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Corpus Laser Based Warframe


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Yo. I've been rattling my mind lately about Eisa, the old Laser Warframe I suggested before... but no one seems to care much of her theme so I went to a revise to get her a bit more interesting... or maybe not.


I added her old abilities for suggestion, if she could work with the old ones to you guys.


So, here she is:


Name: Eisa
(A play in the name of a female character in Protonian lore, who specializes in Lasers. She is similar to the Sci-Fi Nova Frame, but Lasers.)
Appearance: (Old Version) Laser-themed, in such way with a Lightweight frame that composes of mirror panels and Laser emitters.
(New Version) She goes to the idea of a Corpus build utilizing great potential on laser technology. This could give her a boxy outlook, compared to all female frames.
Base Statistics
Health: 75 (225)
Power: 150 (225)
Armor: 15
Shields: 125 (375)
Shield Recharge: 26.3
Sprint Speed: 1.1
Stamina: 10 (100, in Codex specs)
1. Vaporize (Based from the ability of the Dethcube)

(Old Version)
This ability allows Eisa to shoot a beam with a short duration, usually deals good amounts of damage while stunning them in place. Just like the Dethcube.
Deals damage of 75/100/125/175 per second for 3/4/5/6 seconds.
Usually expends 25 energy, so it should be slightly more distant and more efficient than that of the Dethcube's.
Requires a target, this includes objects.
(New Version)
This ability allows Eisa to shoot a set of beams on a number of enemies around 3/4/5/6, with a damage of 125/200/275/350.
If one or more beams was not able to track a target, these beams will be redirected with the other beams for increased damaged. For example: 4 beams managed to hit 4 targets while 2 beams are forced to spread additional damage to the 4 beams.
If one beam is able to track a target while the rest did not, the damage is multiplied by the number of targets the ability supposed to have.
These beams are also treated like the Vaporize, stuns enemies in a short period.
Usually expends 25 energy, so it should be slightly more distant and more efficient than that of the Dethcube's.
Requires a target, this includes objects.

2. Point Defense (A passive ability)

This is a practically tricky ability, that shoots an even smaller laser that safely destroys projectiles (other than Hit-scan) when it is in range. This also destroys Osprey mines.
This has the cheapest energy expense of 5, per shot.
Practically the shortest range of four abilities.
Fires at a delay of 2/1.5/1.2/0.75 seconds.
In Conclaves, certain projectiles take a number of shots before being destroyed, for balancing. This also will be utilized on actual missions with more powerful weapons. (Which somehow can bear problems with larger projectiles.) Think of Point Defense as the equalizer against Nova's Null Star.
This ability is toggled.

3. "Read the spoiler."

(Old Versions)
Beam Cutter
This is not as powerful as the actual Orokin lasers... or is it?
Generates 8 directional plates that circle around Eisa within a short period.
These plates fire constantly, dealing damage that comes close. And also they have a certain range limit.
This commonly expends 75 energy.
Grid shows up, as this can reflect through walls and also passes through Eisa with ease.
Laser Grid
A somewhat Vauban-ish ability, though this one is already active upon use.
Launches a pair of Beam pods that generate a Laser Trap in between.
Any enemy the passes through will receive moderate damage. Significant damage, if they stayed in between for too long.
Distance of the beam should span about 6 meters in average, depending on how the pods are spread effectively.
As much as possible. This expends about 25 energy.
(New Ability Version)
Eisa utilizes the power of Hardlight technology, creating a pathway originating from her feet to the directed location of her choosing.
This Hardlight pathway has an angle limit of 65 degrees.
If ever the Hardlight is pointed more than 65 degrees, she creates a 90 degree Hardlight barrier that can block projectiles and hitscans.
Said that, the floor-version also blocks projectiles.
Duration of the Hardlight is guess to be 12/16/20/25 seconds.
Casting the Hardlight deals damage to enemies that comes across for around 250/350/450/600 Serrated Blade damage.
Also, to avoid her abuse, she can't cast it while in flight. She has to be on solid ground to do this.
This commonly expends 75 energy.

4. Blast

(Old Version)
This simply makes Eisa chargin' and firin' her laser. (There I said it.)
This is the largest blast of laser among all the abilities she has.
It consumes 100 energy and more until the another 100 energy is expended all throughout the firing, this spends a total of 200. If implemented in-game, this probably be the most expensive ability of Warframe.
Initial blast of energy after charging will deal more than half of the total damage, while the continuous array will complete the output.
This will put her to a stop, and can turn slowly when firing, so find a good spot to fire while she's charging.
This laser penetrates through enemies, smaller objects and bosses alike. This can be blocked by walls, but not glass, if it is possible.
This beam is wide, not as narrow is traditional lasers. Supposedly has a diameter of 3 meters, bigger than Eisa. Though, this is also quite distant, spanning about 35 meters at maximum. Not sure.
Charging takes a lot of time, twice more than most Warframes using their fourth abilities.
(New Version)
This simply makes Eisa chargin' and firin' her laser. (There I said it.)
This is the largest blast of laser among all the abilities she has.
It utilizes 4 energy per second upon activation. Second activation totally fires her beam.
The beam will deals an array of 250/300/350/425 laser damage per tick of 2 per second for 5/6/7/9 seconds with a beam radius of 1.5/1.75/2/2.5 meters at a range of 20/25/30/35 meters.
The first activation utilizes the damage output the player needs in order to defeat certain enemies. Too soon, the beam is slightly weaker, too late, then the beam would fire devastating blast that lay waste on enemies and energy.
This sets her energy feed limit up 30/50/70/100.
This feed will determine the extra damage she can force on her ability, using the ability's costs feed as a percentage.
- This can shrink with efficiency mods. For example, using 100 energy on the extra when the ability is 25% efficient, the ratio should still follow for the efficiency of 100% extra damage when 75 extra energy is expended.
-- Energy feed limit will also shrink as a result.
- Blind Rage can apply the opposite of the scenario, so choose wisely.
Her energy feed limit, by the way, does not consume the energy yet until the second activation is settled.
Eisa can move around will feeding energy to her fourth ability.
If ever she can't feed more energy, or the energy limit (when the total ability cost is higher than her energy capacity), it will stay that way until she is given more energy or she casts it away.
Like the old version, this will put her to a stop, and can turn slowly when firing, so find a good spot to fire while she's charging.
This laser penetrates through enemies, smaller objects and bosses alike. This can be blocked by walls, but not glass, if it is possible.
In total, this will consume 200 energy at its maximum potential.

That's all what I think of her for now.
Edited by Freelancer27
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