. 



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Welcome to the family


May I join your clan? I'm active almost every day, and I'm looking for an intractable and friendly clan like yours. My mastery rank is currently 12. 


IGN: wiremash





Btw my steam ID is Foxhound3857 (currently under the name Lodesamoney) if you want to add me to the steam group. =)



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Hi, I read your description of the clan and I like what I've read a lot.


I just started playing Warframe and find the game seriously addictive. I'm at Mastery lvl  2 and my Excaliber warframe is currently at lvl 27, got my crossbow up to lvl 30.


I have mostly played solo till very recently. The game is a lot more fun playing missions in squads. I'd love to join your clan,


My IGN is rhuadan.  Thanks and I look forward to fighting along side you all.

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Hi Guys,


I just stumbled over your recruiting offer and your clan might be exactly what I am looking for.


I started Warframe over 2 years ago and was really blown off by the cool Looks and the Uptempo style of the game.

As there was very Little endgame Content at that time, I eventually started to lose interest.


Now I revisited the game and got addiced once again. ;-)


As the Clan experience seems to be a vital part of Warframe now, I would like to join one, but I have more of a casual Approach to gaming.


If this is okay with you, I would really appriciate an Invitation.


At the Moment my Primary Frame is Ash, but also have Mag and Volt and my newly farmed Valkyre is under construction.


I am MS 5-6 but because of the Long Absence and the vast changes the game has undergo, I might have noob questions from time to time ;)


Greets from Germany,



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I'm new to the game and was looking for a nice clan.

Could i have an invite? the introduction for your clan looked very appealing.





Already in one.



Hi, I read your description of the clan and I like what I've read a lot.


I just started playing Warframe and find the game seriously addictive. I'm at Mastery lvl  2 and my Excaliber warframe is currently at lvl 27, got my crossbow up to lvl 30.


I have mostly played solo till very recently. The game is a lot more fun playing missions in squads. I'd love to join your clan,


My IGN is rhuadan.  Thanks and I look forward to fighting along side you all.


Invited! Welcome to the family :D [Thank you for your patience, been real busy lately]  Excalibur ftw!


Hi Guys,


I just stumbled over your recruiting offer and your clan might be exactly what I am looking for.


I started Warframe over 2 years ago and was really blown off by the cool Looks and the Uptempo style of the game.

As there was very Little endgame Content at that time, I eventually started to lose interest.


Now I revisited the game and got addiced once again. ;-)


As the Clan experience seems to be a vital part of Warframe now, I would like to join one, but I have more of a casual Approach to gaming.


If this is okay with you, I would really appriciate an Invitation.


At the Moment my Primary Frame is Ash, but also have Mag and Volt and my newly farmed Valkyre is under construction.


I am MS 5-6 but because of the Long Absence and the vast changes the game has undergo, I might have noob questions from time to time ;)


Greets from Germany,




Already in one.



Can I join? your clan seems awesome!


Already in one.

Edited by -AR.Auxiorion
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I'm currently in a clan, however they lack the social side of things and only seem to care for pushing members into donating everything for solar rails. I'm getting no real enjoyment out of the clan, I'd love something more than just a place to punch blueprints.


So either way, ingame name is Geo2204, I'll be leaving my clan now anyway.

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I'm a returning player with Mastery Rank 9 and a solid list of equipment for end game content, joined warframe more than 2 years ago and have 10+  ingame time


I'm 29 yo and looking for a friendly and active community to play as a group, i've not have the chance to experience a lot of the endgame, could't get my irl friends exited enough to play. I don't mind helping out beginners either, i myself have not completed a 100% of the missions ( got about 80%  done).


English is not my main language but i am fluent enough, even had a chance to spend some time in California, might be a bit rusted though


ingame name is ZuttoRT

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Me and my friend have been playing warframe since the stone ages, but we had a couple of years pause in between.

Now that we have started playing again we concluded that the point has been reached where our two-man clan is slightly too small, so we would like to apply to a bigger, semi-casual, mature:ish clan.

Playing atleast a couple of times per week, on all hours, and we'd like to help out by sharing many much resources & -the little we have- kowledge of whatever stuff one might need info about, as well as by helping out with loot hunts and quests etc.

Both of us are from Finland, 25yrs old, speak finnish, swedish and fluent (well not maby fluent, but we do comprehend everything atleast) english and might even try some french if very tired or slightly less sober.

Hobbies include gaming (ofc), work, motocross, car-racing and building, and time-to-time casual xtreme sports as well as some open sea fishing. (used to do parkour and downhill biking)

I would like to think of us as somewhat social (atleast for being finns), less talkative, but quite friendly so i think we'll get along just fine :)


Mah in game nick: Bob_of_Do0m

(the bigger 0 is a zero... once got tired of all the taken names so basicly this happened)

Steam nick: Noizy


The other guy: Wolcom

Steam: Walkman



Thank you

Sincerely, Tony S. & Johnny B.




(p.s did not apply for any other clans)

Edited by Bob_of_Do0m
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I am interested in joining the clan may i? mastery lvl 4 i have a lvl 30 excalibur and a lvl 2 valkyr my in game name is a._friend.





I'm currently in a clan, however they lack the social side of things and only seem to care for pushing members into donating everything for solar rails. I'm getting no real enjoyment out of the clan, I'd love something more than just a place to punch blueprints.


So either way, ingame name is Geo2204, I'll be leaving my clan now anyway.







I'm a returning player with Mastery Rank 9 and a solid list of equipment for end game content, joined warframe more than 2 years ago and have 10+  ingame time


I'm 29 yo and looking for a friendly and active community to play as a group, i've not have the chance to experience a lot of the endgame, could't get my irl friends exited enough to play. I don't mind helping out beginners either, i myself have not completed a 100% of the missions ( got about 80%  done).


English is not my main language but i am fluent enough, even had a chance to spend some time in California, might be a bit rusted though


ingame name is ZuttoRT





    I would like to join and I currently have a level 13 excalibur.

IGN:  SynchGames


Edit:  My excalibur is level 17.


Already in one.



Hey im looking for a clan and some people to play with


IGN: Crotax


Sorry, applied to multiple others.



Would very much like to join


Sorry, applied to multiple others.




Me and my friend have been playing warframe since the stone ages, but we had a couple of years pause in between.

Now that we have started playing again we concluded that the point has been reached where our two-man clan is slightly too small, so we would like to apply to a bigger, semi-casual, mature:ish clan.

Playing atleast a couple of times per week, on all hours, and we'd like to help out by sharing many much resources & -the little we have- kowledge of whatever stuff one might need info about, as well as by helping out with loot hunts and quests etc.

Both of us are from Finland, 25yrs old, speak finnish, swedish and fluent (well not maby fluent, but we do comprehend everything atleast) english and might even try some french if very tired or slightly less sober.

Hobbies include gaming (ofc), work, motocross, car-racing and building, and time-to-time casual xtreme sports as well as some open sea fishing. (used to do parkour and downhill biking)

I would like to think of us as somewhat social (atleast for being finns), less talkative, but quite friendly so i think we'll get along just fine :)


Mah in game nick: Bob_of_Do0m

(the bigger 0 is a zero... once got tired of all the taken names so basicly this happened)

Steam nick: Noizy


The other guy: Wolcom

Steam: Walkman



Thank you

Sincerely, Tony S. & Johnny B.




(p.s did not apply for any other clans)


Invited both of you! 

Edited by -AR.Auxiorion
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