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Yareli Bug Compilation


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Picking up quest items like datamasses or bait from deimos or grokdrul processor can delete the quest item or render it unusable and would need to restart the mission
Vacuum works some of the time (Seems to be latency dependent; works better when ping is lower)
Being on Merulina doesn't allow you to get any kuva from harvesters (Fixed in U30.8.2)
Second jump on Merulina always have the same jumping power also preserves jumping power when hitting a ceiling far more than the first jump which reduces Merulina's usability on normal tilesets
Crouching on Merulina sometimes gets her stuck in the ground
Dismounting and using any interaction (including archwing mounting or omni teleporting) may bug the camera's PoV for the rest of the mission
Head still hits on pretty much every doorway (The main complaint of anyone trying out Merulina)
Primary can still be used on Merulina (Had this happen on the primary only sortie, consistently replicated whenever secondary is taken away e.g. hostages)
When landing on bubbles from above, you can ride on it (Frost's bubble, Corpus's sabotage ability disabling bubbles)
Being on Merulina sometimes doesn't count as being on an objective
Being on Merulina causes you to fall through elevators or any platform that moves
Being on Merulina doesn't allow you to pick up ammo in index/arena
Dismounting Merulina sometimes causes you to be unable to turn or use weapons or any abilities until you die
Dismounting Merulina sometimes prevents you from using heavy attacks until you use a normal attack
Pressing X makes her dismount when you don't reload nor interact with something
Dismounting on Earth may make you fall through the world
Killing on Merulina sometimes doesn't count for certain objectives (Finishers for nightwave or spawning a kuva larvling)
Inconsistent interactions (hacks, pickups, etc) on Merulina
Merulina making the same sounds as a K Drive


Focus orb may not appear while on Merulina
Yareli permanently losing health each time she picks up a resurgence token in arbitration
Kills on Merulina does not contribute to efficiency in SO/ESO
Master's Summons in ability 1 not possible to activate


Please reply if you've seen anything else. Let's hunt some bugs!

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Regarding the primaries on Merulina thing:

I was finding that happened when I gave my secondary to the hostage in a rescue mission. I tried it twice and it happened every time, so it seems consistent. I haven't tried it outside a Saturn mission. 

It may occur whenever you get your secondary taken away from you. I wonder if it would work after being disarmed by a drahk master. 


A different bug, that's only happened to me once- being dismounted while in a nullifier prevented me from using abilities for the rest of the mission. It happened in a corpus veil railjack survival. I haven't been able to replicate it thus far. 

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Crouching on Merulina sometimes gets her stuck in the ground,for me, always, guess its a normal bug, i remembered that when the XAKU first released it happened, too, but fixed later, since you use the same way print new warframe, it happened the same way. Is it an issue about network glitch?

Guys, check this one and fix it by any chance, thank you very much!Happy I Love You GIF by pikaole

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I have 2 bugs:

1) When attempting to spawn in a kuva larvaling, while on Merulina to get the 10 kills it will not be counted and subsequently the larvaling will not spawn. You will need to get off Merulina and get the 10 kills. Stabbing the larvaling while on Merulina will give a magnetic lich.

2) In SO and ESO, getting kills while on Merulina will not give efficiency causing you to fail the mission. As with the above bug, getting off Merulina and getting kills will provide efficiency.

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My long list of Yareli bugs with Merulina (2) active:
* vacuum does not work most of the time
* focus orb does not appear
* activating things with X does not work sometimes
* dropping frequently through floor when activating 2
* dropping frequently through elevators
* hitting head to corridors and stopping movement, especially in Corpus tileset 
* Kuva Fortress movement many times impossible
* sometimes damage statistics not updating correctly, Nightwave acts not updating sometimes
* Master's Summons in ability 1 not possible to activate
* the sound of Merulina is same as K Drive motor, but Merulina is creature
* can't enter Frost bubble, bug or not

Still Yareli with Merulina is my favorite frame at the moment, because I like K Drive movement, and it saves my wrist from double jump pain.

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On 2021-10-16 at 7:42 PM, xAlicex said:

When attempting to spawn in a kuva larvaling, while on Merulina to get the 10 kills it will not be counted and subsequently the larvaling will not spawn. You will need to get off Merulina and get the 10 kills. Stabbing the larvaling while on Merulina will give a magnetic lich.

Actually I forgot to add in the bug that on nightwave finisher kills it doesn't count while you are on merulina so this is pretty much the same thing.

On 2021-10-16 at 7:42 PM, xAlicex said:

In SO and ESO, getting kills while on Merulina will not give efficiency causing you to fail the mission. As with the above bug, getting off Merulina and getting kills will provide efficiency.

On 2021-10-17 at 1:27 PM, Twin_Fawn said:

Yareli is permanently losing HP from picking up coins during Arbitration, after the dead player is revived and she is no longer carrying coins her HP does not return to normal and this compounds each time it is done.

I should test these 2. I haven't noticed because I generally ignore my hp on Merulina because she's so tanky and efficiency because it is always capped.

4 hours ago, Fuerte11 said:

* focus orb does not appear

I haven't noticed this but I'll pay attention some more. I'm fairly sure it appears for me though.

4 hours ago, Fuerte11 said:

* activating things with X does not work sometimes

This is definitely inconsistent throughout. Like you can't input the void key into the generator on exit but you can pick up the void key or how you can't do very specific hacks.

4 hours ago, Fuerte11 said:

* Kuva Fortress movement many times impossible

Kuva fortress for me hasn't been impossible in any case but they are rather difficult to do. Been forcing Merulina any time I get the chance to because despite the bugs it is still enjoyable.

4 hours ago, Fuerte11 said:

I like K Drive movement, and it saves my wrist from double jump pain.

Super relatable. It also saves you from holding down the keys for so long.


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2 hours ago, Melinda said:

I should test these 2. I haven't noticed because I generally ignore my hp on Merulina because she's so tanky and efficiency because it is always capped.

I think it has something to do with Merulina. I tried consciously to stay off of Merulina when doing coins in following matches and HP returned to normal like it should.

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Yo, Smeeta's charm doesn't usually affect squad mates, right?

Because an ally's Smeeta was giving me buffs in a mission today. It wasn't mine; I was using Dethcube. 

I'd try to replicate it had I friends. 

Guy joined with his Kavat as a client after I joined as a client and had already mounted Merulina, if that helps. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

20211116141509_1.jpgNow with the Prime Resurgence update out and about Yareli is buggier than ever. Knock down effects while on Merulina now cause her to unable to perform any action, even dismount. Does not apply to 100% of all the knockdown effects though, for some reason- there are exceptions.

Also, an older bug, but approaching Sentient Mimics on an Anomaly Murex while on Merulina will not aggro them, which means they will stay in their camouflaged form indefinitely even if you beat them up, until you dismount Merulina/ use transference.

Even older bug, going through Airlocks in Infested Corpus Ship tilesets while on Merulina will cause the effect to stay instead of transition like it would with normal Frames. For example, going from a Vacuum and into Atmosphere will maintain the "muffled sound" effect. The game does not check this whatsoever so dismounting Merulina after performing this bug will still retain it UNTIL you go through the airlock again.

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20211116133542_1.jpgForgot to add one more bug, falling and hitting an "out of bounds" area while on Merulina has a chance to teleport you to the Insertion/starting point of a Mission. This can cause interesting effects such as escaping Vay Hek's sewers before you're supposed to be able to. Imagine the amount of quests you can break with this bug!

I hope I could provide images for all these aforementioned bugs but I don't have the time for it yet. I'll try, and in the case of DE no longer reading this topic (possibly because of it breaking Guidelines), may create separate ones for each bug, complete with images. Cheers.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this thread is a little old, but I want to bring attention to these issues again. 

I've been a regular Yareli player, and I've been experiencing some pretty serious bugs - some of which have been mentioned already. 

HUGE issue: focus orbs/convergence orbs DON'T appear on Merulina. I'm 100% certain of this, and it's a huge issue for me as a Yareli main who's starting to work on my Focus schools. 

Another issue is my gun and abilities seem to lock up frequently. This happened A LOT when I was fighting a Sister of Parvos, way more often than usual, to the point where I had to switch frames for my final confrontation, so it might be something to do with the weapon stealing mechanic of some enemies (like the Hounds).  

Finally, and this one is a little harder to test, but a lot of the earlier boss transmissions don't come through on Merulina. I noticed this when fighting Tyl Regor - neither his nor Lotus' transmissions were coming through. I tested this multiple times and with other frames/while not on Merulina. It seems to me that the newer fights (Ropalolyst) don't have this issue, so I'm not 100% sure what's going on here.

I know DE is on their Christmas break now, but I hope that now that the New War is over, our favorite water girl frame can get some bug-fixing love <3

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